From The River To The Sea

The Government Of My Country Disgusts Me

Eagle Pass, Texas To Gaza

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(Source: NY Times, 3/220/24)

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(Source: Caitlin Johnstone, 3/20/24)

A reader comment on Caitlin Johnstone’s Substack today caught my eye. Commenting on the Gaza photo above, this reader wrote:

“Any news source that provides pictures of this atrocity will be banned if Israel can possibly do it.”

This reminded me of a personal episode, which prompted my reply as follows:

This reminds me of a personal story on the media coverage of the Abu Ghraib torture photos. Early on, they were not published in US media but were in Europe. At the time, I had a “citizen journalism” column at the Star Ledger, NJ’s largest newspaper. There was no editorial content control over what I wrote. Joe Lieberman (and/or with Obama support) sponsored a bill to amend the Freedom of Information Act to prohibit the release of these photos. Disgusted by that censorship, I wrote a column about the bill that provided a link to the European news photos. It was only a link (not the photos themselves) and I included a READER WARNING – GRAPHIC CONTENT.

But within 10 minutes of posting that column, I got an angry phone call by the Editor of the paper, screaming at me. He not only took the post down he terminated my column. Never forgot that episode. It’s also what started my blog.

The US media’s photo coverage of the Vietnam War contributed to the opposition and end of that war.

The Military and politicians learned that lesson, and instead of body bags on the TeeVee news and splashed across the front page of the newspapers, they “embedded” so called “journalists” and censored their coverage.

The internet and social media have smashed that censorship model, and we’re seeing a return to sanity, with growing opposition to the wars and genocide being conducted by Israel in Gaza.

And once again, the visual image is at the center of that phenomenon.

And the many parallels to Vietnam – including self immolation and the demise of LBJ and Biden – are downright spooky.

[End Note: for my photos of the Rio Grande River and border wall, see these posts:

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(Source: The Course Of Empire, Thomas Cole, 1836)

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Pinelands Commission Emulates Christie DEP “Customer Service” Management Policy

Oh, No! Say It Ain’t So!

Job Posting Seeks Skills In “Resolving Customer Issues”

One of the most ideological and damaging environmental policies of the Christie Administration was DEP Commissioner Bob Martin’s “customer service” management initiative. Every DEP staffer was required to take “customer service” training, essentially like a business school indoctrination session.

That management initiative fundamentally transformed the DEP from an independent “regulatory agency” into an overt “service provider” to the business community. The “goods and services” DEP “sold” to its “customers” were quick and easy rubber stamp permit and regulatory approvals, in exchange for permit fees (a deep perversion of the original “polluter pays” policy).

The DEP staffers were transformed from public servants into sales clerks to the business community.

This is not a semantic or tangential issue. The culture and management policy of a regulatory agency are critically important to its functions and ability to serve the public interest and protect human health and the environment.

A “customer service” policy legitimizes and openly celebrates the corrupt corporate capture model.

I strenuously opposed that initiative, see:

So I was disturbed to just now see that corrupt management initiative embraced by the Pinelands Commission.

The Commission just posted a job announcement for a Management Information Specialist. Among the required skills and responsibilities were “Resolving Customer Issues”. Read it and weep:

JOB OPPORTUNITY – The New Jersey Pinelands Commission, an independent state agency with regulatory jurisdiction over the million-acre Pinelands Area, is accepting applications for the full-time position of Management Information Systems Specialist 4.

This position supports the Pinelands Commission’s Information Systems internal helpdesk. The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills and a desire to make users more comfortable with the technologies they use daily. Responsibilities include: ensuring a timely response to all user inquiries and escalating support tickets to appropriate staff when necessary; organizing resources so they are easy to locate; maintaining an inventory of supplies; resolving customer issues, answering questions and offering access to helpful resources; maintaining accurate documentation and creating new documentation to address recurring problems; and following up with customers as needed to ensure any problems are resolved.

I immediately called bullshit and demanded the Executive Director Grogan delete this “customer service” garbage:

———- Original Message ———-

From: Bill WOLFE <b>

To: “Grogan, Susan [PINELANDS]” <>

Cc: Mark Lohbauer <>

Date: 03/19/2024 10:28 AM EDT

Subject: Fwd: Job Opportunity: Pinelands Commission Management Information Specialist 4

Dear Director Grogan:

This function is included in the solicitation:

“resolving customer issues”

The common definition of “customer” is:

“a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business.

“Mr. Harrison was a regular customer at the Golden Lion”

The Commission is a public agency and does not sell anything and thus has no “customers”, see:

If I am wrong about that and missed some commercial function, please correct me and tell me what goods and/or services are sold to “customers” by the Commission.

If not, please delate this function from the job posting.

I still recall the negative implications of the Christie DEP’s “customer service” management initiative and I’d hate to learn that this is being emulated by the Commission.


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NJ Gov. Murphy’s Lame Response To COVID Failures Recycles Former Gov. Codey’s Task Force

Gov. Codey Executive Order Created A Public Health Planning Task Force Back In 2002

That Task Force Was Abolished By Gov. Christie

Still No Mention Of Liability Immunity Law Murphy Signed

I read today that Gov. Murphy’s response to a 900 page consultant’s $9 million Report on COVID failures is to create a Task Force: (NJ Spotlight):

He pledged to create a task force to examine the recommendations and develop lasting reforms, with help from lawmakers, noting that “statutes have a permanency to them that will help cement practices and preventions in place.”

Murphy said the task force — to be led by the state health commissioner and the state police colonel, who was a major player in the COVID-19 response — is also charged with ensuring that state officials are trained to implement the response plan if an emergency strikes.

That is almost verbatim from Acting Gov. Codey’s Executive Order #140, issued in 2002 in the wake of the 9/11 disaster prevention planning failures and suspected public health threats of terrorism.

I wrote about that just 2 weeks ago, and tweeted it out to Lilo Stainton the NJ Spotlight reporter on this issue, see:

So I can’t understand why there is not a more critical report on Murphy’s lame response.

Readers also are told that the State had a pandemic plan that was not implemented:

According to the report, the state had a pandemic plan and other crisis guidance in place when the virus emerged, but few leaders were aware of its existence.

Again, I reported that FACT at the outset of the COVID pandemic.

In March 2020, I wrote about that pandemic plan and warned that State officials ignored it, see:

You don’t need a $9 million consultant Report to know that. I did it for free and the incompetent journalists and State officials just ignored it.

And I Tweeted that March 2020 post to Spotlight reporter Lilo Stainton too. So she and Spotlight editors are part of the problem as well.

And, although I have not yet read the $9 million 900 page report ($10,000 a page!), I still see nothing about the criminal scandal of the liability immunity law Gov. Murphy signed. I hope repeal of that law was included in the 33 recommendations in the $9 million Report ($272,727 each!).

A similar NY State liability immunity law triggered an investigation and Report by the NY Attorney General which led to the repeal of that law and was part of the downfall of Gov. Cuomo. NY AG issued that Report over 3 YEARS ago, so where has everyone in NJ been?

How could this issue not be a prominent part of the coverage?

Seems like we have a pattern of failure not only in State government, but in NJ media circles as well.

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Say Goodbye To Winter Night

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Winter Night

Henry Martin Gasser (1909 – 1981)

Gasser was born in Newark, New Jersey, where he lived for most of his life. … Henry Martin Gasser was an American painter in every sense. From his working-class industrial town, he sought out the greatest artists in the area in order to study from them and found inspiration in his backyard. Through persistence and a spirit of originality, Gasser turned humble scenes of urban American life in the mid-twentieth century into extraordinary works of art that were widely praised by the art world.

Despite its highly individualistic style, Gasser’s work still fits neatly into the tradition established by his American predecessors. In addition to exhibiting influence from Grabach, Gasser’s realist depictions of everyday life continued the legacy of the Ashcan painters. The majority of Gasser’s work portrays his native New Jersey. By the time he reached artistic maturity in the mid-twentieth century, Newark had become a major industrial center. Such cities, although the life force of American industry and ingenuity, were not known for their scenic qualities. Nonetheless, Gasser found beauty in his surroundings. His artworks typically feature urban scenes, such as residential streets lined with houses and blue-collar suburban communities. Along with painting in New Jersey and New York, he embarked on excursions with Grabach to New England to capture coastal views and winter scenery.

[Note: see Ashcan School

Watch: The Ashcan School: America’s Lost Art Movement

Read: Ashcan Art, Whiteness, and the Unspectacular Man

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Winter Parking

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Highway Diner

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The Underpass

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View From Kelvin’s Window

Screenshot 2024-03-17 at 9.53.46 AM


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Hill Street, Winter Harbor

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Industrial Landscape (Newark)

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Harrison House

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Backyard In Newark

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Oil Well Outskirts

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A “Green” Performance

Chairman Smith Guts “Green Amendment” By Deleting The Enforcement Mechanism

DEP Action And Inaction Deleted

EXPLANATION – Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is
not enacted and is intended to be omitted in the law.

Chairman Smith amended the proposed “Green Amendment” and released SCR 43 from Committee yesterday. Smith provided no explanation or justification for the amendments in a brief 15 minute hearing, which ended in loud applause from supporters of the Green Amendment.

The amendments listed “a safe climate” among the Constitutional “rights”, appearing to address one of 3 fatal flaws I flagged initially on March 2 and that later was requested by Maya van Rossum in testimony on March 7.

But the amendments did NOT include 2 other fatal flaws: lack of rights for environmental justice and public health (a “healthy environment” means what it says: it does not say healthy for humans. This lack of precision is replicated throughout this flawed measure.)

And there was no specific scientific or numeric standard included in the SCR that would define what a “safe climate” is. I suggested 350 parts per million CO2, the level scientists suggest is the highest concentration that can support a stable (“safe”) climate.

But, before climate activists start applauding, consider the fact that the brackets taketh away. SCR 43 now reads:

The State shall not infringe upon these rights 1[, by action or inaction]1

State “action” means things like DEP permits.

State “inaction” means things like the failure of DEP regulations and permits to address or reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stop destruction of forests and farms by development, and allow petro-chemical companies to poison the air and water of the State.

And the law would not apply to violations of these rights by the private sector – only by the State (and are municipal, County, and regional governments and Authorities considered “the State”?)

All of which confirm my assessment: Washington Post:

The measure would decree that “the state’s natural resources, among them its waters, air, flora, fauna, climate, and public lands, are the common property of all the people, including both present and future generations. The state shall serve as trustee of these resources, and shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all people.”

But Bill Wolfe, a former official with the state Department of Environmental Protection and a frequent critic of the agency, said the state already is the trustee of those resources under the Public Trust Doctrine, a legal concept dating back to the Roman Empire that the state has adopted in other areas, including access to beaches and waterways.

The bill is deeply flawed, and I believe it is more performative than a serious effort,” he said.

[Update – see this for background info on the NJ DEP “public trust doctrine”.

The NJ DEP also has explicit legal authority to enforce the Public Trust Doctrine in the toxic site remediation program, the Natural Resource Restoration program, and under the delegated federal Clean Water Act. There s implicit authority in DEP’s enabling legislation and several other State environmental laws. NJ DEP and environmental groups do very, very little work to actually enforce this existing authority.~~~ end update]

So, why would Chairman Smith delete “State action and inaction” from the bill?

It was clearly a sop to the business community, who claimed that: (read the whole thing)

NJBIA is opposing a constitutional amendment that attempts to establish that every person has a legal right to a clean environment because it will lead to a surge in costly litigiation (sic) and create uncertainty that would jeopardize financing for public infrastructure and private development projects.

Let me translate that: the “costly litigation” NJ BIA refers to is legal challenges to DEP permits (“State action”) that violate environmental rights. These challenges could stop or increase the costs of proposed development or the operations of existing polluters.

The “uncertainty” NJ BIA refers to involves whether citizens might challenge DEP permits or regulations for failure to protect those environmental rights and thereby block their proposed developments or impose compliance costs on their pollution (“State inaction”)

(and Ray Cantor at NJ BIA should get a spell check or editor – bad form to make those kinds of typos, especially in such a significant statement).

So, by deleting “state action and inaction”, that uncertainty is greatly reduced, if not eliminated.

Basically, the DEP status quo is protected – all the laws, regulations, and DEP permit practices are presumed adequate and the burden on the challenger is increased.

Legal challenges to DEP permits or regulations to enforce those rights can not rely on the specific legal standard that the “inaction” of the State is what the lawyers call “actionable”.

Courts will not break a sweat in (“strict scrutiny”) defining what it means for the “State” to “infringe upon” these rights. They may now even conclude that deletion of “State action and inaction” was legislative intent to take “inaction” completely off the table. That means decades of individual lawsuits on a case by case site specific basis to develop the case law and precedent.

(contrast that with, let’s say, State DEP and BPU regulations that would mandate reductions in GHG emissions to meet the aspirational goals of the Global Warming Response Act and the toothless rhetoric of Gov. Murphy’s numerous self serving Executive Orders on climate and energy. I could offer dozens of more examples of regulatory standards that would put teeth in environmental laws and regulations and hold DEP accountable to democratic demands, while empowering activists, not lawyers and judges.).

(and in contrast to the closed judicial chambers, all those DEP regulatory adoption and permit issuance procedures include public notice, public comment, and public hearings, which activists can use as organizing and political platforms to turn out mass crowds to press for real substantive and structural changes, not aspirational vague platitudes like a “safe climate” as ruled by a judge (with a “compelling state interest” escape hatch)

When I think of all the hard work of young and idealistic and enthusiastic climate activists in particular – and the round of applause given to Smith upon release of the SCR yesterday – it turns my stomach and makes my blood boil.

These people will invest their hearts and souls in working to enact this Resolution.

They’ve been told that this is what democracy looks like.

They’ve been told that this approach will be “a game changer” on climate.

Yet, even if they succeed, their democratic work work will do very little and depend on raising money to hire expensive lawyers and experts to file lawsuits based on esoteric legal doctrines argued in closed courtroom settings and decided by a (likely) conservative old white man in black robes.

This is a gross perversion of democracy. And deeply cynical manipulation by Trenton policymakers and the “leaders” of this initiative.

Worse, it will divert huge activist resources and time from far more effective strategies that actually build democratic political power, hold  corporate polluters and government accountable, and force the kind of changes required to preserve what’s left of our natural environment and damped the climate catastrophe.

In closing, I thought we had hit moral rock bottom and cynicism when Joe Biden described manufacture and provision of 2,000 pound bombs to Israel to murder women and children in a genocide as “investments in a US jobs program” – in swing states no less!

But, manipulation of idealistic young people about the viability of their future might be worse.

[End Note: I intentionally left Chairman Smith’s remarks out, because I was disgusted in how he laid the foundation to blame the activists when this fails (e.g. they failed to convince the legislature). But, because NJ Spotlight reported them (in a boxed quote, no less), I’ll note that because Smith knows that the SCR 43 is DOA, it confirms my criticism that he’s engaging in a cynical performative stunt:

‘You are going to have a big job to convince the Legislature that this is the right thing to do,’ said Sen. Bob Smith (D-Middlesex), referring to the proposed constitutional amendment.

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