Bordentown Environmental Commission: “Noise Is A Serious Issue”

the author debates history (Bordentown, NJ - 4/27/13)

the author debates history (Bordentown, NJ – 4/27/13)

I got an email today titled  “Noise is a serious issue” from the Bordentown City Environmental Commission announcing an upcoming presentation: “The Rising Costs of Noise Pollution”

It brought back fond memories (photo essay) of when I lived there – including the disaster that occurred when I tried to get enforcement of an egregious noise violation.

Perversely, I ended up charged by police for “interfering in a police investigation” (the charge was later dropped by the local prosecutor).

The prosecutor had no choice, because I found that the flawed local noise ordinance was not enforceable and that it has been invalidated by the NJ Supreme Court. I wrote:

Bordentown Police lack training and equipment and funding to meet state standards and have not sought delegation. And the NJ Supreme Court had invalidated the local ordinance I was threatened with violating.

I wrote about the ordeal in this post:

I reached  out to the Environmental Commission to ask if the flaws I identified have been remedied over the last 9 years. I doubt it.

I’m not holding my breath for a reply. We’ll let you know.

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