Working Boats – Belford, NJ

It’s always we rambled, that river and I
All along your green valley, I will work till I die
My land I’ll defend with my life if it be
Cause my pastures of plenty must always be free

~~~ Woody Guthrie “Pastures of Plenty”


Oops, how did this photo get in this story? Hints here:

Fishin’ down on th’ muddy bank,
Felt a pull an’ give a big yank,
I drug out three old rubber boots,
A Ford radiator an’ a Chevrolet coop
(Nothin’ but Junk, so I handed it in
For National Defence).
Settin’ in a boat with a bucket of beer,
Hadn’t caught nuthin’ but didn’t much care,
I guess I was pretty well satisfied,
Had my little woman right by my side
(Takin’ it easy, just waitin’
Worm been gone off-a that hook for a couple of hours.
I was busy).

~~~ Woody Guthrie “Talking Fishing Blues”

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8 Responses to Working Boats – Belford, NJ

  1. blarneyboy says:

    Why would anyone want to catch a fish when they go fishing?
    Woody had the right idea.
    It remains disturbing that even the Great Banks of the north Atlantic are empty of fishes. Scary.

  2. blarneyboy says:

    The GRAND Banks, where the cod disappeared, almost overnight, 20 years ago. I’m confusing the great banks that are disappearing in America, I guess. They smell like mackeral in the moonlight, though.

  3. nohesitation says:

    blarneyboy – I loved the freudian slip[ on teh baksters stibnko.
    But the water is not just empty of fishes – eating the ones that are there might poison you:
    New Warnings Issued on Eating Local Fish ; Mercury, PCBs Found in More Waterways
    (link to Bergen record story by Colleen Diskin will not post – do the Google)

  4. nohesitation says:

    blarney – I obviously can’t type:
    I meant to type:
    “I loved the Freudian slip on the banksters’ stinko”

  5. blarneyboy says:

    Thanks, both for the compliment, but mostly for a palpable concern for the earth, the sea and the air. It’s “the good fight”.

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