After Spell of 3 Years & 7 Months, the NJ Drinking Water Quality Institute To Meet Again
All your magic and your ways and schemes
All your lies come and tear at your dreams
When the spell is broken
(Can’t cry if you don’t know how)
When the spell is broken
Now you’re handing her that same old line
It’s just straws in the wind this time
When love has died,
There’s none starry-eyed
No kiss, no tears,
No farewell souvenirs
Not even a token, when the spell is brokenDon’t swear your heart
From the very start
Love letters you wrote
Are pushed back down you throat
And leave you choking, when the spell is broken ~~~ When the spell is broken (Richard Thompson)Richard Thompson version (listen)
The spell is broken.
(We know who imposed the spell and why the spell was imposed.)
DEP just posted a note on their website that the NJ Drinking Water Quality Institute will meet on April 29, 2014, after a 3 year and 7 month spell.
Here is the Agenda for that meeting.
Because it appears that DEP will be pursuing an MCL for PFNA, I need to update this recent post, where I questioned DEP’s motives and accused the DEP of evading the MCL route in favor of an Interim Specific Ground Water Quality Criteria.
But, according to the agenda, there is no clarity regarding the “status of (prior) DWQI recommendations”, so I still question DEP’s motives.
To see what those prior DWQI recommendations are, see this post, which I wrote after the last DWQI meeting on September 10, 2010:
For a clarification and expansion on that post, see this post, which I wrote a few days later:
Should be an interesting meeting on April 29, 2014 – hope to see you there.
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