Simple Facts Show That Lonegan, AFP & Christie Are Lying Again
This one is so easy, it doesn’t even require words (and I do not support RGGI).
But much harder, are the questions of whether facts even matter in our corrupt political debates and superficial media coverage, and whether reporters, the Buono campaign, and enviro’s can get on the same factual page.
Gov. Christie and NJ Senate Candidate Steven Lonegan and his corporate Koch Brothers puppet-master Americans For Prosperity (AFP) are attacking Senator Buono and echoing prior Lonegan and Governor Christie claims that the northeast States’ Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) was a significant tax on energy that drove NJ’s high energy prices.
A Christie campaign spokesman, Kevin Roberts, said in response that RGGI was “demonstrably ineffective.” The governor has said that it does not alter the behavior of energy producers but rather raises electric rates for New Jersey residents and businesses.
“It amounted to a tax on businesses so it’s not a surprise that Buono supports it,” Roberts said.
Facts on the breakdown of energy costs, from the NJ Energy Master Plan – note that the RGGI charge is so small it is invisible on these charts:
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