NY activists put the heat on NY Gov. Cuomo - thousands of these photos will be sent as postcards to Cuomo. I'm sure they'll have some resonance, as Cuomo contemplates higher office (7/28/12)
Yesterday, in another day of extreme weather sweltering 95 degree heat – contributing to the hottest July ever in Washington DC (breaking a record set just last July) – representatives of 138 groups from across the country held the first ever national anti-fracking rally: “Stop the Frack Attack”.
For me, it was the end of the “Tour De Frack” – (story and photos forthcoming!)
For more than 5,000 others who were there, the day was a sweat drenched inspiration.
NJ was well represented – event co-sponsor Maya Van Rossum and Tracy Carlucchio led the “Don’t Drill the Delaware” crowd from Delaware Riverkeeper Network.
They celebrated the perfectly timed Pennsylvania court decision which struck down the preemption of municipal land use controls over fracking in Act 13 as unconstitutional. (you can read the opinion here)
[Update: oops! Just read the Court’s opinion. Local preemption was NOT the ground upon which Act 13 was struck down as unconstitutional! More to follow on this very interesting and important legal decision.]
Sierra Club also was a co-sponsor and I saw several NJ Chapter members there.
Food & Water Watch commandeered an open deck tour bus, and charged the DC streets with loud chants from the open deck, e.g. “Who’s’ Water? – Our Water!” -“Ban Fracking Now!” – “One, we are the People. Two, you can’t ignore us. Three, we will not let you poison our water!”
I had a blast riding the bus with F&WW Director Jim Walsh and other NY/NJ activist during the bus for the march portion of the event. We rode from the Capitol lawn to the corporate headquarters of the American Petroleum Institute and the National Gas Association.
But I spent the day with the folks I met out in Pittsburgh and other members of “Marcellusprotest.org”. Stop by and vista that web site for information, resources, and organizing tactics.
The Pittsburg people were the only group to arrive and march off the bus to the Capitol lawn in solidarity, with loud and well organized chants! They are one fired up, well informed, and effective bunch of activists!
The Pittsburgh people joined the final speaker, Doug Shields former Pittsburgh Councilman – to highlight Pittsburgh’s fracking ban, the first in the nation (watch the Pittsburgh story in Josh Fox’s latest short video: “The Sky is Pink”).
Shields was a fired up speaker, and the Pittsburgh people did a great job in closing out the speaker portion of the rally – ending just as loud and proud and fighting for justice as they arrived!
Here’s some scenes from the day:

Pittsburgh activists rock - from Left -film-maker Josh Fox, activist Ken Weir who's place I stayed at - Loretta Weir his wife is second from right. To her left is Mel Packer, a brilliant organizer and activist. Mel put me up for a night too

"Tour De Frack" - complete trip riders Ping (L) and Mike (R) - not shown are Tom (Occupy Pittsburgh and a professional photographer) and Jason, only those 4 riders completed the 400 mile journey
And very few people are aware of scientific studies that suggest that natural gas has greenhouse warming potential that is greater than coal. The myth that natural gas is a “transition fuel” to clean renewable energy was a lie from day 1.
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