Murphy DEP Failed To Accurately Notify The Public About Rights To Appeal To EPA On Newark Fossil Power Plan Permit

DEP Did Not Provide EPA Appeal Procedures

We Fire The First Shot Across The Bow To Get Trump EPA’s Attention

This post goes deep in the regulatory weeds, so if that’s not your thing, just hit the delete button.

But before doing so, consider that many environmental battles are won based on procedural errors!

I am NOT an expert in air pollution permit issues and rarely get involved in them. The science and technical issues are extremely complex and the regulations are absolutely byzantine.

I sense that this is by design, to make it almost impossible for people to understand and participate in Clean Air Act programs to hold polluters and government accountable, while allowing lobbyists and lawyers for the polluters to capture and control government regulators.

But I do have 2 very big wins on air regulatory issues when I have weighed in:



So, when I roll up my sleeves, I can win.

The Murphy DEP’s permit decision-making in the Newark fossil gas power plant was so egregiously flawed that I sense it’s worth some time to read the regulations and engage with the EPA.

And right out of the box, after reading the applicable EPA regulations (40 CFR 70.8), I see that the Murphy DEP may have made mistakes.

DEP managed to confuse and mislead the public about how to participate in the EPA’s review and they failed to even mention the 60 day clock on the public’s right to petition EPA (search EPA’s database for the phrase: “Title V Operating Permits Public Petitions” to see 844 records!)

In order to send a message to EPA Region 2 permit review staff who supervise the NJ DEP permit program under the Clean Air Act that someone is looking, I sent them the following note.

The DEP’s error is very minor and easily remedied, but EPA’s response will signal whether they are willing to hold DEP’s feet to the fire on this permit.

Ideally, they will conclude that the DEP permit raises national legal precedent and policy issues and refer the case to EPA HQ in Washington DC for decision:

Dear EPA Region 2 Title V Permit Reviewers:

I write concerning the subject Title V permit recently issued by the NJ DEP.

It appears that DEP has made a procedural error regarding public notice of applicable requirements pursuant to 40 CFR 70.8 (see my email below to Kevin Greener, NJ DEP contact). It appears that DEP provided notice to the commenters on the permit, however, that notice was flawed for 3 reasons:

1) it omitted the public appeal procedures pursuant to 40 CFR 70.8(d);

2) it appears to have been provided only to commenters on the draft permit; and

3) the inclusion of the EPA 45 day review period and omission of the 60 day appeal procedure created confusion and thereby provided inadequate public notice.

Please be advised that I plan on filing substantive comments to EPA pursuant to EPA’s review under 40 CFR 70.8(c). This email does NOT constitute those future comments.

Given the controversy over this permit and high public profile, I wanted to bring this matter to your attention and be assured that EPA is taking a hard look at the NJ DEP’s permit decisions in this matter.

Please request that NJ DEP provide accurate and adequate public notice in accordance with applicable requirements.

I look forward to your timely and favorable reply.


Bill Wolfe

———- Original Message ———-

From: Bill WOLFE <>

To:,, Bill WOLFE <>

Date: 02/16/2025 9:16 AM EST

Subject: Fwd: Response to Comments on Air Permit Application BOP210002 for PI # 07349

Kevin – your email notice below left out important information.

Pursuant to applicable federal regulations: (40 CFR 70.8(d))

“if the Administrator does not object in writing under paragraph (c) of this section, any person may petition the Administrator within 60 days after the expiration of the Administrator’s 45-day review period to make such objection.

I assume that this email notice was provided only to commenters on the draft permit. However, the commenters and the public should be provided adequate notice and made aware of the opportunity to object. Note the regulatory term “any person“, not just commenters.

Please correct this inaccurate notice to commenters and the public (inaccurate by omission).

Bill Wolfe

c: Commissioner LaTourette

———- Original Message ———-

From: Pagodin, Timothy [DEP]

To: Greener, Kevin [DEP]

Date: 02/14/2025 12:12 PM EST

Subject: Response to Comments on Air Permit Application BOP210002 for PI # 07349

Re:         Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission

Facility Program Interest No.:  07349, Permit Activity No.: BOP210002


Dear Commenter:

This is to inform you that the public comment period for the draft permit for the above referenced facility has closed. You have submitted comments regarding this draft permit. The Department’s response document addressing these comments, the proposed operating permit and the statement of basis are available on the Department’s website at

The Department is now sending the proposed operating permit for this facility to EPA for their review and comment. State and Federal rules provide EPA a 45-day period to comment on proposed permits. 

These rules also allow you to petition the EPA to object to the final permit as long as you provided timely comments to the Department during the public comment period, consistent with N.J.A.C. 7:27-22.12(g). The EPA’s 45-day proposed permit review period and the public petition deadline are posted on EPA’s website: You may contact EPA with any questions regarding a public petition for this proposed permit.

If you have any questions regarding this Proposed Operating Permit, please contact Kevin Greener at (609) 609-940-5668 or

Timothy Pagodin

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