Everything Millions Of Americans Have Worked Their Lifetimes For Is Being Destroyed By Trump

Why Can’t US Media Be Specific And Call This Out?

Tell me why – tell me why – is it hard to make arrangements with yourself. ~~~ Neil Young(1970)

I just watched another excellent Chris Hedges Q&A video, where he responds to readers’ questions.

Again, I came away extremely frustrated (and it’s not because he again failed to answer my questions).

Don’t get me wrong, I love Hedges and have read all his books. I love the life of the mind and try to keep up my reading and thinking.

But there is a huge gulf between the ideas Hedges lays out, and the “average” American citizen and “voter” (and forget about the ignorance of Trump’s MAGA base).

Let me offer just two examples:

Millions of people have fought for decades to protect western lands, forests, national parks, and clean air and clean water. They have spent millions of hours reading technical documents, going to meetings, making phone calls, writing letters, testifying at hearings, and attending street protests.

Yet ALL – and I mean ALL – of that work of many people’s lifetimes and careers is completely wiped out by JUST TWO TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS: Google:


Read them! You don’t need to be a lawyer or policy wonk to see exactly what’s going on!

This is rape and pillage.

Yet none of this CONCRETE REALITY is reported by the media and effectively criticized by environmental groups.

Why doesn’t Hedges use his talents to be more specific?

How else are we to win the war against the Trump fascists if we don’t tell the people specifically how Trump is destroying what they care so deeply about?

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