NJ Green Mafia Corruption Reaches A New Low
The New Field Look Of Sierra Club
NJ Wind Works – “Greens” Working Hard For Corporate Wind
Take a good look at the photo above.
What does it say? Climate justice? Or corporate corruption?
It’s bad enough that NJ environmental groups – now including my former employer Sierra Club, NJ Chapter – take money from corporate wind developers and then form fake “grassroots groups” to launder that money and advocate their corporate interests under the guise of “climate justice”.
That’s the expanding graft and corruption I’ve been criticizing for years now (e.g. Orsted sponsorship). And it is sickening to know that it has now corrupted the Sierra Club, NJ Chapter (that’s new Chapter Director, Anjuli showing some leg on the right in the first row).
But to (corporate) whore around like Wall Street glitterati is a bridge far too far.
It’s disgusting, disgraceful, beyond the pale and it must be exposed and denounced.
The picture was taken at the recent November 9 “Ventus” 2023 awards ceremony.
Who and what the hell are the “Ventus awards” you ask? Maybe you haven’t heard of their recent Orwellian name change:
The Ventus Awards are the Oceantic Network’s (formerly known as the Business Network for Offshore Wind) highest level of professional recognition, celebrating the trailblazing people, companies, organizations, and work worldwide ushering in the global adoption of offshore wind energy.
With wind industry money, the NJ environmental groups formed a fake astroturf group called NJ Wind Works and then joined a “Business Network” – all with no public disclosure to the media and the general public (and very likely to the groups’ own members).
The NJ Wind Works group was a finalist for the 2023 Ventus award for “Leadership”. Repeat: “Leadership”! Let that sink in.
Not only is the NJ Wind Works outfit a hopelessly corrupt corporate front and propaganda group (their website does not disclose wind industry and other corporate funding).
They were incompetent and a total failure in implementing their own mission and objectives (in case you missed it, Gov. Murphy’s off shore wind project recently collapsed):
New Jersey Wind Works
New Jersey Wind Works (NJWW) is a growing coalition of environmental, faith- based, labor, and community-based organizations who work together to advocate f for responsibly developed offshore wind in New Jersey. The primary focus of the coalition is to conduct public education and engagement to all stakeholders including public officials, community based and statewide interest groups, and grassroots constituents for the purpose of building support statewide to transition to clean and renewable energy.
Throughout the latter half of 2022 and into the spring of 2023, NJWW pivoted its messaging, tactics, and strategies to respond to the mounting concerns over marine mammal deaths along the Jersey Shore. NJWW also submitted a joint comment to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management in July 2023 regarding the Atlantic Shores Wind Projects I and II, urging partial decommissioning to be the default for all upcoming offshore wind projects.
The Ventus gala fraud is the last straw.
I’ve watched how the new Sierra Director Anjuli has totally destroyed the Sierra Chapter that Jeff Tittel built (with some of my help.I worked as Sierra Policy Director and was Acting Director when Jeff Tittel was hired. I worked with Jeff very well for about 5 years until 2002, when I returned to DEP). NJ Sierra used to be the leading and most aggressive grassroots organization, with Statewide political influence and media presence.
My next post will document the total collapse of the NJ Chapter under her “leadership”.