From The Enron Scandal To Climate Denial

Gov. Christie, backed by DEP Commissioner Bob Martin – Source: Aristide Economopoulos | NJ Advance Media for (7/23/15)
A key member of NJ Gov. Christie’s Cabinet likes to brag about his energy expertise:
An accomplished business and industry leader with recognized expertise in energy and utilities, in 2008 Commissioner Martin retired as a partner with over 25 years of experience at Accenture LLP, the world’s largest business and technology consulting firm. ~~~ Bio of Bob Martin, Christie DEP Commissioner
I wonder if NJ Governor Chris Christie’s Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin – who brags abut his energy consulting career at Accenture and “chaired the [Gov.’s] energy and utilities Transition Team” – is the source of this advice (or failure to provide advise) to the Governor on climate change: (
“What I am saying is that it’s not a crisis. The climate’s been changing forever … I just don’t buy that. I just don’t buy the fact that it’s a ‘crisis,’ I just don’t.”
Pressed to answer why, Christie again answered, “Because I don’t believe it is. I just don’t see that there’s any evidence that it’s a crisis.”
Asked which scientists supported his assertion, Christie said: “I didn’t say I was relying on any scientists. I don’t see evidence that it’s a crisis.”
If Gov. Christie is not relying on scientists, is he relying on his Transition Team Energy Chair and current DEP Commissioner and cabinet member?
I also wonder how Accenture, as “the world’s largest business and technology consulting firm”, feels about a former career executive and Partner there being affiliated with climate denial?
Does that instill confidence in the firm? Add value? Provide Shareholder support?
Does the current Accenture Board and management team see it as harming the reputation of the firm or its brand?
Does Martin reflect the scientific capabilities of the firm?
Given the fact that Accenture was spun off from the criminal prosecution of Arthur Anderson for its role in the Enron scandal, I guess they’re used to handling scandals over there.
Perhaps a reporter might given the firm’s PR people a call and ask?
[PS – if we’ve got it all wrong, i.e. if Martin has been banging on the Gov.’s door for 5 years warning about the climate crisis, all Martin needs to do is make a public statement to clarify his views on the issue of climate change and separate himself from the Gov. If not, he is tarred with the Gov.’s brush.
Some things are worth resigning over, Bob]
[Update – Came across this Accenture Report – ironic, no?
The global economy is on the wrong track, and business is not playing its part in forging a sustainable future. This is the strong view from our study of more than 1,000 CEOs across the world: just 32% believe that the global economy is on track to meet the demands of a growing population within global environmental and resource constraints, and a clear majority—67%—do not believe that business is doing enough to address global sustainability challenges.
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