“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they made…” ~~~ The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Now we know why he can’t imagine what it’s like to walk a mile in the shoes of regular New Jerseyans: He doesn’t even walk 100 yards in his own. ~~~ Star Ledger editorial (6/2/11)
Many people – myself included – were deeply offended by Gov. Christie’s veto of gun clip legislation and his outrageous slur that the bill was “trivial”. And all this was closely followed by his sociopathic selection of Connecticut as a place to hold a fundraiser.
Thankfully, those sentiments were picked up in most press reports (watch good video interview by SL’s Brian Donohue)
Christie’s divisive tactics are way beyond insensitive, and are reminiscent of the ugly NRA protests in places shortly after gun slaughters, or of Ronald Reagan kicking off the 1980 Presidential campaign in Neshoba County Mississippi with a State’s rights message.
Simply put, like the classic demagogue, Christie is cynically doubling down – he’s intentionally going out of his way to stick a finger in the eye, intentionally wound political opponents, and send a political message about his so called “strong leadership”.
This is the ugly way Christie rolls.
And, while the NJ media is well aware of all that, they are afraid to write that story and instead write about his reputation for “strong leadership” and “straight shooting”, hometown cheerleading that is helping CHrisite frame his nation media narrative as he seeks the 2016 nomination.
But, there are far deeper and more profound problems illustrated by the Christie visit to Greenwich that are being totally ignored by the both the national and NJ press corps – many of whom, aside from the limits imposed by their corporate owners and timid editors, seem genuinely oblivious – and virtually all of the protesters at yesterday’s event (myself excluded, of course!).
It’s about the shocking facts of growing concentrations of vast wealth and income and increasing inequality, the destruction of the middle class, and the arrogance of power of corrupt money in our politics.
About corporations and billionaire’s buying our democracy – the 0.01 percent (no typo, 1/100th of 1%)
About corrupt politicians following the money and serving special interests, not the public interest.
About an economy built on Wall Street finance that is killing main street.
About a culture of materialism, accumulation, and conspicuous consumption.
About the privatization and appropriation of public space.
About the rich seeking to carve out private enclaves in hopes of shielding themselves from the riff raff and from the growing chaos their wealth and power are creating for the rest of us. I got mine jack, screw you. A pathological lack of empathy.
Greenwich shows us all of that pathology – and more – in spades.
With all these dynamics so obviously destroying our democracy and the planet, it takes an incredible, even sociopathic, Chutzpa to hold a fundraiser in a private gated community in the home of a Wall Street hedge fund manager.
- My Greenwich Adventure – Off To The Gated Land
That’s why I wandered off to Greenwich yesterday – and in doing so, I managed to pierce the veil and get a peek inside this sheltered private world of privilege. Take a look at what I saw.
I brought my bicycle and arrived early so I could get a lay of the land. I wanted to see how The Gated Ones lived and consumed. My first sight was a yatch that looked like it was out for an afternoon shopping spree:
The ferry you see here was no typical ferry. It was restricted to Greenwich residents – no Gilligan’s Island 3 hour tour – they took special passengers – not the public – to two private islands, where I was told there were small public beaches, but only for Greenwich’s wealthy residents.
I then took a walk in downtown Greenwich, which makes Princeton look like modest:

Looks like an official government building, no? The former US Post Office, now a Restoration Hardware
Here’s what it looks like inside, where decorative moss gets intimate attention:
After that tour, I proceeded to literally crash the gates of Belle Haven, where The Gated Ones live:
After deceiving and driving past the guards, I was able to look at some of the homes of The Gated Ones – the spirit of Jay Gatsby was so alive, I almost sensed he would pop out from behind a tree down by the “The Club”:
I got a close up view of the children of The Gated Ones – innocently safe and secure in their wealth and privilege, defended by private security guarded gates. As these folks wage Class War and slash spending on public schools, social programs, and public parks and rereation and public spaces, they make sure to lavishly take care of their own:
The Gated Ones live in large castles:
With long driveways lined by mature trees:
Their estates are defended by ostentations displays:
As I finished the loop of the community of The Gated Ones, I stopped my bike for a drink of water and took out the camera – The Gated Ones don’t allow photography of their Private Property:
I rather think you’ve got the picture by now, yes?
So what continues to boggle my mind is how any middle or working class person – the disenfranchised 99% – could vote for this corruption and why the corporate media is not denounced and shamed for embracing, not exposing and criticizing this corruption.
So, are these the “Beautiful People”?
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