Take a Good Hard Look at Your Guns Nuts

 A Tiny Faction of Pathetic Old Fat White Men Block Reforms on Gun Safety

About 15 pro-gun advocates rallied at an abandoned gas station on Route 35 in Woodbridge today. Their two-hour demonstration was one of eight being held across New Jersey this weekend to protest gun-control legislation. Seth Augenstein/The Star-Ledger


Where the veterans dream of the fight
Fast asleep at the traffic light  ~~~~  The Pretender (Jackson Brown (1976 –  listen)

Take a good hard look at those scary NRA gun nuts, who allegedly wield so much political power.

A pathetic drooling handful of fat old white men.

Then read the Star Ledger coverage of their pathetic “protest” (hit this link).

These are the folks who block reforms on gun safety? You must be kidding, right?

And they picked an apt location – an old closed gas station in Woodbridge off Rt. 35.

Why does the Ledger even cover this garbage?  They miss tons of real news every day, and they cover this crap?

The only reason I posted this is to show how marginal and pathetic this gun nut crowd is.

Compare this crew to the thousands upon thousands of moms, dads, teachers, cops and everyday people demanding gun safety!

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