Washington's rock (Delaware River) - Goat Hill
It’s nice to visit places in all seasons – the colors, smells, sounds, wildlife, and vegetation are in constant flux and places are never the same twice.
I hadn’t been to Goat Hill for some time – it sure looks different in the spring.
It’s practically right in my backyard – so I really enjoyed rambling in the woods there this weekend.
The place is spectacular, one of the best along the Delaware.
According to DEP, the land is rich in history too:
In addition to views of the Delaware River, the property features a prominent rock, known as Washington Rock. According to local legend, General George Washington used the views from Goat Hill Overlook to assess battle conditions during the Revolutionary War. The site also offers miles of hiking trails and contains a variety of wildlife and plant species.
The Goat Hill Overlook acquisition is part of the Green Acres’ Crossroads of the American Revolution land preservation initiative, which links Revolutionary War sites across the state to help interpret New Jersey’s role in the American Revolution. More Revolutionary War battles and skirmishes took place in New Jersey than in any other state. The DEP’s Division of Parks and Forestry will manage the area as part of Washington Crossing State Park.

Goat Hill Lookout (north) - Lambertville Bridge
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