home, unscathed
My cabin is surrounded by large mature trees – with the ground saturated by historically high August rainfall, I really feared that one would fall and maybe kill Buoy (my pup) and I.
But, my biggest storm scare and damage was cleaning up the crap my puppy took on the floor.
He’s been housebroken for weeks, but the storm disrupted our routine.
The wind was howling so bad last night that he was scared.
High winds and heavy rain made our before bed piss walk impossible.
Despite that, we did manage a quick piss in the front yard bushes though, and since he never craps at night, I thought that was adequate.
But, pup would not settle down in bed and go to sleep.
I assumed it was the same fear of the storm I felt (that I got hammered to avoid thinking about), so I put him out of my bed and into the rear bedroom.
My cabin is surrounded by large mature trees – with the ground saturated by historically high August rainfall, I really feared that one would fall and maybe kill us both.
So, with fear and many beers rattling my addled brain, I failed to realize that earlier in the day, I had taken the food and water bowls (both full) inside to the rear bedroom (where I had just put the pup!).
As a result, pup ate a bellyful, and predictably crapped his ass off an hour or so later.
My bad!
Just goes to show, dogs are smarter than people.
Still pretty good gust with light rain, but I’m now headed out – down to look at Alexauken Creek and Delaware – I assume the Delaware will crest high with flooding.
[Update – looks like I spoke too soon – just returned from my local tour, and noticed that part of my ceiling fell, due to roof leak around chimney:
What makes our dog really go meshuggah is the noise of wind. So she naturally did her thing quickly when we took her out during the storm. The only place in our house large enough to sleep that doesn’t have exterior windows is an upstairs hallway where the dog normally sleeps. So we invaded her territory last night and put down blankets and pillows on “her” floor.
Thanks Minyan – superb idea to accommodate the dog.
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