I ran into a friend the other day who told me that her daughter’s High School Principal vetoed use of the phrase “No Fracking Way” on a T-Shirt for a study group of the AP Environmental Science class.
My kids graduated from this school, took this course, and I have a good relationship with the Principal, so I sent him the below protest letter.
Why do school administrator’s feel the need to do this crap? Why are they allowed to get away with it?
Greetings Mr. Daher:
A quick thank you and parental brag/update note, with a bone to pick. [personal info withheld].
Thanks to all HVRSD teachers, especially Mr. Shrager, who had influence on both kids.
On the bone picking front:
“No Fracking Way”. Protest sign at Binghamton, NY event.
I recently spoke with a friend and HVCHS parent and learned that Mr. Daher did not allow use of the phrase “No Fracking Way” on a tee shirt a group of kids in AP Environmental science wanted to use. My daughter took that class and really enjoyed it.
I think that is a mistake that sends all the wrong messages to the kids.
First , the phrase is in general usage and is in no way inappropriate – a quick Google yields over 125,000 hits
Second, it undermines the concept that words have meanings, an ability to inspire and motivate, and important consequences. Virtually all causes, institutions, and ideas are grounded in and gravitate around key words (CMU motto: “My heart is in the work”). If the kids are motivated to learn by this phrase, then you do harm by nixing it.Third, it tells the kids that false perceptions can govern their thoughts and actions and that they must play it safe and avoid conflict. That phrase is a rallying cry for many who believe – as I do – that the fracking technology is totally inappropriate and must be stopped. It is a controversial current issue that directly impacts the Delaware River watershed, within which we live. We should be celebrating the kids’ energy, enthusiasm, and creativity, not erecting barriers to it.
Fourth, it elevates arbitrary authority above conscience and liberty. The HVRSD emphasizes the need to make the right choices and gives kids the tools for doing so. So let them, not administrators, make these kind of choices.
Fifth it undermines important principles: effective citizenship, free speech, and political participation. We need to be encouraging our kids to take on science and public policy issues, not steer clear of controversy or send a message that politics are less than noble.
Sixth, it squelches creativity. Creativity is universal – in the sciences, arts, language, and yes, in politics.
Last, it suggests a distasteful form of petty prudery and excessive concern with all the wrong attributes of the reputation of HVCHS. Kids these days are pretty savvy and worldy, and- just like the Supreme Court – they know obscenity when they see it.
Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’.
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’.
http://www.justsomelyrics.com/1466563/Bob-Dylan-the-times-are-changin-LyricsPlease accept these criticisms in the constructive spirit they are offered. No need to provide your rationale for that decision, I just wanted to share my thoughts (but you would have had a real battle on your hands had this come when my kids took that class!)
Enjoy the summer and celebrate another class of great kids.
Bill Wolfe
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