From an Administration that champions cost-benefit analysis, this is particularly ludicrousÂ
Recreational Fishing Alliance lobbyists. Jim Donofrio (R).
Kirk Moore has a superb and what should be explosive story in today’s Asbury Park Press:  Fisheries caught in budget’s tight net – Herring catch on hold, others may follow.
Moore’s story tells the sad tale of how the shortsighted ideology and craven politics of Governor Christie – catering to the irrresponsible selfish greed of some in NJ’s recreational fishing lobby - are harming the science and management of coastal ecosystems and fisheries.
The fisheries story is just the latest example of backtracking on ocean ecosystems.Â
Governor Christie has completely ignored important recent legislation establishing a coastal and oceans ecosystem based management policy.
Christie has gone further by defunding and recommending elimination of the Coastal and Ocean Protection Council. That Council was created to scientifically guide DEP in developing and implementing the new ecosystem management policy.Â
DEP has proposed rules to limit public access to the shore, and is now considering weakening coastal zone management and land use protections.
Now, the efforts of some recreational fishing lobbyists to attack and ease government restrictions on the fish they can catch – as predicted - perversely have produced exactly the opposite result. Here’s why:
Recreational fishing lobbyists rabidly attacked recent proposed legislation to establish a salt water fishing license fee.
When the salt water fishermen’s registry bill was being considered, many predicted that lack of an adequate fee would hurt both fisheries management and fishermen, and reduce the economic benefits to shore communities that flow from recreational fishing. DEP estimates the value of marine ecosystems at $5.1 billion annually.
We proposed a solution and explained that additional funding was necessary to support data collection and fisheries science required to support state and federal management decisions.
Those warning were ignored – fees were eliminated from the legislation and the Governor signed the bill into law.
Christie and Legislators would not support the Department of Environmental Protection’s recommended paltry $5/year salt water fishing license fee. The typical fisherman spends more on bait, gas, and beer in one day.
As a result, here’s what’s happening – from an Administration that champions cost-benefit analysis, this is particularly ludicrous:
UPPER FREEHOLD — Beset by a crushing workload, decimated staff and years of inadequate funding, the state Bureau of Marine Fisheries is preparing a draft plan to identify what can be jettisoned from a program that serves a $2 billion industry in New Jersey … yet gets less than 1 percent of that from the state budget.
Already there’s a plan to suspend fishing for river herring in 2012 because state biologists won’t be able to fulfill legal requirements under the coastwide herring management plan, said marine bureau chief Brandon Muffley. It’s just one of 22 plans for various species that must be kept updated under interstate and federal rules.
“By default, if you can’t prove your fishery is sustainable, you’re out of compliance,” Muffley said. River herring are the first to be set aside because biologists “need to do one for each individual river system,” he said. …
Bureau administrator Thomas McCloy said there’s already been “erosion” of some fisheries because the state cannot collect enough data. The current two-fish daily limit on winter flounder … which bait and tackle shop owners blame for destroying the traditional late winter/early spring season … “is a direct result of not having the data to defend our fishery,” McCloy said.
So, fishermen should ask Jimmy D. over at RFA why they are not allowed to catch more fish.
It’s because NJ lacks the data to support management decisions.
Next time fishermen complain about restrictive quotas, or catch sizes, or bag limits, they shouldn’t criticize the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) or the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council (ASMFC) or the DEP.
Just call Jimmy D at RFA.
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