Let’s Play Jeopardy

Let’s play Jeopardy – I’ll take Credibility for 1,000 – pick the correct statement, either A, B, C, or D below:
A) Senator Robert Torricelli on Christine Todd Whitman during Senate confirmation:
“President Bush has made a very wise selection. The EPA and the country will be getting an Administrator who is qualified, tested and ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead for this agency. With this nominee, there will be absolutely no learning curve. There are few training grounds that could better prepare someone for this position that the Governorship of New Jersey. […] This is a good nomination and she will be an excellent Administrator of the EPA”
[Source: Whitman EPA Administrator Senate Confirmation hearing transcript
B) Senator Corzine on Christine Todd Whitman during Senate confirmation
“It [EPA] needs someone who will fight internal battles to make environmental protection a budget priority. … It needs someone who, when necessary, will be tough on polluters and require them to do the right thing.
Mr. Chairman, I believe Governor Whitman has the background, the experience and the skills necessary to do the job…. These qualities must be matched by a determination to stand firm for the environment, to fully enforce our environmental laws and to fight for justice and equity for all.
[Source: Whitman EPA Administrator Senate Confirmation hearing transcript
C) Jeff Tittel on Lisa Jackson as EPA Administrator (Philadelphia Inquirer – no, this is not a cut and paste of the Torch’s comment)
If you can handle environmental problems in New Jersey, since they’ve got more than any other place, you can do it anywhere,” said Jeff Tittel, executive director of the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club and one of Jackson’s supporters.”
Source: Corzine’s chief of staff to head EPA
By Jonathan Tamari and Sandy Bauers
Inquirer Staff Writers
D) Bill Wolfe on Christine Todd Whitman in statement to Senate confirmation:
“The Bush/ Whitman rhetoric reflects a dangerous combination of free market and State’s rights conservative ideology. If allowed to go forward, this agenda would severely weaken historic protections for the nation’s clean air and clean water protections that the overwhelming majority of Americans support and have come to expect from the EPA.
A Bush/Whitman agenda would bar the EPA from developing necessary new standards and will likely lead to a rollback of existing protections. These standards include protections concerning how much cancer-causing substances are allowed to be discharged into our air and drinking water.”
[Source: Whitman EPA Administrator Senate Confirmation hearing transcript – see page 128
[From the Newark (NJ) Star-Ledger, Wednesday, January 3, 2001]
[see page 128 of Senate transcript link above)

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6 Responses to Let’s Play Jeopardy

  1. BryanMiller says:

    Hey, Bill:
    As a fellow blogger at this site, I’d be grateful if you’d be so kind as to not put the full text of each of your entries in the first Movable Type box. It would be considerate of your colleagues if you would just place the first 3 or 4 paras of you text there and then use the second box for the rest, as your fellows all do. By doing it the way you currently do, you crowd out the rest of us. I would appreciate it, for one, if you’d consider my request, so more entries can be posted on the front page. Seems only fair, eh?

  2. nohesitation says:

    Hi Bryan – thanks, but didn’t realize this was a problem.
    I was under impression that the site editor had “editors picks” for posts that stayed on front page.
    When I complained about my posts not getting FP recognition adn being displaced by trivial posts, I was told by editor that the front page is not what drives traffic to a post anyway. Traffic came not from FP but from links. I didn’t understand it them adn don’t now.
    But don’t shoot me , eh? (I note you post on guns!)
    Plus, the site seem to lack sufficient content anyway – is there a high volume of posts lately? I haven’t been around for a while and just recently came back

  3. nohesitation says:

    Bryan – you didn’t answer the question!

  4. unprovincial says:

    There’s no link for your statement D.

  5. BryanMiller says:

    No, I’m the last person likely to shoot you. Ha! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not angry, but…
    Whatever you’ve been told in past, it seems pretty clear that filling up the front page with any one blogger’s text (or, in your case recently, a ton of photos), makes it less likely that other bloggers will get high billing on said page, whatever that’s worth. I suspect many readers, myself included, go to the front page and see if there’s anything there of interest. If said page is full of a single entry, or one entry is really long on the page, they may click off. Dig?
    And, besides, it’s clear that your fellow bloggers (including yours truly) live by the rule we were advised way back in the beginning. I’m sure you’d agree that, in the interest of fairness, it’s not too much for you to do the same. OK?
    Now, I gotta go. Got a ton to do before tomorrow’s critical NJ Senate vote. I hope you’ve called your NJ Senator, Bill, and asked her/him to vote for S-1774. After all, who needs to buy more than 13 handguns per year? Hmmmm?

  6. nohesitation says:

    unprovincial – the link to my statement in D is the Senate Confirmation link provided in A –
    My star ledger editorial was submitted into the Senate Record and is in the transcript at page 128.

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