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November 2nd, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

This one’s for Blarneyboy, who today asked for some pictures of mother nature. To paraphrase Jerry Garcia in “Us Blues” see: http://arts.ucsc.edu/GDEAD/AGDL/usblues.html
“Indian Summer time done come and gone, my oh my!”

Categories: personal Tags:
  1. JRacioppi
    November 17th, 2008 at 18:21 | #1

    I want full credit for the Wolfe’s return!!
    Great shots Bill;
    Joe R

  2. ferdek
    November 17th, 2008 at 19:54 | #2

    Hey Bill any thoughts on Lisa Jackson’s elevation to the BO Transition Team? Were you looking for her in the woods or contemplating life without her at the DEP during your photo shoot? Can you provide just ten top reasons why she is not suitable to be on Team Obama? And should she resign as chief of staff for Corzine while she is with Team Obama in DC?

  3. JerseyOpine
    November 17th, 2008 at 20:50 | #3

    JRacioppi – thanks for getting Wolfe back.
    ferdek – excellent questions, I’m interested in the answers too.

  4. jbken
    November 17th, 2008 at 21:56 | #4

    Maybe he can’t provide the answers.
    Could this new job be working for or be involved with Lisa Jackson and the DEP?

  5. blarneyboy
    November 17th, 2008 at 22:24 | #5

    Good work, Joe. Thanks, Wolfe:
    The trails of the world be countless, and most of the trails be tried;
    You tread on the heels of the many, til you come where the ways divide:
    And one lies safe in the sunlight, and the other is dreary and wan;
    Yet you look aslant at the Lone Trail, and the Lone Trail lures you on.
    “The Lone Trail” by Robert Service

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