Federally mandated new rules would require emissions reductions to meet Clean Air Act Standards
DEP proposal would require polluters to install modern pollution control technology: See: http://www.nj.gov/dep/rules/proposals/080408a.pdf

The entire state of New Jersey fails to meet federal Clean Air Act health based standards for ground level ozone and other pollutants. The pollutants create unhealthy air commonly referred to as smog, especially during hot sunny summer days.

According to DEP:
“Ozone exposure can cause irritation of the lungs. This can make the lungs more vulnerable to diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis, increase incidents of asthma and susceptibility to respiratory infections, reduce lung function, reduce an individual’s ability to exercise and aggravate chronic lung diseases. Increased ozone concentrations severely affect the quality of life for susceptible populations – small children, the elderly, and asthmatics – and present health risks for everyone. Exposure to ozone for several hours at relatively low concentrations significantly reduces lung function and induces respiratory inflammation in normal, healthy people during exercise. This decrease in lung function is generally accompanied by symptoms such as chest pain, coughing, sneezing, and pulmonary congestion (MARAMA 2005 Report).

Recent research in Southern California strongly suggests that, in addition to exacerbating existing asthma, ozone also causes asthma in children (MARAMA 2005 Report). Long term exposure may lead to scarring of lung tissue and lowered lung efficiency. Repeated exposure may cause permanent lung damage. When ozone reaches unhealthy levels, children, people who are active outdoors, and people with respiratory disease are most at risk. The Department estimates that attaining the Federal 1997 8-hour NAAQS for ozone in New Jersey would eliminate about 40,000 asthma attacks each year and substantially reduce hospital admissions and emergency room visits among children and adults with asthma and other respiratory diseases (NJDEP 2006 ozone report).”
Acording to DEP. the proposed new rules will impact major industrial pollution sources, including:

* asphalt pavement production plants;
* boilers serving electric generating units;
* glass manufacturing furnaces;
* municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators;
* VOC stationary storage tanks.

The proposed amendments would ensure that all ten (10) operating coal-fired boilers in New Jersey have modern air pollution control for NOx, particles, and SO2 by 2013. The Department estimates that implementing these measures will, by 2013, reduce NOx emissions by 2.16 tpd during the ozone season and 788 tons per year, and reduce SO2 emissions by 7.04 tpd during the ozone season and 2,571 tons per year.

Coal-fired boilers are the highest emitting sources of particles, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in New Jersey.
These ten coal power plant boilers and their locations are:
B.L. England Generating Station unit 1 – Upper Township, Cape May County,
B.L. England Generating Station unit 2 – Upper Township, Cape May County,
Carney’s Point Generating Station unit 1 – Carney’s Point, Salem County,
Carney’s Point Generating Station unit 2 – Carney’s Point, Salem County,
Deepwater Generating Station unit 6/8 – Pennsville, Salem County,
Hudson Generating Station unit 2 – Jersey City, Hudson County,
Logan Generating Plant – Logan Township, Gloucester County,
Mercer Generating Station unit 1 – Hamilton Township, Mercer County,
Mercer Generating Station unit 2 – Hamilton Township, Mercer County, and
Vineland Municipal Electric Utility unit 10 – City of Vineland, Cumberland County
Glass Manufacturing Furnaces

The Department is proposing to lower NOx emissions from glass manufacturing furnaces. There are seven plants in New Jersey, with a total of 25 furnaces that produce container glass, pressed glass, blown glass, and fiberglass. The proposed rules would require nine furnaces to implement additional emission control measures to comply with the proposed emission limit.
High Electric Demand Day (HEDD) Units

The proposed new rule will address the NOx emissions from High Electric Demand Day (HEDD) units, also called HEDD electric generating units. HEDD units are electric generating units that are capable of generating 15 MW or more and are operated less than or equal to an average of 50 percent of the time during the previous three ozone seasons. The Department proposes to tighten the emission standards for HEDD units because these units emit significant quantities of NOx on high electric demand days, which are typically high temperature and high ozone days during the summer. The current New Jersey HEDD units, based on data from 2004 through 2006, consist of eight boilers and approximately 160 stationary combustion turbines.

A public hearing concerning this proposal and a proposed State Implementation Plan
(SIP) revision, represented by this proposal, will be held on Friday, September 26, 2008 at 10A.M.:
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Hearing Room, 1st Floor
401 East State Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Directions to the hearing room may be found at the Department’s website address at

Submit written comments by close of business on October 3, 2008, to:
Alice A. Previte, Esq.
Attention: DEP Docket No. 10-08-07/643
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Office of Legal Affairs
401 East State Street, Fourth Floor
PO Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

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