Old School

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4 Responses to Old School

  1. JRacioppi says:

    Bill, the guy up top is definitely a right winger; see the fence leaning to the “right”? seriously, great shots; Sussex Co.?

  2. byramaniac says:

    JRacioppi – but the outhouse is leaning left…
    Bill – Mercer County? Hopewell or East Amwell?

  3. nohesitation says:

    JRacioppi – Well, I don’t know. Most wingers I know are authoritarians with a neat orderly streak – everything in its place adn all that.
    So, look at the new picture I posted – same place. Rather disheveled barn, no? And is that a convertible imported sports car in there? No winger would drive that! (question for Mulshine to identify make, model and year). AND the folks drive a volvo! No way they were wingers!
    byramanica – wins another partial prize – the truck shot is Hopewell (Mercer), but the rainbow shot is West Amwell (Hunterdon).

  4. unprovincial says:

    Well, that’s a fuel dispenser on the left side of the barn/garage so does that mean they are right or left? I wonder if they have a permit for their fuel underground storage tank?

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