Salon is running a story today about a rumored Obama Vice-Presidential running mate, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.
I don’t normally pay attention to this kind of stuff, but it is important to note that Sebelius exercised enormous leadership on global warming by being the first to deny air pollution permits to two new coal power plants, on the basis of global warming.
At Yale, Sebelius stood in stark contrast to NJ Governor Corzine, who talks a good game on global warming, but has yet to back that up with action.
According to Salon:
“But Sebelius can hit the liberal high notes on issues ranging from abortion rights (as a pro-choice Catholic she has battled with social conservatives for years) to the environment. In May, she vetoed for the third time legislation that would permit the construction of two coal-fired electric power plans in southwestern Kansas. “The reason it was so newsworthy is that this was the first time that a coal plant was rejected solely because of carbon emissions,” says Parkinson, who as lieutenant governor oversees energy policy. Even though critics predictably claimed that Sebelius was costing Kansas jobs with her go-green environmental stance, the governor had political cover, since 86 percent of the electricity that would be produced by the coal plants would flow to other states.”
Obama veepstakes: The other woman
Corzine has yet to come forward with a plan to implement the emission reduction goals of his highly touted Global Warming Response Act – see:
Corzine Missed First Global Warming Deadline
Corzine supports new nuclear plants and did not publicly oppose a controversial plan by PSEG to export NJ produced power to NY City. See:
Saturday Nuke News
Corzine seems enthralled by the Legislature and paralyzed by the business community’s lies that environmental protection is costing NJ jobs. See:
A cruel hoax – on many levels
Corzine needs to get closer to Sebelius on jobs, environment, energy exports, and global warming policies – especially on how to use regulatory tools and on how to stand up to the Legislature –
A VETO of THE PERMIT EXTENSION ACT bill now on your desk would be a good first step!.
pro-choice catholic; isn’t that an oxymoron? like pro-meat vegetarian?
I can hear the neo-con’s skin crawlng from here.
She’s the one!
beautifulas – read Mario Cuomo’s speeches on the distinctions between Catholic religious belief and public service as an elected official.
No oxymoron at all.
“Render unto Caesar…. ”
eyesofsussex – the neo-cons are irrelevant, especially to Obama’s VP choice. Neo-cons don’t vote democratic.
They have destroyed the republican party and proven to be a pack of craven liars that has driven this country to the brink of disaster.
no thanks, Cuomo is another dirtbag politician; if obama picks her, he’s making an error;
beautifulas – there are loads of practicing catholics who are pro-choice.
Americans do not blindly follow church doctrine.
That went out even before Vatican II.