But that was BEFORE she heard the testimony – which prompted her to warn that hazardous air pollution emissions were a serious cancer risk for NJ urban residents.
In a news release worthy of Pravda (or the Bush White House Pentagon Generals Iraq War Propaganda Task Force), I just learned that DEP is urging the people of NJ to “go green”.
According to DEP:
(08/29) TRENTON — Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Lisa P. Jackson today marked the beginning of Air Quality Awareness Week by reminding residents that just a few simple changes every day can contribute to a cleaner, greener environment.
“This special week offers an opportunity to focus more attention on the ways we directly affect the quality of our air and the steps we can take to improve our environment at home, at work and throughout our communities,” Commissioner Jackson said.”
Earth To DEP in Trenton:
Environmental protection is your job – please do it.
Just 3 weeks ago the Clean Air Council provided compelling testimony about totally unregulated emissions from NJ ports that cause major air pollution and public health risks that you are ignoring.
The California SAQMD spokesperson said that LA Port emissions – alone – will violate ambient air quality standards for fine particulates and ozone by 2010 – plus exceed cancer risk benchmarks for Hazardous Air Pollutants by 1,600X.
NJ has similar problems but NJDEP doing nothing at ports and is focused on public school buses, where taxpayers pick up the compliance tab, not corporate polluters:
For details see:
Experts and Advocates: Pollution from Ports A High Cancer Risk to Urban NJ
In Harm’s way
Diesel fumes called NJ’s “greatest cancer risk”
PS – see below, in case you need names and addresses!