[Apologies – NJ.com deleted all the lovely photos I initially posted on my Star Ledger “NJ Voices” column.]
Ken Lockwood Gorge today. Located in Lebanon, NJ (Hunterdon County) just off Route 513
Information and Directions: http://www.nynjctbotany.org/njhigh/lockwood.html
Topo map: http://liberty.state.nj.us/dep/fgw/pdf/wmamaps/ken_lockwood_gorge.pdf

What gorgeous photos!
I hate to mar the beauty of these by bringing up politics, but I can’t help thinking what a powerful argument these are for the strengthening of our clean water, clean air, and land-preservation regulations–especially for the stream buffer regulations.
The details in the last photo are spectacular–the gnarled, disintigrating, old tree trunk as medium for new life, the shelf mushrooms (if I’m reading it right) and the ferns reminding us that primeival life forms exist alongside the latest in the evolutionary chain.
I love the way you go from the whole picture, the general to the more specific, as you proceed down the page, the camera capturing your walk.
Thanks for letting us accompany you on this trek–looking forward to many more!
Great photos! Now where the hell is my fly rod??????
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