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Biden Is A Climate Fraud

July 12th, 2021 No comments

Biden Fossil Extraction “Pause” Is Exposed As A Fraud

Oil and Gas Leases On Public Lands & Permits Worse Than Bush

[Updates below]

At the time President Biden issued his Executive Order (see Sect. 208) creating a so called “pause” on approvals of leases for fossil extraction on public lands, we predicted it before he took office and called bullshit on it via numerous twitter posts. While media and green groups were cheerleading, we were truth telling (March 26, 2021 tweet):

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The Biden faux “pause” was never a serious effort to actually stop fossil extraction and satisfy the moratorium keep it in the ground demand of the green groups. Just the opposite: it was a symbolic gesture designed to create a false appearance.

The Associated Press is just today reporting on the meaning of Sect. Haaland’s Senate confirmation testimony I criticized at the time, but which got very little if any attention by the media at the time. But instead of citing the Senate confirmation hearing (which they missed at the time), the AP now cites a much later June House Committee hearing where she repeated and revealed the same policy:

Haaland has sought to tamp down Republican concern over potential constraints on the industry. She said during a House Natural Resources Committee hearing last month that there was no “plan right now for a permanent ban.”

“Gas and oil production will continue well into the future and we believe that is the reality of our economy and the world we’re living in,” Haaland told Colorado Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn.

But, the Green Groups gave Biden and Haaland a pass and the cheerleading clueless stenographic press favorably reported the Biden “pause” as a significant climate policy.

[Update – here’s what Haaland said in her opening Statement – she made additional concessions in response to questions:

there’s no question that fossil energy does and will continue to play a major role in America for years to come. I know how important oil and gas revenues are to fund critical services. ~~~ end update]

Now, the data is in, and it validates our criticism. Biden is proven a climate fraud.

The Associated Press just reported:

US drilling approvals increase despite Biden climate pledge

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

New Mexico and Wyoming had the largest number of approvals. Montana, Colorado and Utah had hundreds each.

Did you get that? Let me repeat:

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

And the approvals are not limited to leases, but include permits:

The [Trump] pace dropped when Biden first took office, under a temporary order that elevated permit reviews to senior administration officials. Approvals have since rebounded to a level that exceeds monthly numbers seen through most of Trump’s presidency. …

If the recent trends continue, the Interior Department could issue close to 6,000 permits by the end of the year. The last time so many were issued was fiscal year 2008, amid an oil boom driven by crude prices that reached an all-time high of $140 per barrel that June.

We told you exactly this would happen, back in April 2021, when we predicted:

I’m expecting to see pipelines receive subsidies and “streamlined regulatory review” under Biden’s infrastructure plan. I’ve already read quotes from Sect. Transportation Buttigieg that included pipelines in the definition of infrastructure. And Biden supported the gas industry before the US supreme Court, see:

This is exactly the policy Joe’s mentor, Barak Obama implemented – which we also criticized at the time despite all the environmental group praise. We quoted Obama’s own absurd words, see:

Under my administration, America is producing more oil than at any time in the last eight years. We’ve opened up new areas for exploration. We’ve quadrupled the number of operating rigs to a record high. We’ve added enough new oil and gas pipeline to circle the Earth and then some,” Obama said (source)

Amazingly, we see a repeat of our call out of Obama followed by an Associated Press story that delivers the facts to validate out criticism, see:

Five days after I wrote this post – which basically suggested that Obama was worse than oil man Bush – the Associated released this analysis which shows that EPA enforcement under Obama is WEAKER than under Bush:

Oil stats belie tough enforcement talk  –

WASHINGTON (AP) — In the three years since President Barack Obama took office, Republicans have made the Environmental Protection Agency a lightning rod for complaints that his administration has been too tough on oil and gas producers.

But an Associated Press analysis of enforcement data over the past decade finds that’s not the case. In fact, the EPA went after producers more often in the years of Republican President George W. Bush, a former Texas oilman, than under Obama.

Also, the agency’s enforcement actions have declined overall since 2002 and reached their lowest point last year, the review found.

When will all the Big Green groups and even the “radical” folks at Sunrise Movement wake up?

[Update #1 : 8/4/21 – More evidence of the fraud – just as we predicted Sect. Haaland would cave:

[Update #2 : 8/7/21 – Wow. I’ve not been following this debate. Too much for me to write about. Things are far worse than I imagined. Just now reading the Senate “bi-partisan” infrastructure bill backed by Biden. It is a disaster. Climate stuff stripped out, all carrots (incentives) and no sticks (requirements), deregulation, privatization, corporate subsidies, and lots of bad stuff. Here’s just one big problem: it would create a new $3.8 billion carbon capture program. In trying to figure that out, I cam across a letter from climate activists opposing that, but then found that the Big Green groups are not opposing it and other really bad climate stuff. In a June 1 story about the split in the climate community, the Biden folks openly admit that they are Obama “all the the above” 2.0:

“The President is interested in all-of-the-above-strategy,” said White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy earlier this month, at a summit hosted by Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “We’re going to do a lot of things, and invest in a clean energy future, and make sure we have the flexibility to use the technologies that are going to get there.”

Like I said, Biden is a climate fraud.

Even if it comes with the so called Democratic $3.5 trillion version going through the budget reconciliation, the motto should be “kill the bill”.

But I suspect that NO CLIMATE – NO DEAL is just a slogan, but I hope not. ~~~ end update]

[Update #3: 9/1/21: We knew this was coming and instead of cheerleading for Biden, we called it out on day 1 (March 26):

Advocacy groups on Tuesday blasted the Biden administration for resuming oil and gas lease sales for public lands and waters as the United States faces multiple disasters exacerbated by the fossil fuel driven-climate emergency. ~~~ end update]

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Groundhog Day On PennEast Pipeline – As Predicted, US Supreme Court Backs PennEast (Just Like Biden Did)

June 30th, 2021 No comments

Once Again, We Are Forced To Say “I Told You So”

Failed Strategy, Failed Media, Failed Politics

obama-pipes1 (1)

Under my administration, America is producing more oil than at any time in the last eight years. We’ve opened up new areas for exploration. We’ve quadrupled the number of operating rigs to a record high. We’ve added enough new oil and gas pipeline to circle the Earth and then some,” Obama said (source)

Does anyone remember, no so long ago, when Tom Gilbert spiked the ball and claimed that a federal court had “stopped PennEast in its tracks”?

When NJ Attorney General Grewal bragged about his “major victory”?

When the Watershed Wimps spouted drivel about this “groundbreaking ruling”?

Or when NJ Spotlight drank this Kool-Aid and was sure to tell readers that “The Murphy Administration sees it as a big victory”?

At the time (September 11, 2019), of course I called BS on this spin:

They are exaggerating, misleading the public, making factually false statements, and simply not telling the full story. The decision is not a “groundbreaking ruling”, not a “major victory”, and will not “stop the project in its tracks”.

By making these exaggerated and false claims, they are undermining activist efforts to block all proposed pipelines and all fossil infrastructure, to inject climate change in regulatory decisions, and to enforce the Clean Water Act.

We exposed the failed focus on open space, see:

I want to make a few points of contrast to explain why the response by conservationists to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals decision on the PennEast pipeline is so wrong headed, selfish, counter-productive, diversionary, and outright dangerous.

And we exposed the failed neglect and outright lies about DEP’s regulatory power, most recently last January, see:

Once again, they got it wrong on the permit status. NJ Spotlight wrote:

“In October, the DEP denied PennEast’s application for a water-quality permit for the second time, saying the Third Circuit’s ruling means the company “no longer has the legal authority to perform activities” on the 49 parcels.”

Spotlight got it wrong again – the DEP phrase “no longer has the legal authority” issue is NOT a denial of the permits on the technical merits. The DEP deemed the applications incomplete because company can’t submit a complete application because they are blocked from condemning state land.

As a result of the Supreme COurt’s decision, PennEast is no longer blocked from condemning state land, so the ball will soon be back in DEP’s court for a real substantive regulatory decision on PennEast permits.

[For the complete 9/11/19 post, see;  Here’s How To Really Kill The PennEast Pipeline]

Well, yesterday the US Supreme Court – in a 5-4 decision – reversed that “groundbreaking ruling“, wiped out that “major victory” and put PennEast right on track.

So once again, we are forced to say “We told you so!” (something I’ve been vindicated on multiple times for more than a decade now). Once again, these fools got it wrong and are caught FERC-ing off.

Are there no consequences for failure? Or is failure rewarded?

It is remarkable that these idiots don’t lose any credibility for repeated failure, but instead garner even MORE Foundation and wealthy donor money (especially from those rich white people in Hunterdon County with art studio’s and organic gardens) and media coverage.

But that’s not all.

In today’s NJ Spotlight story that reported on this US Supreme Court decision, all the prior celebrations and spin were completely ignored.

Even worse, NJ Spotlight coverage and Tom Gilbert again:

1) failed to mention the Water Quality Certification issue, which is the only regulatory tool DEP has to actually kill the pipeline;

2) failed to mention that the Biden Administration’s legal brief to the Supreme Court supported PennEast, a huge betrayal, (for that brief, see:

3) misled readers about a fake DEP permit denial (DEP did not deny the permits on substantive grounds that are enforceable, i.e. WQC denial on the merits)

Back in March 2021, upon learning of the Biden Supreme Court brief, I went out of my way to highlight the fact that Biden was contradicting his own climate commitments and to explain the implications of the likely Supreme Court loss. I wrote:

In the likely event that the 6-3 right wing Supreme Court agrees [with the Biden and NJ BIA briefs], the implications are nation-wide and a disaster for climate and anti-pipeline activists. The NJ BIA brief makes those implications very clear

I also reiterated (for the 10th time?) a strategy that can kill the pipeline and survive judicial scrutiny:

The Biden brief exposes the misguided strategy of NJ’s “Green Mafia”, who have relied on private property protections and virtually ignored State Police powers and DEP’s regulatory powers under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act to kill the PennEast and other pipelines.

We’ve been writing about that and NY State and Connecticut’s 401 WQC denials, and criticizing NJ fools like Tom Gilbert for their failure to focus on it for over 4 years, see:

Media should ask AG Grewal if NJ DEP is willing to pull that legal trigger. [i.e. legal support of DEP’s WQC denial]

Because NJ Attorney General Grewal has pledged to enforce other legal authorities to kill the pipeline, so let me repeat that point:

Media should ask AG Grewal if NJ DEP is willing to pull that legal trigger. [i.e. legal support of DEP’s WQC denial]

I would expect that the real climate and anti-pipeline activists [i.e. the Empower NJ Coalition] have a sign-on letter to Gov. Murphy all teed up – demanding that DEP deny the WQC – a letter they should deliver to the Governor at a huge Trenton protest.

I get tired of this Groundhog Day.

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Murphy DEP’s Proposed Clean Air Plan Ignores The Climate Emergency And NJ’s Environmental Justice Law

June 15th, 2021 No comments

DEP Plan Required To Ratchet Down On Pollution To Attain Federal EPA Clean Air Act Ozone Standards

An Example Of Gaslighting: Rhetoric Versus Regulation

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[Update below]

The Murphy DEP just proposed revisions to NJ’s federal Clean Air Act mandated State Implementation Plan (SIP), see:

The Ozone SIP has huge implications for public health, environmental justice, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and conversion of NJ’s transportation sector to zero emission electric vehicles. 

The “mobile source” powers even provide back door land use leverage to restrict or effectively block traffic intensive land uses, like warehouses (e.g.  just think if DEP mandated that new warehouses not only had to be net zero emissions, but also had to have 100% electric trucks. Solar ready? that’s political cover, not science based policy).

The SIP revisions were required by US EPA in order to demonstrate how NJ would come into compliance with federal EPA’s ground level ozone standards – technically the entire state of NJ is in “non-attainment” status for ozone and the problem is serious and getting worse. According to DEP’s SIP revision:

The purpose of this State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision is to address the requirements of the Clean Air Act (CAA) regarding New Jersey’s plan for attaining the 2008, 75 ppb 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in its Northern New Jersey multi-state nonattainment area by its attainment date of July 20, 2021. This nonattainment area was reclassified from moderate to serious by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) effective on September 23, 2019.

It is not clear, but I suspect that a more restrictive plan is required to meet the lower existing 70 ppb standard -which scientists have criticized as inadequately protective:

  • On December 23, 2020, the [Trump] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) acted to retain, without revision the primary and secondary ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The standards, established in 2015 by the Obama-Biden Administration, are set at 70 parts per billion (ppb), in terms of a 3-year average of the annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations.

A huge coalition of scientists, environmental groups criticized the Trump EPA for retaining that 70 ppl Obama EPA standard: (WaPo)

“There is powerful, overwhelming evidence that shows that this standard is not adequate to protect the health of Americans,” the group said in a statement. “EPA’s proposal violates the core purpose of these standards under the Clean Air Act: to protect public health with an adequate margin of safety.”

Curious, those same groups were silent when the Obama EPA withdrew and later adopted that “inadequate” standard (something we wrote about at the time (Obama’s first term) and later during Trump’s EPA.)

Regardless, there is no doubt that ground level ozone is a significant threat to public health. NJ has failed to attain the ozone standard for decades.

Ozone pollution disproportionately impacts urban “environmental justice” communities and is exacerbated by increasing temperatures driven by the climate emergency (i.e. see: “urban heat island” effect). Many ozone precursors are volatile organic compounds that are hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) that cause serious public health impacts and risks, like cancer. Many pollution sources have localized “hot spot” and “cumulative impact” environmental justice concerns . Many ozone precursor pollutants also contribute to global warming and their effects are magnified by global warming.

DEP’s own Climate Science Report (July 2020) noted the interactions between ozone and climate and EJ:

Increases in temperature expected as a result of climate change could intensify air pollution as well as respiratory and cardiovascular health concerns. Such impacts are of particular concern for already overburdened environmental justice communities.

But when it comes to putting that science and press release rhetoric into enforceable regulations, DEP takes a walk.

Remarkably, none of this is even mentioned – never mind addressed – in the DEP’s SIP.

The climate  and EJ issues, however, ARE included in the SIP, but only in rhetoric, not in regulation – a critical distinction.

But these issues are implicit and DEP evasively alludes to these issues, but ultimately dismisses them as “Another complexity”:

Another complexity involves the nonlinear relationship between NOx and VOC levels and ozone formation. Areas, such as the majority of the landscape in the OTR, that have extensive forests that produce high levels of isoprene and other VOCs during the summer month achieve the best ozone reduction through reductions in regional NOx, but dense urban areas such as New York City that lack natural VOC production can be VOC limited, and in some cases NOx reductions increase ozone levels due to less NOx being available to destroy already formed ozone through titration.

Serious consideration of climate and environmental justice would force radical changes in DEP’s air quality planning and regulatory programs – from everything from the location of air monitoring stations to the scientific methods for risk assessment and air quality modeling.

But despite the passage of recent environmental justice legislation and the 2007 Global Warming Response Act, DEP has not even begun to make these kind of changes, as this SIP reveals.

In addition to neglecting climate and environmental justice, quite honestly, I could not understand the specific regulatory mandates DEP was planning in order to reduce pollution levels necessary to attain the EPA standards (unless all that is implicit in the models). Let’s hope EPA holds NJ’s feet to the fire on that and makes critical issues transparent.

So, here’s some background on the DEP plan and suggestions on how to pierce the regulatory jargon and spin to read this complex document.

The core elements of the DEP SIP plan are called “Control Measures” (see Chapter 3) – they are regulatory mandates on industry that require specific reductions in emissions of chemical pollutants that cause or contribute to the formation of ground level ozone.

In accordance with Section 172(c)(1) of the CAA (or 42 U.S.C. §7502(c)(1)) states are required to implement all RACM as expeditiously as practicable as part of their effort to attain the NAAQS.

But even in Chapter 3, keep an eye out for DEP weasel words, like this:

State Voluntary Mobile Measures

Emission reduction estimates in this section are not being relied on to meet any required SIP milestones but support the States goal of ozone attainment.

The SIP also must include an “Attainment Demonstration” (see Chapter 6) that provides the data and modeling on exactly how the mandatory reductions will attain the ozone standards. 

NJ based petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, and energy Industries have long strongly opposed DEP regulatory mandates to ratchet down on pollution, often blaming “mobile sources” (cars and trucks) for the problem.  DEP has long deferred to these self serving industry arguments and delayed the necessary ratchet down on pollution controls on both industrial and mobile sources required to achieve the ozone standards and protect public health.

Historically, to mask these failures and avoid accountability – going back to the Whitman “open for business” administration – DEP and NJ industry have claimed that out of state pollution is the major cause of the problem.

The Murphy DEP continues to assert this lame excuse:

The transport of ozone from sources upwind of the nonattainment area continues to contribute significantly to the poor ozone air quality in the Northern NJ-NY-CT nonattainment area, particularly at monitors located in Connecticut. […]

Modeling Studies Confirm That Emissions From New Jersey Sources Do Not Significantly Contribute to the Remaining Nonattainment Area Ozone Levels

The results of recent ozone source apportionment modeling and zero-out ozone sensitivity modeling demonstrate that New Jersey actions by themselves, regardless of stringency, are insufficient to achieve attainment levels of ozone in the nonattainment area.

The DEP also has engaged in a lot of finger pointing, by blaming EPA and other states. The Murphy DEP continues this bureaucratic game – an incredible hypocrisy given NJ’s proposed major increase in transportation related emissions (new roads (and ports and airports) like the Turnpike and GS parkway expansions, create more vehicle miles travelled, and more pollution from mobile sources): Here’s DEP finger pointing:

Mobile Source Rules: Upwind states should adopt mobile source measures similar to those in New Jersey such as the California Low Emission Vehicle Program. The USEPA must also do its part to address mobile source emissions that contribute the largest portion of total NOx emissions within the nonattainment area as well as the region.

This behind the scenes industry lobbying and bureaucratic finger pointing largely explain why NJ has failed to attain federal EPA ozone standards.

The Murphy DEP has even gone so far as to echo the polluters’ discredited economic attacks and blame public health protection and environmental regulations for economic growth concerns. I’ve heard this Big Lie spouted by the Chamber of Commerce and NJ BIA for decades, so its disturbing to find it in the DEP’s own SIP:

New Jersey does not yet meet the federal ozone NAAQS. Therefore, the federal Clean Air Act requires new sources of NOx (e.g., power plants) and VOCs (e.g., gasoline refineries) to offset their NOx and VOC emissions by buying emissions “credits” that are sold by other facilities. Emissions offset credits can be costly and time-consuming to obtain, which is an added burden on new businesses or existing businesses that want to expand. Some upwind neighbors contribute significantly to New Jersey’s ozone problem, but they do not have to comply with the “offset” requirements that sources in New Jersey do if those states meet the ozone standard. Thus, a company that wants to build a facility in the Northeast might find states upwind of New Jersey more economically attractive.

Amazingly, not one NJ environmental group, public health group, or environmental justice group requested that DEP hold a public hearing on this SIP revision, which has tremendous implications for air quality, public health, and climate justice.

As I’ve written many times, the Foundations do not fund this essential regulatory work and therefore NJ environmental groups no longer do it.

Just as remarkably, DEP used this ENGO failure to cancel the scheduled public hearing on the proposed SIP revisions. Just what the corporate polluters wanted, as they remain below the radar. Here’s is DEP’s public notice:

Take notice that the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) will not be holding a public hearing on July 13, 2021, or on another date, because a public hearing was not requested.

So, let me just highlight the major flaws in the SIP revision. Keep in mind that the core regulatory requirements that actually require that pollution emissions are reduced are established in the  “Control Measures” (Chapter 3)  and “Attainment Demonstration” (Chapter 6).

It is critically important to keep this in mind because the DEP Ozone SIP plan does include a lot of rhetoric – which has no regulatory meaning and is not enforceable – about climate change and environmental justice. Basically, DEP inserted the text of a press release in a regulatory plan – but it was done in a way that is not enforceable (or subject to EPA oversight).

This distinction between rhetoric and binding regulations exposes the Murphy DEP Ozone SIP as a highly misleading fraud.

Similarly, it is critically important to distinguish actual regulatory controls with plans to develop future regulatory controls.

It is also critical to distinguish quantified pollution emissions reductions with rhetorical assertions and aspirational goals.

The Murphy DEP plan is largely written in the future tense and does not quantify emissions reductions associated with either future proposals or rhetorical program assertions (unless all that is implicit in the models). Here is a perfect example of that:

New Jersey is in the process of preparing the following rules to address NOx and VOCs. […]

The Murphy DEP plan includes a lengthy Executive Summary that rhetorically describes various air pollution related programs and State funding for those programs.

But there is a huge difference between air pollution related programs and program funding and actual biding, quantified, and enforceable regulations on pollution reductions.

Finally, it is important to distinguish taking credit for prior accomplishments with current and binding future regulatory actions.

The Murphy DEP SIP is loaded with descriptions of prior actions, but very thin on current and binding future regulatory mandates.

For all these reasons, the headline correctly notes that the DEP SIP “ignores” climate and environmental justice – because it does so rhetorically and not with science and binding regulation.

The essential distinction that must be kept in mind while reading the document is between an enforceable regulatory standard and a press release.

So, with that context in mind, here are the major flaws.

1. DEP’s Ozone SIP Revision Ignores Climate Emergency

The DEP SIP (see Chapters 3 and 6) does not include a discussion of the relationships between ozone and GHG emissions or the climate emergency.

The DEP SIP does not include enforceable mandatory pollution emissions reductions regarding greenhouse gases and NJ’s aspirational 80% GHG reduction goal in the Global Warming Response Act.

Here’s how DEP rhetorically addresses climate: (emphases mine):


In addition to the above legislation, Governor Murphy signed Executive Order Number 100 (EO 100) on January 27, 2020 that initiated a targeted regulatory reform effort that will modernize New Jersey environmental laws. EO 100 is referred to as Protecting Against Climate Threats (NJ PACT). NJ PACT will usher in systemic change, modernizing air quality and environmental land use regulations, that will enable governments, businesses and residents to effectively respond to current climate threats and reduce future climate damages.

As a national leader in environmental protection, over the next two years, the NJDEP will create a regulatory roadmap to reduce emissions, build resilience, and adapt to a changing climate. This includes the enactment of new air pollution regulations that achieve critically needed reductions in carbon dioxide and short-lived climate pollutants (e.g., methane and black carbon) including technology-forcing measures that pave the way for a clean-energy economy. A number of the new air pollution regulations promulgated pursuant to the NJ PACT to address carbon dioxide and SLCPs will also have the co-benefit of reductions of emissions of ozone precursors.

And notice how DEP just again quietly delayed the implementation date of the climate PACT regulations by 2 years! (BTW, if you hit that link, notice that DEP has taken down all the PACT Stakeholder meeting information, including the specific lists of regulations that DEP pledged to revise to address climate. This makes it impossible for the public to see what rules must be revised and allows DEP to spoon feed single rules to manipulate perception of DEP progress. So, when they put up their monitoring/reporting rule, it makes it look like they’re doing a lot when they’re not).

2. DEP’s Ozone SIP Revision Ignores Environmental Justice

Environmental justice is given similar rhetorical treatment – where aspiration goals, programs and funding are described, but there are no quantified and mandatory actual pollution emissions reductions, especially in environmental justice communities (which are not part of DEP’s air quality monitoring, modeling, or risk assessment programs):

Finally, on February 16, 2021, Governor Murphy announced an investment of more than $100 million in clean, equitable transportation projects that will improve air quality and reduce the effects of climate change while moving New Jersey towards 100 percent clean energy by 2050 . Leveraging proceeds from RGGI and the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Funds will bring electrification programs, equitable mobility projects, and electric charging infrastructure to New Jersey’s environmental justice communities.

There is no doubt the these are complex issues and that DEP has historically implemented a fairly rigorous air quality program.

But that was longs ago and DEP continues to rest on those laurels instead of making the radical changes demanded by the climate emergency and environmental justice.

And the Foundations, environmental groups, and media have totally abandoned this field, so there is no accountability – the entire DEP air quality planning and regulatory program has devolved to cheerleading for political rhetoric.

[End Note:

The DEP SIP also includes a pollution emissions inventory (for ozone precursors, but the thresholds are high for including an emission source).

But among all the data tables and pie and bar charts, you can not find the names and locations of individual corporate polluters or industrial facilities (aside from the consent decrees at mostly refineries).

The manner in which DEP presents the emissions inventory data provides cover for corporate polluters.

It is totally useless for citizens seeking to identify. pollution sources in their communities.

This too must change.


I have written many times about very similar failures in the NJ DEP’s air toxics regulatory program and explained why the recent NJ environmental justice law will not fix them, so I thought I’d put all those posts together here for the curious reader/activist or intrepid journalist, see:

end update]

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Madison Is Back To Brunch

May 23rd, 2021 No comments

BLM, Palestine Solidarity, Climate & Student Activism Eclipsed By Status Quo Politics

A Legacy Of Dissent Fades In the Neoliberal “Resistance” – Biden Mist


On our epic journey (in our 5th year now), I like to visit State Capitals and university towns, especially those with a rich political history.

So, while we’re in the Great Lakes region, we were sure to stop by Madison, Wisconsin.

Three years ago, we bypassed Madison for Ann Arbor and University of Michigan, where Students For a Democratic Society (SDS) was founded: (WiKi):

SDS developed from the youth branch of a socialist educational organization known as the League for Industrial Democracy (LID). LID itself descended from an older student organization, the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, founded in 1905 by Upton Sinclair, Walter Lippmann, Clarence Darrow, and Jack London. Early in 1960, to broaden the scope for recruitment beyond labor issues, the Student League for Industrial Democracy were reconstituted as SDS .[1] They held their first meeting in 1960 on the University of Michigan campus at Ann Arbor, where Alan Haber was elected president. The SDS manifesto, known as the Port Huron Statement, was adopted at the organization’s first convention in June 1962,[2] based on an earlier draft by staff member Tom Hayden. Under Walter Reuther‘s leadership, the UAW paid for a range of expenses for the 1962 convention, including use of the UAW summer retreat in Port Huron.[3]

(we learn something every day! I was not aware that there was a direct organizational link between one of my favorite authors, Jack London, and SDS)

The University of Wisconsin at Madison has an equally glorious history of organizing with SDS and student activism and dissent:

The Winter and Spring of 1967 saw an escalation in the militancy of campus protests. Demonstrations against military-contractors and other campus recruiters were widespread, and ranking and the draft issues grew in scale. The school year had started with a large demonstration against Dow Chemical Company recruitment at the University of Wisconsin in Madison on October 17. Peaceful at first, the demonstrations turned to a sit-in that was violently dispersed by the Madison police and riot squad, resulting in many injuries and arrests. A mass rally and a student strike then closed the university for several days. A nation-wide coordinated series of demonstrations against the draft led by members of the Resistance, the War Resisters League, and SDS added fuel to the fire of protest. After conventional civil rights tactics of peaceful pickets seemed to have failed, the Oakland, California, Stop the Draft Week ended in mass hit and run skirmishes with the police. The huge (100,000 people) October 21 March on the Pentagon saw hundreds arrested and injured. Night-time raids on draft offices began to spread.

Take a look at that incredible history of  Protests & Social Action at UW-Madison during the 20th Century from the UW archives, especially this from the decade of the 1960’s.

During the 1960’s, UW students were politically active and protested (hit links for in depth materials):

  • stores in the South to allow African-Americans to sit at lunch counters
  • whether the House Un-American Activities Committee should be retained.
  • U.S. nuclear testing.
  • for the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
  • George Wallace
  • held a “Teach-In” about the Vietnam conflict
  • the draft
  • supported Senator Edward Kennedy
  • Dow Chemical, manufacturer of napalm & Agent Orange used in Vietnam (a general strike)
  • against the CIA
  • Martin Luther King assassination
  • the Democratic National Convention in Chicago (68)
  • workers rights and the grape boycott
  • strike with The Black People’s Alliance
  • against cuts in the state welfare budget.

Given that history, we were surprised by the quietude of a lovely Saturday May afternoon.

After walking through the Capital, the UW campus, and downtown, there were virtually no signs of political engagement.

We came across just one small demonstration at the Capitol, in solidarity with Palestine (joined across the globe in hundreds of cities, with one of the larger US protests in San Francisco). The young man on the left is a fine fellow. I only had $7 on me, so he gave me a discount on a copy of John Reed’s “Ten Days That Shook The World”. I returned the favor and gave him a free copy of Jack’s London’s classic “The Iron Heel” (with original cover from the London museum):




Maybe we arrived too early (it was after 3 pm). Local news reported that last Saturday, there was a larger solidarity event, with over 100 folks turned out.

Here’s what the Capitol looked like:


Here’s what the streets looked like:






Here’s what the campus looked like:


Madison has gone back to brunch.

What explains the quietude?

It could be reaction to the police violence and “riots” at BLM protests last summer, where the Mayor imposed a curfew (be sure to scroll down and check out the “scary” photo gallery published by local media.)

Or it could be continuing COVID fears.

Or it could be because the students have gone home for the summer.

Or it could be “except for Palestine” politics.

Or it could be a broader failure of the left and progressives, who increasingly are being co-opted – with the help of AOC, the Squad, and various “Resistance” organizations, sadly even Bernie Sanders and The Sunrise Movement – by the Biden and identity politics “Progressive Neoliberal” Democrats.

Or it could be the failure of the media, who are basically saying that Trump was the source of all evil and now that he’s gone, the Democrats are Socialists and have solved all problems with the COVID recovery and infrastructure initiatives and Speaker Pelosi’s Kente cloth vests.

Or it is could be all of the above.

Either way, it sucks.

The climate emergency accelerates and is not impacted by spin and political games.

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The Final Frontier In NJ’s Long Running Land Use War

May 2nd, 2021 No comments

Climate Emergency Demands A Forest And Farmland Preservation Act

NJ friends are telling me disturbing things.

They say that at a recent BPU solar meeting, that the solar industry was seeking support from conservation groups for some kind of solar “dual use” policy for siting massive solar arrays on farmland, supposedly allowing agricultural uses to be maintained. BPU spewed the industry’s Orwellian terms and BPU staff recommended:

2. Dual-Use Agriculture (“agrivoltaics”):

New Jersey has a rich agricultural heritage that must be considered with the State’s move toward a carbon-free energy sector. While all projects must meet the siting criteria described in the “Siting” section below, this Successor Straw also proposes to pilot a program for grid supply solar projects that are compatible with agricultural uses.

Staff currently proposes to define a dual-use solar energy generation facility as a facility: (i) that allows the use of the land below the panels to simultaneously be used for agricultural or horticultural use; and (ii) for which productive agricultural or horticultural use continues, as a condition for receiving incentives as a dual-use project. Staff anticipates that a cross-agency team will further define the pilot program and develop technical rules for dual-use farmland standards.

e. Solar Siting

As evidenced by the proposed design of this Successor Program, Staff seeks to uphold the State’s policies of expanding New Jersey’s commitment to affordable renewable energy while also preserving and protecting open space and farmland. Staff suggests that this is best accomplished by encouraging the development of solar facilities on the built environment and marginal lands and away from open space, flood zones, forested lands, high value agricultural lands and other areas especially vulnerable to climate change.

The solar industry argued that such a policy was better than allowing farmlands to be converted to development.

[Update: 5/4/21 – here’s that absurd premise “development is inevitable and unstoppable” and false comparison, right out in the open in a Spotlight Op-Ed today:

This [solar] income can easily make the difference between a sustainable farm that can be passed on to the next generation and one that must be carved up into residential building lots or sold off to a warehouse developer. ~~~ end update]

Now if that were not crazy enough, I was told that Tom Gilbert of NJ Conservation Foundation spoke and he signaled a willingness to compromise on some kind of policy whereby solar could be sited on less productive or abandoned farmlands.

Of course, those lands should be priority targeted for planting trees, or afforestation:

A key finding of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) new special report is that it is likely that some degree of “afforestation” will be needed to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

Tom has been horrible on climate and energy policy, he was terrible in recent testimony on “forest stewardship” legislation, and now he’s selling out land use.

Don’t let that happen.

Instead of compromising away what little is left of NJ’s forests and farmlands, it’s time for the conservation, environmental, justice, and climate communities to work together and fight the final battle to preserve what’s left.

The current incremental strategy – which amounts to case by case litigation, local site specific land use battles, and reliance on the land trusts and Foundation funded “environmental groups” to cut deals with the solar industry – surely has failed and will kill what’s left.

The climate science; land use, forestry, and agricultural policy; and the politics could actually work together to support a very aggressive demand for a NJ Forest And Farmland Preservation Act.

The idea is simple: preserve what’s left before NJ’s is either fully built out or inundated by sea level rise.

(and where are all those people now living along shorelines and rivers going to relocate when the inevitable next major floods hit and the sea level rises? Not all of them can move to Florida. They’re going to demand to develop what’s left of NJ’s higher elevation lands.)

[Update: 5/7/21 – this is no theoretical issue. Take a look at the dystopian disaster of climate refugees in California right now. ~~~ end update]

This final frontier of the NJ land use battle could be tied to climate policy via carbon sequestration (in soils and vegetation).

Forests and soils store (sequester) large amounts of carbon – as DEP’s Climate science based Global Warming Response Act “80 x 50” Report documents. That alone is a compelling reason to preserve what’s left of NJ’s forests and farms.

But we also need and will become far more reliant on the food that NJ farms produce (way beyond the current “locavore” and “farm to table” boutique trends).

And we don’t have enough water supply or wastewater treatment capacity to serve the new development of those precious lands.

And we don’t have the money for the roads, schools, and other infrastructure and social services for that new development.

And compliance with our carbon budget would make such development impossible.

NJ is already built out and the climate emergency will greatly worsen current density problems and increase the costs of the current development footprint.

Financing could come from some form of  progressively structured carbon price/tax (way beyond the meager RGGI allowance prices and Societal Benefits Charge), new corporate taxes, and expansion of the current Green Acres, Farmland Preservation, and TDR programs in the Pinelands and Highlands.

The total cost of the program could be lowered by an appraisal method that based “market value” on environmental constraints, not local zoning and so called speculative “development potential”. The local property tax avoidance benefits of the current farmland preservation programs could be factored into the compensation scheme. Compensation to landowners could be phased. Courts have supported deep diminution of property value against “takings” challenges, so the private landowner compensation would not need to be close to 100%.

Politically, this initiative could attract a coalition with all the anti-warehouse development folks and the urban EJ folks who seek private and public reinvestment in urban communities (without gentrifying them). Massive urban forestry and housing energy efficiency and electrification programs – required to meet climate goals –  would provide major employment and economic benefits to urban communities.

But in order to make this happen, there would need to be a radical transformation in the thinking and politics of the current crop of NJ’s conservation, climate and environmental “leaders”.

It would require that major donors – Foundations like Wm. Penn and Dodge – actually fund something that upsets the political and economic status quo and challenges corporate interests ands corporate power.

What the heck, we could even call it the Jeff Tittel Legacy Act! (and justify it by the climate emergency).

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