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Christie Delivers Sickening Sandy Self Promotion and Denial In State of the State

January 9th, 2013 No comments

Gov. Ignores Wake up Call on Global Warming, Coastal Vulnerability & Lax Regulation

Christie Doubles Down on Rebuild Czar & Deregulation

We have created a cabinet-level position to coordinate the State’s efforts across every agency – and Marc Ferzan is here today – ready to work with you on this restoration effort.

We have directed our Department of Environmental Protection to streamline approvals for restoring critical infrastructure. ~~~ Gov. Christie State of the State Address

[[Update: 1/15/13 – Charlie Stile of Bergen Record nails exactly what we argue: Christie’s videos blurring the boundaries of official and political – end]


Just a quickie this morning – I’m bedridden today, too sick to move.

While it looks like nobody in media picked up on the glaring contradiction in Gov. Christie’s speech (i.e. it was government, science, regulations, and public sector workers that responded to Sandy, the same things he bragged about slashing) at least Charlie Stile at the Bergen Record finally woke up to the obvious: Christie Using Bipartisanship as political strategy

Governor Christie issued a concise warning to any Democratic foes who might try to exploit superstorm Sandy’s recovery for political gain: Don’t go there.

“You see, some things are above politics. Sandy was and is one of those things,” Christie said during what could be described as his State of Sandy address to a joint session of the Legislature on Tuesday.

We had a very similar take, just 3 days ago, see: Gov. Christie Shamelessly Exploiting Sandy for Personal Benefit.

But in addition to simply criticizing the Governor’s obvious political game, we wrote about the Governor’s policy record that he is trying to hide  – the substance of which we predicted (correctly) would be ignored by media. So we will repeat that today in hopes that someone in media, the Democratic Party, or the environmental community will latch on to it and hold Christie accountable:

In addition to the Gov.’s  rank political exploitation of the Belmar Boardwalk, there is the simply astonishing hypocrisy of Gov. Christie demanding federal taxpayer dollars to restore beaches that his Administration is reducing public access to (see: Environmental groups sue NJ DEP over new beach rules that could limit access).

On top of the crude political exploitation, demagoguery, and the  hypocrisy, there also is the fact of the Gov.’s actual policy record, which directly contributed to the Sandy problems (for investigative news on the Christie record,see:

And we’ve been writing about this disgusting political game since day one.

I wrote about the Gov.’s use of bi-partisanship and empathy as political cover at the very first Senate hearing on Sandy back on November 26. I wrote:

Today’s Ocean County setting and opening hearing was transparently a partisan forum to promote and lionize the Governor, and allow – for the cameras – the Democrats to emulate the empathy and leadership of the Big Dog.

Republican Hack Senator O’Toole, at the outset, made the “criticism is out of  bounds” the focus of his opening satement:

During the opening remarks, Senator O’Toole criticized the Assembly Speaker for criticizing NJ Transit’s actions, while suggesting that any criticism of State policy or the State response was an inappropriate partisan attack on Governor Christie, who O’Toole claimed did a spectacular job.

I am a critic and I deeply resent that.”

I even spoke to Chairman Sarlo to complain about that after the hearing concluded.

So, the basic political and policy questions remain disappointingly unaddressed:

  • Will Democrats and Legislators allow the Gov. and his Rebuild Czar to unilaterally control the game?
  • Will the media engage the substance of the Governor’s policy record on issues related to Sandy, from Climate change, through vulnerability assessment and planning, through regulatory oversight at DEP?
  • Will environmental groups engage at all, or continue to cower and hide behind meaningless principles?
  • Why are we rebuilding in locations and patterns we know will be washed out by sea level rise and future storms?
  • Will there be a real debate on a Coastal Commission?
  • Will anyone write about or work on President Obama’s Executive Order on Sandy Rebuild? The total blackout on that is allowing the insane Rebuild Now! juggernaut to gain momentum, unchallenged.

We can’t continue to carry that debate alone here at Wolfenotes – someone out there needs to step up. You know who you are.


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Billions of Gallons of Raw Sewage Discharged to NJ Waters With No Enforcement Response

January 6th, 2013 No comments

Jim O’neill at the Bergen Record wrote a good story today on water pollution problems from combined sewer overflows, see:  Staggering cost of repairs allows sewage to foul N.J. waterways

I encourage you to read the whole thing, but, because I’ve been writing about DEP’s failure to address severe infrastructure deficit problems for some time,  I want to make a few quick points on it:

1. NY/NJ Baykeeper deserves huge credit for all their great work on CSO’s and for  taking action by suing DEP.

2. The Record story left out a significant reason for the Christie DEP’s lame response:

To spur local governments to tackle the issue, the Christie administration plans to make partial loan forgiveness available. “We are looking to incentivize right conduct rather than mandate it,” Siekerka said.

CSO’s are a longstanding problem that has been ignored for a long time by DEP under Republican and Democratic governors.

But Governor Christie has made the historic failed DEP response far worse and basically barred the door to any real solution.

The Christie DEP has simply surrendered its enforcement stick. They have only carrots in the toolbox.

And Gov. Christie established a policy prohibiting unfunded state mandates on local government under Christie’s Executive Order #4

There is no reason why DEP enforcement could not be used to force towns to take low/no interest loans from the NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust to begin to remedy these infrastructure problems. The impact on ratepayers would not be significant.

Only Christie policy is stopping that from happening.

And EPA Region 2 could pull the enforcement trigger as well under their Clean Water Act authority, so EPA Region 2 Administrator Enck got a pass in the story as well as Christie policy.

3. As is typical with environmental news stories, the issue of costs is emphasized.

But, those costs fail to consider the huge costs of inaction and the costs are not provided in a meaningful context of the benefits achieved or the real impact of those who would pay the costs.

Would you be wiling to pay $1 a day for clean water? (that’s less than a cup of coffee these days).

This is extremely biased reporting and it is the norm in journalism.

4.  The story closes with a quote by Senator Smith, Chair of the Environment Committee.

Smith likes to say “elections have consequences.”

He’s right – and lack of legislative oversight of Gov. Christie ideology and DEP’s performance has consequences too.


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Gov. Christie Shamelessly Exploiting Sandy for Personal Benefit

January 6th, 2013 No comments

When will the NJ media write substantive investigative accountability stories?

[Update 2: 2/4/13 –Looks like the media finally gets it: Christie urged to separate himself from Sandy relief fund:

“This is exactly where the wealthy special interests will then go throw money in order to buy favor with the politician who is associated with the non-profit,” Holman said.

He said the charity also can be used to promote the governor’s image — Christie is displayed prominently on the group’s Facebook page hugging a victim of the storm — in an election year.

Update 1:  Gov. Christie opposes a Coastal Commission or any legislative role. Gov. doubles down on the Rebuild Czar and moves quickly to shut down any debate, even before the bill is introduced – see Asbury Park Press: Chrisite opposes panel to oversee shore rebuilding – end update]

Yesterday, I was disgusted by reading a story where Gov. Christie crudely exploited Sandy for his own personal and partisan gain:

Gov. Christie: “I will be in Belmar” next Memorial Day to open new post-Sandy boardwalk

Aside from the Belmar Boardwalk, I’m sure Gov. Christie will be breaking out  his Sandy Fleece in the cool fall days before next November’s election too.

I’m also sure the governor’s political team is planning all sorts of ribbon cutting campaign events, as those billions in federal taxpayer Sandy bailout dollars flow to NJ.  The Gov. will use them as a twofer: to shamelessly self promote and to cover up his performance and policy record, which made Sandy worse.

We got just a small taste of that  yesterday in a Star Ledger report:

FEMA approves $19 million in grants for sludge shipment, park cleanup

Two sewage treatment plants and several state parks affected by Hurricane Sandy are the beneficiaries of $19 million in emergency storm grants, Gov. Christie announced today.

Notice how the story is all good news – no reporting at all of the fact that those grants did not come with strings attached to require these sewage plants to conduct a vulnerability assessment and to retrofit facilities to avoid the next storm. 

No reporting that those plants and DEP screwed up. Current DEP regulations make vulnerability assessment voluntary and DEP dos not enforce some emergency planning and preparedness requirements that are in permits – that’s why these plants were not prepared and got hit harder than if they were.

But, enough of those complicated and DEP regulations and back to the politics. In addition to the Gov.’s  rank political exploitation of the Belmar Boardwalk, there is the simply astonishing hypocrisy of Gov. Christie demanding federal taxpayer dollars to restore beaches that his Administration is reducing public access to (see: Environmental groups sue NJ DEP over new beach rules that could limit access).

On top of the crude political exploitation, demagoguery, and the  hypocrisy, there also is the fact of the Gov.’s actual policy record, which directly contributed to the Sandy problems (for investigative news on the Christie record,see:

But, of course all this ignored by NJ’s hometown cheerleading press corps, who broke new depths of depravity today  in the Star Ledger’s page one story, a disgusting display of lap dog journalism:

Christie looks ahead to big victory in 2013, reflects on how Sandy changed him

While I’ve written in detail – perhaps to much detail for the average intrepid journalist to follow – because the media seem incapable or unwilling to investigate the Governor’s actual policy and performance related to Sandy, let me just simply lay out  just one specific example of Sandy SNAFU: 1 – 2 – 3:

1. DEP recently completed a pilot study with shore towns.

In March 2011, DEP released the results:

“Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessment Protocol (CCVAP) is a GIS-based methodology to assist land use planners, hazard mitigation planners, emergency managers, and other local decision-makers in the identification of their community’s vulnerability through virtual mapping. By applying the methods defined in CCVAP to the pilot communities, areas were identified where built infrastructure, sensitive natural resources, and special needs populations overlapped areas of potential inundation. This vulnerability mapping supports community efforts to make the connection between the potential consequences of sea level rise and inundation to their vulnerability – ultimately to guide the community for resilience planning.”

2. The implementation of the CCVA would require close coordination and assistance to local governments from DEP.

3. So, meet your DEP Director of Local Government Assistance, a woman – like the boss that hired her, Commissioner Bob Martin –  with no academic or professional training or government experience, whose only qualification is partisan hack, and who told a local environmental Commissioner that sycamore trees at Bull’s Island are an invasive species:

full story, with links to documents:

So, when will the NJ media write those kind of investigative accountability stories?


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Year In Review – Cliff Notes Version: Two Numbers Provide Perfect Illustration of The Christie DEP’s Priorities

December 30th, 2012 No comments

Two Number Speak Volumes – 2 and 171

I’ll do a more thorough year in review post, but I thought I’d take a moment on a cold Sunday morning after a brisk walk to post these two numbers that popped into my head.  DEP Commissioner Martin loves metrics, so here are 2 metrics he  can chew on.

Nothing new here – this is no secret.

But I think these two numbers provide a perfect illustration of the Christie DEP’s priorities and MO, particularly when contrasted with each other:

Not only is that number pathetically low compared to DEP’s regulatory adoption record over the last decade, but the measly two new policy rules adopted are rollbacks: the waiver rule and the public access rule.

BOTH rules were attacked by lawsuits by environmental groups.

Over the last decade, DEP has adopted from 6 – 12 new policy regulations per year, and all of them were strongly supported by environmental groups.

In putting these numbers together, I eliminated rule adoptions that exclusively or primarily merely readopted an existing rule scheduled to expire, with no significant policy change. I counted only those adoptions that made new policy (rules mandated by new legislation were rejected as well, as they do not necessarily reflect the policy of the Governor or DEP Commissioner. For 2012, that eliminated new legislatively mandated rules for electronic waste management and Licensed Site Professionals Program).

[Note: And I did not include Commissioner Martin’s Order that deregulated rebuilding of public infrastructure destroyed by Sandy; of Martin’s Guidance that waived solid waste permit requirements for debris removal, transport and disposal; or DEP Division of Land Use  permit exemptions – each of which rolled back environmental protections.]

The 2012 horrible regulatory record builds on bad years in 2010, when DEP adopted 2 new rules (1 bad) and 2011, when DEP adopted 3 new policy rules (2 bad, and the only good rule a product of the Corzine DEP).

At a rate of almost 1 per day, that’s another DEP record –  both for volume and for spin. It contributes to and breaks a prior record set last year

The Christie DEP record is unparalleled, both in low numbers and the rollback directionality.

So there it is – record regulatory rollbacks that generate lawsuits by environmental groups, accompanied by record levels of Press Office spin.

Satisfied with your Orwellian Christie DEP?

[Endnote: Having written several of both documents while at DEP, I can assure you that it is a LOT harder to write a rule than a press release.]

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Builders Put Insane Rebuild Agenda on the Table in Trenton

December 14th, 2012 No comments

Environmentalists Hiding Under Their Desks, Playing Corrupt Inside Game

Instead of Reforms, NJ Could Be On The Verge of Further Rollbacks

“People opposed every one of our measures because short-sighted people say ‘Let’s enjoy it today, don’t worry about tomorrow,'” said former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, a Republican who proposed a coastal commission in the 1980s in an ultimately failed bid to curb excessive development. “You just can’t do that as a state, or you have to expect that sooner or later you’re going to lose that game.” ~~~ Huffington Post 12/12/12

By the 1960s, the New Jersey shore claimed distinction as both the most developed coastline in the United States and a budding ecological disaster. Noted landscape architect Ian McHarg highlighted the rapid development of the Jersey Shore in his seminal 1969 book Design with Nature, a widely read critique of environmental planning. “Houses are built upon dunes, grasses destroyed, dunes breached for beach access and housing,” he wrote. “Ignorance is compounded with anarchy and greed to make the raddled face of the Jersey shore.”

Coastal researchers coined the term “New Jersey-ization” to describe the folly of human intervention along the shore. By 1971, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had classified 81 percent of New Jersey’s coastline as being in “critical” condition from beach erosion.

We became a laboratory for how not to do it,” said Wolfe, the former Department of Environmental Protection analyst.

 [Update: 12/20/12 –  Better late than never – The Asbury Park Press nails itclosely follows our take, including quoting former Gov. Tom Kean on the need for a Coastal Commission and Gov. Christie’s reckless cheerleading for Rebuild Now! (see: Watchdog: How greed and politics nearly destroyed the coast – here’s my favorite contrast:

Christie, a Republican, has said that the Jersey Shore has no choice but to rebuild, and already has allowed hard-hit towns to reconstruct roads, bridges and other infrastructure without considering protections against the next storm.

“We’ll rebuild it,” Christie said days after the storm. “No question in our mind we’ll rebuild it.” […]

Kean, a Republican, said it was essential to plan for protection “because when you think of New Jersey, you think of the Shore.”

We were expecting a big hurricane because they happen sooner or later,” Kean said of the effort in his second term in the late 1980s [to establish a Coastal Commission]. “Builders were opposed. They were the biggest obstacle.”

Now would be a good time to try again for such a coastal commission, he said.

“It’s worth a try, given what happened. People react together in a crisis. If we’d had it in place, we’d have less damage,” Kean said. “If the global warming people are correct, and I believe they are, this is going to happen more often.” ~~~ end update]


While the NJ environmental community was holding a teleconference with a handful of reporters to release a list of vague and empty platitudes, the NJ Builders Association was in the trenches in Trenton yesterday, putting an insane rebuild agenda on the table before the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee (Star Ledger story)

Dave Fisher, treasurer of the New Jersey Builders Association, said the state should come up with ways to reduce regulatory burdens and costs, streamline the permitting and inspection processes and regionalize the disaster planning and permitting processes. He also urged committee members to consider supporting a sales tax holiday for building materials and supplies or at least reduce the sales tax on those items.

Meanwhile, in Washington, on the same page with their shortsighted NJ counterparts, Republicans and business groups were crafting another fraudulent “cliff”, claiming that now President Obama was taking us over the “regulatory cliff”, with more “job killing red tape regulations” (Bergen Record/AP story):

“WASHINGTON — While the “fiscal cliff” of looming tax increases and spending cuts dominates political conversation in Washington, some Republicans and business groups see signs of a “regulatory cliff” that they say could be just as damaging to the economy. …

Under an Obama EPA that has earned a reputation for abuse, American families will be subjected to a regulatory onslaught that will drive up energy prices, destroy millions of jobs and further weaken the economy,” he wrote in a 14-page report on expected EPA regulations for 2013. The report predicts an influx of regulations that “spell doom for jobs and economic growth.”

This red meat ideological attack on regulation is getting little if any pushback in NJ – the environmental groups aren’t talking about it (they haven’t even shown up at Legislative hearings), the media isn’t writing  the stories, and no one is willing to talk about obvious failures and hold the Christie Administration accountable (other than the NJ Transit debacle).

We are in the absurd situation whereby in the midst of this backlash ideological attack on regulations, the NJ environmental community is mute, while:

1) the Asbury Park Press has strongly criticized Governor Christie and DEP Commissioner Martin, and called for a moratorium on rebuilding, stronger regulations, and a Coastal Commission;

2) A former DEP Commissioner and current developer Mark Mauriello has very publicly laid out a vision and recommended a very specific controversial legislative and regulatory reform agenda, including repeal of the right to rebuild and a new Coastal Commission;

3) the moderate and pro-economic development planning group NJ Future has supported a Coastal Commission.

Yet, in this context, since the storm the NJ environmentalists have been AWOL and surrendered the field in the policy and media arena. Now, after 6 weeks of sitting on the sideline, all they can do is release a list of vague platitudes? How can they possibly be behind the APP, a builder, and NJ Future in calling out Christie and demanding specific reforms?

Just like the response to the Wall Street fraud and greed driven housing bubble collapse – the product of economic deregulation – it was the lack of regulation and lax regulation that greatly contributed to the Sandy disaster.

The Huffington Post nails it:

New Jersey’s coastal land-use regulations are conspicuously lenient compared to other state an investigation by The Huffington Post has found — so lenient that authorities permitted the Cabana Club to adopt its precarious location between the seawall and the beach. Based on current state law — the fruit of a political compromise crafted nearly two decades ago — the club can fully rebuild here, in exactly the same spot. In New Jersey, owners of coastal developments possess unique rights to rebuild in the wake of storms. Whatever nature removes, and at whatever cost to taxpayers, property owners are free to put it all back.

Sandy is now testing the merits of the absolute right to rebuild like never before, resurrecting long-expressed concerns that it sets up homeowners and the government for future disasters. As New Jersey confronts the question of how and where to reconstruct its battered shore, experts warn that the state’s land-use laws are likely to perpetuate what has played out here for decades: cycles of reckless development followed by storm-inflicted devastation.

“The status quo is that you just put everything back,” said Mark Mauriello, a former commissioner for New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection, who worked in the agency’s coastal program for two decades. “Looking ahead, we shouldn’t be surprised when we see areas damaged again, people hurt, and the same kind of misery we’ve seen here. Clearly, I hope people realize that’s not a good plan for the future.”

If New Jersey is to forge a different path, it may require a change in philosophy from its famously pugnacious Republican governor, Chris Christie. Since taking office three years ago, Christie and his appointees have altered the composition of the state’s Department of Environmental Protection, which oversees shoreline land use, replacing several credentialed experts in environmental science and coastal management with people drawn from the business world.

The department’s current commissioner, Bob Martin — an advisor to Christie’s 2009 campaign, and previously an energy and utility consultant at Accenture — has urged the agency to adopt a “customer service focus”while serving as “a driver for economic growth.” He has marginalized the authority of scientists and coastal policy experts, critics say, primarily by transferring them to other offices.

[Christie has] done the exact opposite of what’s needed to be done,” said Bill Wolfe, a former Department of Environmental Protection planner and policy analyst who now leads the watchdog group New Jersey Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. “He has been affirmatively promoting regulatory relief and taking away any development, land use planning and infrastructure expertise at the department.”

But instead of aggressively making that case and calling for bold and specific restrictive regulations, greenhouse gas emission reductions, massive renewable energy investments, and reforms in coastal land planning and use governance, the NJ environmental community is on the sidelines or is working behind the scenes with the Christie Administration.

In the wake of NJ’s worst disaster ever – with direct connections to both global warming and coastal land use planning and management regulatory failures – the environmentalists are not only missing a huge opportunity for real reforms, but I fear we are on the verge of a huge setback.

Here’s where I see this ongoing disaster unfolding in the immediate future:

1) Gov. Christie makes a Move – Enviro’s Provide Support and Cover

Given President Obama’s Executive Order and NY Governor Cuomo’s early move to appoint several Sandy recovery Task Forces, I see a similar move by Governor Christie on the horizon.

My sense is that Christie will issue an Executive Order creating a “bipartisan” Task Force or Blue Ribbon panel and that his “consensus” reforms will be focused on incentives, tax cuts, deregulation, local control/home rule, and voluntary measures.

Any reforms would be  incorporated in changes in his State Strategic Economic Development Plan (previously known as the State Development and Redevelopment Plan) overseen by the State Planning Commission, thereby sidestepping debate and totally frustrating attempts to close legislative loopholes, strengthen DEP regulations, and create a real regional planning entity like a Coastal Commission with regulatory control over land use, infrastructure, and spending priorities. 

Just remember, the State Plan has no teeth. Don’t fall for a coastal gum-job.

Look to all – including environmental groups – to praise the Governor’s “bold leadership”.

And don’t be surprised if token environmental supporters Tim Dillingham and Cindy Czipf – the new NJEF and Dave Pringle – are named to represent the environmental community on those Task Forces (and later receive significant mitigation money in exchange for their support). [Those same groups and individuals have provided cover in support of Gov. Christie on Barnegat Bay, the Oyster Creek deal, gutting DEP TMDL and the Gov. veto of TMDL legislative efforts, and have accepted $1 million in State funds for “restoration” and upcoming federally funded “mitigation” projects:

“A lot of money is going to be coming into the state through federal programming, hopefully, and we need to strategically figure out where we are spending that money. As we bring in that money, we have to make sure that the waterfront is open to everyone.”

Brazen game, no? It just might explain why they fail to call for specific reforms – they are more interested in appeasing the Governor and shaking the money tree, than calling for the specific reforms they must know are the right thing to do.

2) Privatization of DEP Permitting – Pressure Builds

It is actually possible to see privatization of coastal redevelopment oversight – the Builders and others have already called for a private “Licensed Site Professional” based model for coastal permitting as a way around DEP oversight and permit requirements. Even two years before Sandy, DEP put out a bid to privatize land use permiting, a move later blocked by the Legislature;

3) Pressure mounts to deregulate and “relax” DEP rules

it is actually possible to see further deregulation of environmental oversight – DEP Commissioner Martin has already deregulated public infrastructure and announced plans to further “relax” the Flood Hazard regulations (you can watch Martin make that commitment).

Now how crazy is that  – in the wake of the worse flooding in the state’s history, the DEP Commissioner openly calls for relaxing flood regulations! (and no in the press, legislature, or environmental community calls him out for that!)

The normally controversial privatization and deregulation initiatives would be masked and provided political by the consensus bipartisan  recommendations of the Task Force – all signed on to by friendly environmentalists.

4) No Strings Congressional Block Grants Put Christie in Control

Congress seems poised to enact a “no strings” multi-billion taxpayer bailout of rebuilding, with maximum flexibility to states in the form of block grants.

5) Will Democratically Controlled Legislature Continue to Sit Back?

How can Legislative Democrats and NJ environmentalists support a multi-billion block grant dominated bailout to a Governor who has appointed a “Rebuild Czar”, provided $1.5 billion already in corproate tax breaks, and diverted over $680 million of clean energy funds (among many other things).

How is it possible to trust Gov. Christie to spend those billions of dollars in federal monies wisely – under the control of a Czar and  with no public process, no overall strategy or plan, and no new  policies, standards, and criteria in place to govern how and where the rebuild occurs and the money is spent?

This is where we are heading, unless there is a significant change in the debate.

6) The Prospects for Reform

The only brakes on the accelerating disaster that is unfolding is for Congress to put strings on federal money (I will lay that out in future post) and for NJ Legislators to enact legislation that takes unilateral control away from the Gov. and his “Rebuild Czar (more on that later too).

Of course the NJ enviro’s could mount a public campaign and wage a huge battle to convince the public to demand reforms – but, too late, that opportunity has been squandered.

That is insane – but par for the course at this insane moment in our public life.

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