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Pinelands Protectors Hold Protest March To Stop Pipeline

February 4th, 2017 No comments

Protests Mount As Pinelands Commission Scheduled to Meet on February 10

Protesters at BL England plant site (2/4/17)

Protesters at BL England plant site (2/4/17)

Today, in brisk 20 degree wind chill weather, over 100 Pinelands defenders held a protest march along the route of the proposed South Jersey Gas (SJG) pipeline through the Pinelands.

The march – with support from the Bus for Progress and a lengthy car caravan – began at the BL England power plant – slated to receive gas from the pipeline –

BL England plant - Beesley's Point, NJ

BL England plant – Beesley’s Point, NJ

After a rally by the plant, the group moved to Tuckahoe.

protesters march in Tuckerton, NJ

protesters march in Tuckahoe, NJ

The event culminated in a Pinelands forest tour to observe sensitive natural resources that would be impacted by the pipeline – in Peaslee Wildlife Management Area.


The event was held after over 100 people were forced to stand in the cold rain last week outside of a Pinelands Commission meeting on the pipeline in Browns Mills, see:

Bill [Wolfe], the gentleman with the loud voice, tells me that it is getting close to the point where more direct action, such as creating a Pinelands version of Standing Rock, may be necessary. “They can’t vote on it today. But the next meeting in February, they’re going to approve it, guaranteed. The only thing we have left is direct action and civil disobedience…. The only other thing we have is lawsuits.”

As a result of public outcry, the Pinelands Commission was forced to extend the public comment period until February 8, in a desperate attempt to fix major legal flaws related to denying over 100 people an opportunity to comment on the pipeline. As we wrote, that extension is a sham that does not resolve fatal flaws.

The Commission next meets on February 10 at the Commission’s headquarters – they legally could vote to approve the pipeline at that meeting. Let’s hope that protesters jam that meeting.

Clearly, opposition is growing – and growing more aggressive.

Even the mainstream press recognizes this mounting frustration – see the Philadelphia Inquirer story on today’s march:

And the Press of Atlantic City emphasized the passion:

Some photos of today’s event:





Pee. Wildlife Management Area

Peaslee Wildlife Management Area

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Ocean County Freeholder Director Vicari Is A Coward

February 3rd, 2017 No comments

Ocean County Freeholders Dodge Accountability for Supporting Pipeline

My press clips note that yesterday, the Asbury Park Press reported that the Ocean County Freeholders were “taking a pass” on the controversial South Jersey Gas pipeline through the Pinelands, see:

OC freeholders refuse to take sides on pipeline issue

TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Board of Freeholders is taking a pass on a contentious proposal to build a natural gas pipeline through the Pine Barrens.

Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari said Wednesday that the board would take no position on the proposal, citing ethical concerns.

Freeholder Director Vicari is a coward and full of crap. The Freeholders have already acted to support the proposed South Jersey Gas (SJG) pipeline.

The Ocean County Freeholders appointed current Pinelands Commissioner Avery in an extraordinarily disgraceful way – days before their prior representative was laid to rest.

They rushed Avery’s appointment explicitly so that he could vote in favor of the South Jersey Gas pipeline. Avery then voted in favor of the SJG pipeline.

Here are the facts: 1) Ocean County was represented on the Pinelands Commission by John Haas, longtime Ocean County recycling coordinator. 2) Haas died on Saturday November 30, 2013. 3) Haas was buried on Saturday December 7, 2013 (see Haas’ obituary). 4) Avery was appointed by the Freeholders just days after Haas died and days before Haas was buried. 5) Avery then voted in favor of the SJG pipeline in January 2014. The Pinelands Commission vote was a 7-7- tie.

At the time, I blasted them for that in a December 6, 2013 post:

Recently deceased Pinelands Commissioner and Vice Chairman John Haas has not yet been buried (his funeral is Saturday), but instead of spending time respectfully honoring the man’s legacy at the Commission and as Ocean Count recycling Coordinator, the Christie Administration, Executive Director Wittenberg, and Ocean County Republicans have been working assiduously to line up a hack to fill his slot on the Pinelands Commission.

Mr. Haas’ life and legacy has been reduced to a patronage appointment to assure a majority vote to approve a gas pipeline that violates the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan.

How sick is that?

If you don’t believe my version of events and my chronology, please read veteran reporter Kirk Moore’s story in the  Asbury Park Press: (article is archived, no link available):

KIRK MOORE / APP.COM – Days after the death of Pinelands Commission member John Haas, the Ocean County Board of Freeholders moved quickly to fill their representative’s seat on the commission, appointing Alan W. Avery Jr., a former county government administrator and planning director who served on the commission for many years.

Avery’s appointment Wednesday came as the Pinelands Commission appears to be bitterly divided over a proposal to allow construction of a large natural gas transmission line through a forest zone, contrary to longstanding Pinelands rules. The Christie administration and state Board of Public Utilities are strongly backing the plan by South Jersey Gas, which would enable reconstruction of the aged BL England coal-burning generation plant as a modern gas-fired power station.

The timing of the appointment means Avery will rejoin the 15-member Pinelands panel — which oversees land use and environmental protection in seven South Jersey counties — in time for the commission’s next full meeting Dec. 13. That’s when a majority of commissioners could decide whether to move forward or retreat on an agreement with the BPU that would clear the way for pipeline construction

Shame on the Ocean County Freeholders for the way they appointed Avery and now refuse to be accountable for that.

And shame on Avery for accepting the post at the time and then voting in favor of the SJG pipeline.

Mr. Avery, you could prove me wrong and make me apologize and eat my words by voting NO on the pipeline. But I won’t hold my breath on that.

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The First Gorsuch Was Too Much

February 1st, 2017 No comments

Don’t let the slights of the mother be avenged by the son

These scandals seem to occur as corporate influence comes to dominate the policy agenda and industry interests seek to roll back environmental protections from the inside of government.“ ~~~ Bill Wolfe (7/30/08)

[Updates below]

What happens to a 13 year old boy who is forced to watch his mother’s ideology and character savaged by eastern liberal elites (“environmentalists”), who destroy her reputation as she is humiliated by the press corps on a national stage?

Does he internalize that trauma as a deep emotional resentment? Does he bear a grudge?

Does he seek a form of revenge by attending Eastern liberal universities – Columbia, Harvard, Oxford – to enter the belly of the liberal beast and intellectually compete, all to avenge his mother’s radical corporate, anti-regulatory, state’s right’s ideology?

Does he share her deep character flaws? Conservatives stress that “character is destiny” – psychological makeup forms the basis of character.

Although Freudian psychoanalysis has been discredited in some quarters, these are legitimate issues for the Senate to probe.

The Senate better ask Judge Gorsuch about all that, a man-child who Donald Trump just nominated to be a Supreme Court Justice.

This brings us to a question about the strange career of Anne Gorsuch Burford, Judge Gorsuch’s mom.

For those who are too young to know of or those that can’t recall, let’s recap Mrs. Gorsuch’s legacy and see if we can hear any echoes to today’s debates (from the Washington Post):

Anne Gorsuch Burford, 62, Dies; Reagan EPA Director
By Patricia Sullivan
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 22, 2004; Page B06

Anne M. Gorsuch Burford, 62, the Environmental Protection Agency director who resigned under fire in 1983 during a scandal over mismanagement of a $1.6 billion program to clean up hazardous waste dumps, died of cancer July 18 at Aurora Medical Center in Colorado.

Her 22-month tenure was one of the most controversial of the early Reagan administration. A firm believer that the federal government, and specifically the EPA, was too big, too wasteful and too restrictive of business, Ms. Burford cut her agency’s budget by 22 percent. She boasted that she reduced the thickness of the book of clean water regulations from six inches to a half-inch.

Republicans and Democrats alike accused Ms. Burford of dismantling her agency rather than directing it to aggressively protect the environment. They pointed to budgets cuts for research and enforcement, to steep declines in the number of cases filed against polluters, to efforts to relax portions of the Clean Air Act, to an acceleration of federal approvals for the spraying of restricted pesticides and more. Her agency tried to set aside a 30-by-40-mile rectangle of ocean due east of the Delaware-Maryland coast where incinerator ships would burn toxic wastes at 1,200 degrees centigrade.

Ms. Burford was forced to resign after she was cited for contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over Superfund records, arguing that they were protected by executive privilege. Ms. Burford acted under President Ronald Reagan’s orders, with the advice of the Justice Department and against her own recommendation, her colleagues told the press at the time. A few months later, in what one of her aides called a “cold-blooded, treacherous act of political callousness,” the Justice Department announced it would no longer represent her because it was involved in investigations into corruption at the EPA.

The New York Times wrote about the Gorsuch corruption at the time:

Rita Lavelle Reports Motive for Grant Delay

Published: April 8, 1985

Rita M. Lavelle, former assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency’s toxic waste fund, says she now recalls being told that the agency delayed awarding a grant for political reasons.

Miss Lavelle, dismissed from her E.P.A. post two years ago, was interviewed last week in Washington, D.C.

Miss Lavelle said Anne McGill Burford, who headed the agency, wanted in mid-1982 to delay the cleanup grant for the Stringfellow toxic waste dump in Riverside County.

She added Mrs. Burford feared that Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. might get the credit if the cleanup plan were successful, and she did not want to help his bid for the Senate. Governor Brown was defeated.

Mrs. Burford, who resigned two years ago, testified at a Congressional hearing that she delayed the Stringfellow grant because she had some doubts whether it fully complied with E.P.A.’s regulations.

They say the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, and – to twist a phrase – that the sins of the mother are visited on the son.

I am the son of a brilliant woman who was active in public life and an ideological product of the Age of Sputnik – influenced by positive values of science, technological progress, and a strong role for government in promoting the public interest.

In contrast, Justice Gorsuch is the son of a disgraced ideologue and a product of the Neoliberal Age of the Powell Memo – see “The Powell Memo, A Call-to- Arms For Corporations”.

There is no need to speculate about conspiracy theories of Russian hacking – US democracy was hacked and hijacked by corporations 45 years ago, the conspiracy is hidden in plain sight, documented in a publicly available strategy memo, and Princeton research proves the success of it.

Reflecting that Powell strategy and anti-regulatory corporate ideology, Gorsuch has signaled a fundamental attack on federal regulatory powers: (see Judge Gorsuch’s concurrence at page 15).

There’s an elephant in the room with us today. We have studiously attempted to work our way around it and even left it unremarked. But the fact is Chevron and Brand X permit executive bureaucracies to swallow huge amounts of core judicial and legislative power and concentrate federal power in a way that seems more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution of the framers’ design. Maybe the time has come to face the behemoth.

[Update: 2/9/17 – the NY Times today focuses on that same administrative law issue and “elephant in the room” quote, adding a new coordinated Congressional attack

An issue that has become more contentious lately is how much deference a court should give to an interpretation of the law by an administrative agency when Congress gives it the authority to adopt rules. Known as “Chevron deference,” after the Supreme Court’s 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, the current rule says the federal courts should defer to the agencies’ interpretations of statutes that are ambiguous or do not directly address an issue at hand.

In an opinion last August, Judge Gorsuch called into question whether Chevron deference was permissible under the Constitution. In a concurring opinion in Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch, he pointed out that “there’s an elephant in the room with us today” that permits “executive bureaucracies to swallow huge amounts of core judicial and legislative power and concentrate federal power in a way that seems more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution of the framers’ design.” The downfall of Chevron deference would mean that “very little would change — except perhaps the most important things.”

Although this may seem to be an arcane issue of administrative law, Congress is already considering making such a change in how courts review agencies. The House of Representatives passed a bill on Jan. 11 that includes a provision, called the “Separation of Powers Restoration Act,” to overturn the Chevron decision and require federal courts to determine the proper interpretation of statutes without necessarily giving any weight to an agency’s views.~~~ end update]

[Update 3/17/17 – The NY Times echoes our emphasis on Gorsuch’s views on “Chevron deference”, suggests it will be the focal point of confirmation – see: “Should Agencies Decide Law?” – Once again, we are way out in front of the issue! ~~~ end update]

In that opinion, Judge Gorsuch also revealed a strong whiff of authoritarianism and executive power that is extremely dangerous in the Age of Trump. One could imagine a line like this coming from Steve Bannon:

To faithfully execute the laws often demands the sort of vigor hard to find in management-by-committee.

Gorsuch was influenced by “Public choice theory”, a theory that rejects the existence of the public interest and discredits government intervention. It has particularly undermined effective environmental regulation in the public interest :

The public choice theory of government decision making sometimes comes close to elevating this point into a universal law, suggesting that the general public interest can never prevail over powerful special interests. In the period of the late 1960s and early 1970s, however, Congress enacted numerous significant environmental laws, laws that continue to form the backbone of federal policies toward environmental problems. These laws were truly innovative in their policies and their designs, and they pitted the general public interest in improving environmental quality against powerful, special interests. In each case, the general public interest was able to prevail.

This policy “window” did not stay open for long. It was quickly succeeded by an extended period in which enacting additional innovative statutes has proven nearly impossible, which continues to this day. Yet we need innovative approaches to address continuing and emerging environmental problems more than ever. This is self-evidently true with respect to the problem of global warming and climate change. The questions worth asking are whether we can identify the factors that once made policy innovation possible in the late 1960s and early 1970s and if those factors can be produced once again.

Gorsuch’s legal education was shaped by the Federalist Society, an ideological legal institution created to implement the strategy set out in the Powell Memo and that strongly opposes regulation and promotes market based approaches.

[Update:March 18, 2017 – NY Times validates our Federalist Society linkage.  Gorsuch himself confirms it. But it is even worse – look who has ties:

Mr. Leo has an exalted reputation among conservatives, including Scott Pruitt, the former Oklahoma attorney general who is now head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. Pruitt recalled in a speech last year at the conservative bastion Hillsdale College how he was in Washington for a Federalist Society meeting in 2013. Mr. Leo asked him to stay an extra night for dinner, without giving a hint of who might show up.

“Any time that Leonard asks you to go to dinner, you stay, because he feeds you well,” Mr. Pruitt said. But it was not only the menu that was impressive. Mr. Pruitt arrived to see Justices Scalia and Clarence Thomas at the table.

“We spent three hours talking about the Constitution and things that we were involved in as attorneys general,” Mr. Pruitt recalled. “It was a fabulous time.” ~~~. end update]

Trump has publicly stated that his judicial nominees will be “picked by the Federalist Society”:

Trump: All My Judges Will Be ‘Picked By The Federalist Society’

Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, comes from the bowels of Breitbart.

A lot of dots to connect and serious issues to think about here.

So let’s demand that the Senate do its job.

The first Gorsuch was too much. Let’s not repeat that experience for the next 25+ years on the Supreme Court.

[Update: I just read the NY Times analysis – predictably, it omits the Anne Gorsuch scandal – a rather large omission, given the history and my analysis above that connects the historical, psychological, legal and political dots –  merely saying Mrs. Gorsuch served as a “high official in the Reagan administration”.

But this reflects the key issues I flagged above:

Judge Gorsuch has not hesitated to take stands that critics say have a partisan edge. He has criticized liberals for turning to the courts rather than legislatures to achieve their policy goals, and has called for limiting the power of federal regulators.

Nan Aron, the president of the Alliance for Justice, a liberal group, said Judge Gorsuch’s stance on federal regulation was “extremely problematic” and “even more radical than Scalia.”

“Not requiring courts to defer to agency expertise when an act of Congress is ambiguous,” she said, “will make it much harder for federal agencies to effectively address a wide variety of critical matters, including labor rights, consumer and financial protections, and environmental law.”

[Update #2 – In that same opinion, Judge Gorsuch not only signals an attack on federal regulatory power. His analysis would virtually repeal the New Deal Administrative state and harken back to the 19th century “non-delegation doctrine” the Supreme Court once invoked to block New Deal reforms.

Check out this argument – particularly in light of Trump’s stated intent to repeal and reverse Obama EPA regulations, doing exactly what Gorsuch condemns, i.e. EPA going “one way one day and reverse itself the next.” Would this not block Trump’s U-turns at EPA?

But even taking the forgiving intelligible principle test as a given, it’s no small question whether Chevron can clear it. For if an agency can enact a new rule of general applicability affecting huge swaths of the national economy one day and reverse itself the next (and that is exactly what Chevron permits, see 467 U.S. at 857-59), you might be forgiven for asking: where’s the “substantial guidance in that? And if an agency can interpret the scope of its statutory jurisdiction one way one day and reverse itself the next (and that is exactly what City of Arlington’s application of Chevron says it can), you might well wonder: where are the promised “clearly delineated boundaries” of agency authority?The Supreme Court once unanimously declared that a statute affording the executive the power to write an industrial code of competition for the poultry industry violated the separation of powers. A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 295 U.S. 495, 537-42 (1935). And if that’s the case, you might ask how is it that Chevron — a rule that invests agencies with pretty unfettered power to regulate a lot more than chicken — can evade the chopping block.6

The Clinton administration and Clinton EPA took the legal position that greenhouse gas emissions were regulated “pollutants” under the Clean Air Act. The Bush/Whitman EPA reversed that legal opinion. The Supreme Court then essentially agreed with the Clinton opinion. The Obama EPA then implemented the Supreme Court’s direction. The Obama EPA vehicle fleet mileage rule and Clean Power Plan regulate GHG emissions.

Now, Trump and the Pruitt EPA is poised to reverse all that.

Surely, Gorsuch’s analysis above would block that. But we don’t need him on the Court to successfully litigate that issue.

[Update: 2/6/17 – read how a real writer – which I don’t even pretend to be – handles this material. Superb, must read:

Update: 2/5/17 – Wow – the NY Times reports a very similar story to my post below regarding Gorsuch’s mom, aided by a terrifying quote from young Mr. Gorsuch:

In Fall of Gorsuch’s Mother, a Painful Lesson in Politicking

WASHINGTON — Judge Neil M. Gorsuch’s first taste of rough-and-tumble Washington politics was bitter and lingering.

He was 15 years old and his mother was a high-ranking official in the Reagan administration caught in an ugly showdown with Congress. When she was forced to step down, her reputation in tatters, young Neil was furious.

“You should never have resigned,” he told his mother, Anne Gorsuch Burford, by her later account. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You only did what the president ordered. Why are you quitting? You raised me not to be a quitter. Why are you a quitter?”

This quote reveals Gorsuch as an authoritarian – in an Age of Trump, it should be disqualifying:

You only did what the president ordered.

[Update: Oh my! And I wrote of an authoritarian streak before I knew of Gorsuch’s work with the Bush Justice Department on extreme issues like torture, Guantanamo, spying, and executive power!

[Update: 5/8/19 – Trump’s own lawyer confirms my claims:

McGahn said a big part of his job as White House counsel was to deregulate and rein in the “administrative state.”

  • He said he did that by writing deregulatory executive orders and picking judicial nominees who wanted to limit the power of federal agencies.
  • He talked about Trump nominating judges who agree that the courts have given too much flexibility to federal agencies to interpret laws and enforce regulations.
  • McGahn said they looked for potential judges who wanted to reconsider the “Chevron deference,” which requires the courts to defer to federal agencies’ “reasonable” interpretations of ambiguous laws.
  • McGahn said Trump’s judges will spend 30–40 years unwinding the power of executive agencies.

[Update: July 7, 2022 –  The denouement: this is the best our most progressive activists can do, 5 years after the fact: too late David! No wonder we’re doomed:

~~~ end updates.

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Did the BL England Power Plant Kill Wayne Barrett?

January 30th, 2017 No comments
BL England plant - Beesley's Point, NJ

BL England plant – Beesley’s Point, NJ

“Our credo must be the exposure of the plunderers, the steerers, the wirepullers, the bosses, the brokers, the campaign givers and takers … So I say: Stew, percolate, pester, track, burrow, besiege, confront, damage, level, care.” — Wayne R. Barrett, 1945-2017, on his prayer card

Wayne Barrett died last week, just one day before the Trump Inaugural. A rare lung disease killed him, but I suspect the Trump chaos had some impact.

Wayne was well known in NY political and journalistic circles as an award winning investigative reporter who knew how to write hard hitting stories about abuses of power – including those by Donald Trump. See today’s NY Times story:

But Wayne also had New Jersey connections – he owned a summer home on the shore in Beesley’s Point.

I met Wayne in early 2014 – he called me out of the blue and wanted to pick my brain about regulatory issues and the players involved in the BL England re-powering project.

At the time, I was unaware of who he was or his line of work. Wayne told me he read Wolfenotes,  praised my work, and wanted to followup on stuff I’d written about BL England. We hit it off and had 3 extended phone conversations. He had incredible knowledge of NY politics and asked detailed questions, including who the players were and technical questions about regulatory issues and copies of the source documents (which reporters almost never do). I wrote about all that in this March 30, 2014 post.

The investigative story I contributed to was Wayne expose’ of the BL England plant and Pinelands pipeline. That piece was aptly titled “Governor Christie’s Polluting Belch”.

Here’s how Wayne began and concluded that piece:(emphasis mine):

I own a summer house in Beesley’s Point, New Jersey. Chris Christie haunts it. […]

I’ve spent a lifetime investigating just these kinds of deals, yet missed one so close to me. I ran by the plant’s 175-foot smokestack whenever I jogged across the Beesley’s Point Bridge. We were often awakened by the 90-car trains hauling in the coal associated with 13 premature deaths a year, according to the Clean Air Task Force national study. …

I live with questions about whether its fine-particle soot — high in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides — has anything to do with why a lifelong nonsmoker and runner like me wound up with a lung affliction that has me on oxygen today, after making it through lung-cancer surgery last year.

But it’s the deal, not the plant, that makes me sick. Connections compromised public safety once again — this time where I live and, unfortunately, breathe.

Wayne’s words.

Of course you won’t read about any of this in the NY Times – but I have tried to get a few of NJ’s veteran reporters to write about it.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for that, however.

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A Fleeting Moment of Beauty and Truth

January 28th, 2017 No comments

[Update below]

During the Women’s March on DC last Saturday, as the protesters converged into an ocean at the corner of 14th and Constitution, I managed to make eye contact with this beautiful woman – her loving gaze penetrated my soul:


That’s a highly cropped version of what I saw:

_DSC1464 (1)

This is a haunting vision I can’t seem to shake, especially as Trump and his hate driven evangelical Christian fascist supporters attack Muslims and other immigrants.

This woman sums up my thinking in these dark days – we are so sorry:


So for those, like me, who are in some funk of shock and feeling in despair, listen to Naomi Klein for a path forward.

[Update – 1/30/17 – for a deep analysis of our crisis and how to avoid literally going insane, read Chris Hedges’ superb column (particularly the application of Arendt’s work):

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