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Murphy DEP Proposes First Real Regulation

March 4th, 2019 No comments

Proposal would increase protections on 749 miles of “exceptional quality” waters

But, it is not nearly as good as it sounds

The Murphy DEP finally proposed a real regulation – real in the sense that it provides enforceable and measurable protections for NJ’s environment. (sorry folks, the RGGI proposal fails to meet both those criteria).

The Murphy DEP just proposed significant expansion of Category One protections for 749 miles of exceptional water quality streams – read the proposal.

The Murphy DEP proposal includes all the C1 candidates (121 miles) identified and listed by Christie DEP in a Nov. 2012 Report, plus 628 additional miles, many  in South Jersey. 

That Christie DEP Report – surprisingly – explicitly validated the prior and original 2003 McGreevey DEP designation methodology. But the Christie DEP never proposed upgrades of the C1 candidates identified by DEP scientists.

The BAD NEWS is that Murphy DEP failed to close huge loopholes in Category One stream buffer protections adopted by Christie DEP rollbacks. This was a perfect opportunity to do that. Therefore, the C1 protections are far less significant and protective than former C1 upgrades.

In addition to the Christie DEP rollbacks to C1 stream buffer protections, we must note that the Murphy DEP proposal would impact only a handful of point source dischargers (i.e. sewage and industrial treatment plants), and therefore have little or no impact on any expansion of those plants and would not trigger pollution control upgrades on current wastewater discharges from those plants (existing permitted capacity is effectively grandfathered from C1 upgrades, which is another kind of loophole in C1 water quality protections).

I can say from personal experience that the McGreevey DEP selected C1 upgrades in a way to avoid impacting point source dischargers, and thereby limiting their ability to expand to permitted capacity, or triggering pollution control upgrades. So I have first hand experience with this abuse. I assume that Murphy DEP continued this abuse and did not reform it.

The Murphy DEP proposal also illustrates unnecessary restrictions imposed by Lisa Jackson DEP’s revisions of the original C1 designation methodology, by limiting the scope of DEP discretion, limiting species, mandating documented presence, & exclusionary criteria regarding waters that were impaired or did not fully attain all surface water quality standards. (for example, presence of wood turtle is not eligible as a basis for C1 designation).

Those Jackson DEP changes in the original MccGreevey DEP methodology clearly made it much harder for DEP to propose C1 upgrades and it limited the number of streams and stream miles that ultimately were proposed.

The new Murphy DEP C1 designation methodology seems to have rejected the prior “integrated ecological assessment” approach and seems more based on the traditional individual DEP water quality data and water quality monitoring silos. Similarly, the DEP’s stand alone “trout” based classification/designation program continues to operate independently and is designed to appeal narrowly to the recreational fishing community. Those are not steps forward. Instead, they perpetuate flaws in the status quo.

Finally, the Murphy DEP did not propose any C1 upgrades on the basis of “exceptional water supply”. I’m not sure what explains that, but our water supply source waters clearly need additional protections from pollution and development.

So, I hope the environmentalists and the media keep these flaws in mind in their praise of this proposal.

It is not nearly as good as it sounds.

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It Was Just a False Alarm

March 2nd, 2019 No comments


I was driving across the burning desert
When I spotted six jet planes
Leaving six white vapor trails across the bleak terrain
It was the hexagram of the heavens
It was the strings of my guitar
Amelia * it was just a false alarm

The drone of flying engines
Is a song so wild and blue
It scrambles time and seasons if it gets thru to you
Then your life becomes a travelogue
Of picture post card charms
Amelia it was just a false alarm

People will tell you where they’ve gone
They’ll tell you where to go
But till you get there yourself you never really know
Where some have found their paradise
Others just come to harm
Oh, Amelia it was just a false alarm

I wish that he was here tonight
It’s so hard to obey
His sad request of me to kindly stay away
So this is how I hide the hurt
As the road leads cursed and charmed
I tell Amelia it was just a false alarm

A ghost of aviation
She was swallowed by the sky
Or by the sea like me she had a dream to fly
Like Icarus ascending
On beautiful foolish arms
Amelia it was just a false alarm

Maybe I’ve never really loved
I guess that is the truth
I’ve spent my whole life in clouds at icy altitudes
And looking down on everything
I crashed into his arms
Amelia it was just a false alarm

I pulled into the Cactus Tree Motel
To shower off the dust
And I slept on the strange pillows of my wanderlust
I dreamed of 747s
Over geometric farms
Dreams Amelia – dreams and false alarms.  ~~~ Amelia, Joni Mitchell


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Cactus Tree

March 2nd, 2019 No comments

No Regrets Coyote


She will love them when she sees them
They will lose her if they follow
And she only means to please them
And her heart is full and hollow
Like a cactus tree.
While she’s so busy being free. ~~~ Cactus Tree – Joni Mitchell

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Sweetness and Light

March 2nd, 2019 No comments


I’m traveling in some vehicle
I’m sitting in some cafe
A defector from the petty wars
That shell shock love away
There’s comfort in melancholy
When there’s no need to explain
It’s just as natural as the weather
In this moody sky today
In our possessive coupling
So much could not be expressed
So now I’m returning to myself
These things that you and I suppressed
I see something of myself in everyone
Just at this moment of the world
As snow gathers like bolts of lace
Waltzing on a ballroom girl

You know it never has been easy
Whether you do or you do not resign
Whether you travel the breadth of extremities
Or stick to some straighter line
Now here’s a man and a woman sitting on a rock
They’re either going to thaw out or freeze
Strains of Benny Goodman
Coming through the snow and the pinewood trees
I’m porous with travel fever
But you know I’m so glad to be on my own
Still somehow the slightest touch of a stranger
Can set up trembling in my bones
I know no one’s going to show me everything
We all come and go unknown
Each so deep and superficial
Between the forceps and the stone

Well I looked at the granite markers
Those tribute to finality to eternity
And then I looked at myself here
Chicken scratching for my immortality
In the church they light the candles
And the wax rolls down like tears
There’s the hope and the hopelessness
I’ve witnessed thirty years
We’re only particles of change I know I know
Orbiting around the sun
But how can I have that point of view
When I’m always bound and tied to someone
White flags of winter chimneys
Waving truce against the moon
In the mirrors of a modern bank
From the window of a hotel room

I’m traveling in some vehicle
I’m sitting in some cafe
A defector from the petty wars
Until love sucks me back that way.  ~~~ Hejira, Joni Mitchell

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Arizona DEQ Permit Allows City of Bisbee To Discharge Raw Sewage To Public Streets and Streams

February 28th, 2019 No comments

Arizona DEQ Claims US EPA Has No Jurisdiction Under Federal Clean Water Act

view from the Cafe

view from the Cafe

This is a followup to my 2/19/19 post about the raw sewage discharge in Bisbee, Arizona, see:

John Eyre from Arizona DEQ followed up and left a message on my phone tape.

According to Mr. Eyre, the case was closed.

Mr. Eyre stated that the Arizona DEQ issued a Groundwater Protection Program permit to the City that specifically allows them to discharge raw sewage to the street and local streams.

The City will be filing a “Sanitary Sewer Overflow Report” as required by the GPP permit – that’s all. No enforcement action, no corrective action plan.

Mr. Eyre stated that he interviewed the worker, reviewed the permit and will be making slight permit changes to somehow prevent the City from “leaving so much behind”.

Mr. Eyre stated that “I’m all right with that and management is all right with that”.

Well, I assure you that I am not all right with that.

I strongly doubt that the people of Bisbee are all right with that.

And I doubt that the Cochise County Health Department and the US EPA are all right with that.

We will be following up with all of them – particularly US EPA Region 9 Criminal Investigations Division, who called me today.

I don’t know how widespread this practice is, but allowing ADEQ to hide Clean Water Act violations behind a State groundwater permit should not be tolerated by US EPA.

I suspected something improper was going on when I first spoke to Mr. Eyre from ADEQ.

I found it curious that a groundwater permit engineer was responding to a surface water enforcement case.

Mr. Eyre immediately mentioned that the City had been granted “flexibility” due to unusual geology, aging infrastructure, and historical development.

He said that the City was limited in what they could do by permit requirements to protect and restore historic resources.

When I asked Mr. Eyre if US EPA has signed off on that permit “flexibility”, he replied that EPA had no jurisdiction, because these were not “waters of the US”. He stated that only Arizona DEQ had jurisdiction in the impacted Whitewater Draw.

When I asked about faxing him documents (because Mr. Eyre  requested that I prepare a map and send him the Police Report), Eyre got nervous and told me not to because the fax in his office was in an open location and you never know who might see the documents. He asked for PDF files emailed to him alone. I found that very odd.

Neither Mr. Eyre or ADEQ surface water permit staff answered my questions about “waters of the US’ and why a groundwater permit governed a surface water discharge situation.

Regardless, I find it remarkable that a State environmental regulatory agency could issue and defend a permit that specifically allows discharge of hundreds of gallons of raw sewage to city streets and local streams.

Aside from the Clean Water Act violations, such a practice is a huge health hazard.

More to follow.

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