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Murphy DEP Ignores Opposition Of The Highlands Council On Critical Water Pollution Permit

April 10th, 2019 No comments
Not Rockaway Creek, but nearby Stonybrook

Not Rockaway Creek, but nearby Stonybrook

[Update: 5/31/19 – DEP just issued the final NJPDES permit, and basically ran roughshod over the opposition of the Highlands Council (establishing a horrible president), rejected public criticism, and narrowed the scope of their NJPDES permit renewal decision to such a degree as to abdicate their responsibility to protect clean water and did so in a way to intentionally frustrate public opposition.

DEP got the relationships between permitting and planning and DEP and the Highlands Council exactly backwards. The applicable law very clearly states that DEP can not issue any permit that is inconsistent with a WQMP plan, and those plans are linked to the Highlands RMP and the Council’s interpretation of same.

DEP also engaged in a totally false history, by stating as a fact that the original 1994NJPDES permit, which preceded the Highlands Act, was the reason for mapping the location of the discharge in the Highlands Planning Area. Where did they get that lie from? I’ll guess Bellemead’s lawyers.

They also got my comment exactly backwards in comment #20, which explicitly criticized DEP’s narrow interpretation of the scope off the NJPDES permit regulations, which explicitly require compliance with the Highlands Act and WQMP Act, and SWQS, among others. Here’s how they misstated the law in basically confirming it in a non-responsive response to my criticism:

the Department’s permitting decisions relating to this NJPDES permit are squarely embodied solely within the NJPDES rules. …. commenters are conflating different sets of rules with each other.

That DEP response missed the point entirely.

I didn’t conflate anything. I wrote the Highlands Act and am intimately familiar with DEP’s WQMP and NJPDES rules. The whole point I made in that comment #20 is that the NJPDES rules require compliance with other laws and regulations and that DEP had failed to assure this compliance as a result of  how they arbitrarily and illegally narrowed the scope of their NJPDES permit review.

And here’s how they vaguely responded to my key specific objections (I am “commenter 21″ and this is provided in response to comment #9:

Note that some of documents identified by Commenter 21 are outside the scope of this limited permit action and are more relevant to any renewal NJPDES permit renewal process where the Department will reevaluate all permit conditions.

DEP also mischaracterized my other comments, especially in comment #14. We will post an analysis soon after I read the full final NJPDES permit and the DEP’s response to comments document. ~~~ end update]

[Update: 4/18/19 – DEP just denied a request for a public hearing but reluctantly agreed to extend the public comment period until May 14, 2019, based on “the level of interest in the permit action“. I don’t know who requested a public hearing, but have asked DEP to provide the distribution list of those who commented. We asked for an extension, but not a public hearing.

But DEP permit staff have refused to provide the documents requested below, upon which the permit is based. They are forcing document requests through OPRA, which I’ve objected to. ~~~ end update]

NJ Spotlight ran a good story last week about a proposed new sewage treatment plant in the Highlands, that would discharge downstream of a Category One stretch of the environmentally sensitive North Branch of Rockaway Creek, see:

The state is moving ahead with a much-litigated permit that would let developers discharge treated sewage into Rockaway Creek, a project the New Jersey Highlands Council says is incompatible with its regional master plan. The council oversees development in the region.

The Highlands Council not only “oversees development in the region” – under the Highlands Act, they also protect, among other things, the water resources of the region. (and where is the Wm. Penn Foundation now?)

The Murphy DEP’s decision to issue the draft permit and over-ride the concerns of the Highlands Council violates the Highlands Act and DEP’s own regulations, and would set a terrible precedent on land use, water quality and the relationship between DEP and the Highlands Council, particularly for water quality and land use issues in the Planning Area where the Highlands Regional Master Plan is not mandatory.

The DEP got the relationships between DEP and the Council and between water pollution permitting and Highlands regional planning exactly backwards. (This permit is actually worse than the Christie DEP’s Crosswicks Creek NJPDES permit)

Because the applicable DEP Highlands regulations require that DEP “give great consideration and weight to the RMP.” see: N.J.A.C. 7:38-1.1(g)., frankly, I found it hard to believe that the DEP over-rode the objections of the Highlands Council. So I did a little digging and got a copy of and read the draft NJDPES permit.

I was stunned to find that the DEP not only over-rode the objections of the Highlands Council, they actually failed to engage them at all and simply ignored them by concluding that the Council’s concerns were “outside the scope of the NJPDES permit decision.

DEP basically said that they could issue water pollution control permits – which would degrade water quality and increase development, in conflict with the Highlands Act – without even engaging the substance of the Highlands Council’s concerns!

The draft permit is blatantly illegal and an attempt to unilaterally control water quality issues in the Highlands.

So I submitted the below comments on it and requested an extension of the public comment period. I hope the legal eagles that represent NJ environmental groups pick up on these challenges and that if DEP issues it, that the permit is litigated:

Susan – thank you for providing the draft NJPDES permit.

Please consider this email a followup public comment on the draft permit, a request for additional documents and a request to extend the public comment period.

The draft permit violates the Highlands Act (and implementing DEP regulations), the Water Quality Planning Act and the NJPDES regulations.

The Highlands Act and DEP Highlands regulations mandate that the Department consult with the Highlands Council and “give great consideration and weight to the RMP. see: N.J.A.C. 7:38-1.1(g).

Yet the draft permit is is based on the following DEP conclusions:

“(1) the appropriate mechanism to address the concerns raised by the Council is through the established Water Quality Management planning process, and

(2) it is inappropriate to evaluate the NJPDES permit for consistency with the particular RMP goals, policies and objectives identified in the Council’s letter because those goals relate to approvals outside the scope of the NJPDES permit decision.

First of all, by definition and based on the language cited above, the Department: a) did not give “great weight to the RMP” and b) did not do so during the NJPDES permit process because:

a) the Department failed to substantively respond to but instead re-directed the Council’s concerns through the WQMP planning process, and NOT the DEP’s Highlands regulations and NJPDES regulations as required under both DEP’s Highlands and NJPDES rules; and

b) because the Department determined that the Council’s concerns were “outside the scope of the NJPDES permit decision.

But, to the contrary, under applicable law and regulations, the Councils concerns clearly are not “outside the scope of the NJPDES permit decision”.

Under the WQMA and NJPDES regulations, the Department may not issue any permit – including a NJPDES permit – that is inconsistent with other DEP regulations (such as the Highlands regulations) or the applicable WQMP.

Because the DEP concluded that the Highlands Council’s concerns were “outside the scope of the NJPDES permit decision” – the DEP therefore did not substantively engage and respond to them and make final determinations with respect to them. Accordingly, the Department failed to comply with applicable law and regulations.

The Administrative record on the permit is deficient because it lacks any factual, scientific, planning or legal findings in this regard in response to the Council’s concerns. Therefore, under longstanding basic principles of administrative law and applicable court decisions, the draft permit lacks an adequate basis and is “arbitrary and capricious” and “an abuse of discretion”.

Finally, it is difficult to understand and meaningfully comment on the draft permit without the following documents, which I hereby request:

1. the Highlands Council’s consistency analysis documents referenced in the draft permit

2. The Department’s full consultation response to Highland Council referenced in the draft permit

3. the Court opinions referenced in the draft permit

4. the anti degradation analysis and DEP review comments as referenced in the draft permit

5. the DEP’s “reasonable potential” determination required under NJPDES rules

6. A clear statement of whether a mixing zone or water quality based end of pipe effluent limits were established in the draft permit.

In conclusion, please extend the public comment period for at least 60 days so that the public can meaningfully comment on these complex issues in light of an available, full, and accurate administrative record of the draft permit.

I appreciate your continued assistance and timely reply.


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Red Rock Country – Skoolie Views

April 9th, 2019 No comments

Just A Climate Migrant


Greetings from Red Rock Country – somewhere outside Sedona, from a US Forest Service Road just past Dead Man’s Pass. (I’ve since learned I’m in Diamondback Gulch and the views are of Bear Mt. and Doe Mt.)

The colors are real, and they change constantly, based on time of day (sunlight) and cloud cover. Incredibly beautiful and the stillness provides a feeling of solidity. Surprised by lack of wildlife – haven’t seen even rabbits.

Nights are cool and silent, but significant nearby ORV use during the day on weekends kept Bouy barking.

Coyotes yip and whine just after sunrise, which sets him off too.

Yesterday it was hot – over 80 I suspect – which made it uncomfortable outside in the sun. Surprisingly, the bus didn’t get that hot inside and it cooled down quickly after sunset.

We’ve been here a week – enjoying finally getting around to read “These Truths” – but are out of beer and water, so we head into town and, because it seems to be getting hot, we move on north towards Flagstaff and Coconino NF and the higher elevation and cooler lovely ponderosa pine forest.

[Update – I hear Flagstaff will get snow and cold for the next week, so we’re staying put here in Sedona.]

Consider me just a climate migrant – yes, “We’re All Okies Now”

Enjoy the views:




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Another Green Diversion

April 7th, 2019 No comments

Just as Murphy BPU About to Release Its Energy Master Plan, A New “Green Campaign”

Divide, Distract, and Divert

Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 12.13.56 PM

To be clear at the outset to avoid any confusion about the title of this post –  this is NOT a criticism of The Green New Deal.

Just the opposite –  I strongly support a Green New Deal – and urge folks to make it a top priority, get behind that effort and do the work to build the public opinion and political power and support necessary to make it a reality.

In fact, if I could pick just 3 things to focus and work on, they would be: 1) The Sanders campaign; 2) the Green New Deal; and 3) demanding that Gov. Murphy impose a moratorium of new fossil infrastructure and that the Murphy BPU Energy Master Plan provide a technically credible and financed path with regulatory teeth to phase out fossil and mandate 100 renewables by a date certain.

With that in mind, now let me get to the topic of this post.

The Murphy Administration’s Board Of Public Utilities is about to release its draft Energy Master Plan:

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) serves as the lead agency and is tasked with the development and oversight of the State’s EMP Committee. To achieve the Governor’s ambitious energy goals, the EMP Committee is organized into five work groups. While the work groups are composed of state agency members, there will be ample public opportunity to comment through a robust stakeholder process. The first opportunity will be a series of stakeholder meetings in September. Following the meetings, the work groups will develop a draft plan and again solicit public feedback in spring 2019, with final presentation of the 2019 Energy Master Plan to Governor Murphy by June 2019.

Yet, despite this critical timing – when activists should be ramping up public engagement to pressure the administration – especially regarding priority #1 which is a demand for Gov. Murphy to impose a moratorium of new fossil infrastructure – the media and “green” activists seem to have gone mute.

No, it’s worse than mute.

Perhaps emulating the national Democrats in declaring another Presidential candidate – the NJ Greens just announced and are working on a new “NJ Green” campaign.

Great fucking timing, eh?

The corporate wing of the national Democratic Party seems to prefer to lose to Trump than to get behind a coalition of left progressives, Democratic Socialists, and the Sanders campaign.

[Update: Jut read this NY Tines story that provides more evidence of that. ~~~ end update]

So, instead of the same cynical corrupt strategy they got caught using in 2016 to sabotage Sanders, this time around they are putting up niche candidates, each seemingly designed to drive a wedge and/or peel off what should be a faction in the Sanders coalition.

That is a losing strategy.

For God’s sake, yesterday I listened to the New Yorker radio hour on NPR interview a Presidential candidate – whose rise none other than Obama had predicted – a young, unknown gay, former military, Harvard educated, charismatic, Mayor from Indiana. This guy’s flavor of the month – I mean top priority – was democratic reform. (Did I say he was young and focused “inter-generational equity”? An obvious move to peel off Sanders’  Sunrise Movement folks, and play to the reactionary resentments of libertarians like the Google Tech heads about their burdens in paying for Social Security and health care).

Today, NPR reported that Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan just announced – are there 17 or 18 now? Does that mean Biden is dropping out of the bid for chasing the so called lost white working man’s vote?

But let’s get back to the topic of this post.

Here’s the email I was just forwarded that prompted the post (not surprisingly, the “greens” who wrote it didn’t send it to me, knowing I’d probably write this harsh criticism):

Do you think it’s time that your rights to clean air, pure water, and a healthy environment are protected in the New Jersey State Constitution?

Join us for an in depth conversation about the proposed New Jersey Green Amendment, how it can help New Jerseyans, and how you can get involved in its passage.

Featured speakers:
Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper
Elliott Ruga, NJ Highlands Coalition
David Pringle, David Pringle Associates
Jeff Tittel, NJ Sierra Club

And they are featuring speakers Eliot Ruga (a know nothing former TV technician) and Dave Pringle (a discredited and unprincipled transactionalist collaborator with Gov. Christie).

Is this new “Green Campaign” the product of a Foundation grant?

If you want context for this campaign and its likely results, look no farther than to Pennsylvania.

There, these same “green” activists won a huge State Supreme Court victory when the Court issued a decision on a constitutional question that effectively empowered local government to use land use controls to ban fracking.

So what did they do with this huge win?

They proceeded to do virtually nothing to organize a real statewide campaign to work with local government to ban fracking! But instead they focused on FERC and federal lawsuits.

Now, they do the top down opposite in NJ, and at exactly the wrong time, and with the wrong people.

How much worse can it get?

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Mingus Mountain To Sedona

April 4th, 2019 No comments

Hook In Now!

View looking east from Mingus Mountain, Prescott National Forest

View looking east from Mingus Mountain, Prescott National Forest

We spent a week in the Prescott National Forest – thankfully outside the “urban interface” – atop Mingus Mountain.

There was still patchy snow and the final stretch of the forest road was closed at the top, so we had to hike in a few miles to get to the “lake” (a 2 acre mud puddle!) and the top to the hang glider launch point. We met a nice woman and her dogs from the lovely Methodist Mountain Retreat.

We particularly enjoyed the view at the hang glider launch point – Hook In Now!


Got bored and ran out of food, so we headed down the mountain and northeast to Jerome, an old mining town.

Several folks suggested we would enjoy and should visit Jerome, but I was not impressed. Lots of good pottery shops, but overall way too touristy for me. Bisby has a more authentic old mining character and a residue of hippies (and nearby national forest and wilderness).

We’re going in from the southwest and are now on the outskirts of Sedona – in contrast, we came in here from the northeast from Flagstaff 2 years ago. The Flagstaff – Sedona route is a more spectacular approach.

An Absolutely awesome place!!! – photos don’t begin to provide a sense of the color, the majesty, the mystery,  and the scale.


NOTE: I had to white out about 4 mansions in the foreground.

NOTE: I had to white out about 4 mansions in the foreground.

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Gov. Murphy’s Executive Order On Regulatory Policy Raises Major New Concerns

April 3rd, 2019 No comments

Corporate economic interests at least as important as protecting public health & environment

Ask BOEING Where Regulatory “Partnerships”, “Cost-Benefit” & “Efficiency” Lead

[Updates Below]

Gov. Murphy’s EO #63 is getting high praise by environmental groups. (see Part I)

Given the rhetoric and findings of the Order and the 14 serious policy flaws I identify in Part II below, I find that hard to comprehend and seriously doubt they even read it before spouting off in the press.

This is particularly disturbing not only given the effects of the Order on State government and DEP, but by the fact that the Order actually undermines a pending bill to impose mandatory restoration of and a stricter response to block Trump federal rollbacks. (see below)

The Murphy Order is kind of like the Obama “all of the above” energy policy – more or less what one would expect from a former Goldman Sachs Wall Streeter and corporate Democrat Neoliberal (Gov. Murphy and his wife Tammy are illustrations of what Nancy Fraser calls “Progressive Neoliberalism“)..

I) What the Executive Order finds and says about regulatory policy objectives

Let’s start with the troubling title, which has not been reported by the press (from Gov.’s webpage)Establishing new regulatory principles to foster economic growth and government efficiency

Get that? The objectives are to “foster economic growth and government efficiency”.

The Order is equivocal, vague and – while not using right wing red meat rhetoric like “job killing red tape” and “soviet command and control” – it repeats myths about regulations, such as:

WHEREAS, ill-considered or ineffective regulation can deter progress, unduly burden businesses, hamper innovation and economic growth, and lead to stagnation, inefficiency, and inequity, while an informed and progressive approach to regulatory affairs can help avoid these shortcomings;

Murphy also embraces the “cost-benefit” utilitarian ideology of opponents of regulation, such as:

WHEREAS, as a general matter, an agency should not propose or adopt a regulation without first making a reasoned determination that its benefits justify its costs, with the recognition that some benefits and costs are difficult to quantify;

The Order very clearly promotes economic interests and makes it DEP’s role to promote “innovation” and “balance” economic interests against science and public health and environmental protection. In contrast, the underlying environmental laws pursuant to which DEP adopts regulations clearly do not authorize any of these objectives:

WHEREAS, regulations should foster and support innovation in New Jersey’s economy, not hinder it, and so should be written in user- friendly language as often as practicable; and

WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon State government to focus on developing innovative, job-creating strategies that attract new businesses to New Jersey while retaining and growing businesses presently located within the State; and

WHEREAS, attracting and strengthening businesses may be advanced in part through regulatory measures conceived and designed to promote such goals;

I challenge the Murphy and DEP legal eagles to provide one citation in NJ environmental or administrative law that requires DEP to consider “cumulative regulatory impacts”, or requires “the least burdensome” regulatory approach, or that requires DEP to consider technological innovation, or attraction of investment, or attraction of new business and/or retention of existing business.

Provide just one example. Come on Matt, just one. You did Stanford law school.

Yes, some federal laws do include some of these standards, but no NJ laws do.

The fact that economic concepts and federal regulatory principles were injected into Gov. Murphy’s EO reveals the ideology & background of Murphy’s Chief Counsel. It is likely that Matt’s work with Brookings was the source of the Neoliberal economic theory (e.g. distributed impacts, co-benefits, attraction of investment, technological innovation, et al all are longtime Brookings Mantras). I assume they are basic Stanford Econ. 101 and Poli-Sci courses on “public choice theory”, both examples of Neoliberal ideology they pour into your head at the elite University. And Matt’s work for NJ’s corporate Democrat US Senator Booker likely brought him into contact with “least burdensome” (see TSCA 2605) regulatory frameworks.

Too bad he missed the science and concepts of cumulative and synergistic health effects and failed to write them into EO #63. Revealing, no? Industry gets protection from cumulative regulatory impacts, but people do not get protection form cumulative corporate chemical assaults? And how more clueless, shameless and discredited can you get than for Murphy’s Chief Counsel to brag about working on the 2008 Wall Street bailout? Really!

[Update: there even are NJ state laws (e.g. NJ Safe Drinking Water Act), and federal laws that do not allow consideration of costs, e.g. Clean Air Act Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutant provisions. For an example, see another federal TSCA provision:

(f) DEFINITION.—For the purposes of subsection (a), the term ‘‘imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture’’ means a chemical substance or mixture which presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of serious or widespread injury to health or the environment, without consideration of costs or other nonrisk factors.

[Note: and beware of magical beliefs in “innovation” and “technology” as superior to government mandates –

“But here’s the key,” he continued. “We as a country have reduced our carbon footprint by almost 20 percent from the year 2000 to 2014. You know how? Through innovation and technology, not government mandate.” ~~~ Scott Pruitt, disgraced Trump EPA Administrator

Gov. Murphy regurgitates the longtime spin of the business community, about “efficiency”, “streamlining” and “access” to government (which are code for “get government off the back of the business community” and providing even MORE backroom access and undue influence on government):

WHEREAS, even as our administration promotes policy approaches that inform the development and broaden the impact of regulatory actions, we should also strive to identify ways to maximize regulatory efficiency by simplifying and streamlining the public’s ease of access to the machinery of government and to enhance the ability of regulated communities to communicate and interact with the regulatory agencies that oversee their actions, professions, occupations, and endeavors;

These are not mere rhetorical sops to the business community, but important policy statements that reveal Gov. Murphy’s  strong pro-economic bias and anti-regulatory ideology.

They also generate expectations in the business community – consider their support: (NJ Spotlight)

[Dennis Hart of the NJ Chemistry Council] was encouraged by a commitment to look at why the regulatory process is so long and costs so much more than other states.

“If this new executive order leads to discussions and positive impacts on streamlining the regulatory and permit program and reducing the fees and costs of doing business in New Jersey, we fully support it and are ready to start working on those issues right now,’’ he said.

While regurgitating extensive pro-business anti-regulatory rhetoric, Gov. Murphy fails to note that Gov. Christie’ EO#2’s explicit policy objective was to provide “regulatory relief”:

For immediate relief from regulatory burdens, State agencies shall:

Gov. Murphy’s failure to engage, challenge and reject that Christie “regulatory relief” policy speaks volumes. [The rational for repeal of Ex. Order #2 was vague, at best. Also note that Murphy did NOT repeat Christie EO#3 (Red Tape) and EO#4 (unfunded state mandates.]

So is the failure to mention the abundant academic public policy literature about potential abuses of regulatory capture, conflicts of interest, self dealing, scientific integrity, bias, or self-certification, outsourcing and privatization. Ask Boeing about all that.

The Gov. also mischaracterizes as merely creating a “perception”  – a sham term that clearly downplays the “federal consistency” policy of Christie’s EO#2, which was based on a federal consistency policy originally announced in former Gov. Whitman’s 1994 “Open or Business” policy in Excutive Order #27. Murphy wrote:

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 2 (2010) created the perception that going beyond federal standards is undesirable through its directive that agencies “shall . . . not exceed the requirements of federal law” unless required by state statute or where necessary to achieve a state-specific public policy goal;

Perception my ass – that federal consistency policy resulted in a tremendous rollback of NJ specific stringent standards in favor of federal minimums, including virtually the DEP’s entire clean air and clean water and hazardous waste management programs.

II)  What the Executive Order established in policy and actually does

Gov. Murphy’s EO#63 rescinds Christie’s EO#1 and EO#2.

First of all, for context, Gov. Christie issued his regulatory policy EO’s#1 (moratorium), EO#2 and EO#3 (Red Tape Commission) and EO#4 (state mandate/state pay – State should defer to local government) in the first hour of his first day in office.

In contrast, it took Gov.Murphy over 1 year and 62 prior Executive Orders to get around to correcting and rescinding this important policy matter. That delay does not reflect a priority.

Second, there was no need for Gov. Murphy to rescind EO#1 (moratorium) as that was limited to just 90 days and it expired more than 9 years ago.

The effect of repealing EO#1 creates a false and exaggerated scope of action by Gov. Murphy, especially considering that he did not rescind Christie’s EO#3 (Red Tape) and EO#4 (local government).

That keeps both of those horrible Orders legally in effect and serves to reinforce their policies that consider regulation “excessive red tape” and defer to local government over state responsibilities.

Third, Murphy repeats the Christie slogan of “common sense”.

Consistent with applicable law, State entities shall strive to pursue the creation of a regulatory environment designed to support innovation, remove bottlenecks, and streamline interaction with the government, while supporting strong environmental, health, safety, and labor standards, by focusing on the following overarching, common sense goals

That term originated in current public policy circles not from Tom Paine, but via a right wing libertarian attack on government back in the 1980’s. (citation forthcoming).

Fourth, the Murphy EO – contrary to false favorable news reports does not automatically reject, restore, or mandate that DEP and other NJ government agencies resist regulatory rollbacks by the Trump administration.

In fact, Murphy merely equivocally suggests that State agencies “should evaluate actions NJ might take”

When the federal government repeals or rolls back prior protections for public health, welfare, safety, or the environment, State entities should evaluate actions New Jersey might take to restore those protections at the state level and, when appropriate and authorized by law, act to fill the void left at the federal level.

This is weak language and it conflicts with and undermines pending legislation (A5033) that would force state agencies to reject Trump rollbacks. For example, see this far stronger language in the bill:

the commissioner shall, notwithstanding the provisions of  the “Administrative Procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1  et seq.), immediately upon filing proper notice with the Office of Administrative Law, adopt rules and regulations as the commissioner deems necessary to ensure the protection of that endangered species pursuant to this act. ….

In the event of amendments or supplements to the federal Clean Air Act or the federal regulations adopted pursuant thereto that are less stringent than those in effect on January 19, 2017, the department shall, notwithstanding the provisions of the  “Administrative Procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et  seq.), immediately upon filing proper notice with the Office of Administrative Law, adopt such rules and regulations as the commissioner deems necessary to ensure that the rules any regulations adopted pursuant to this section in effect at the time of the federal changes are not weakened.

The bill has the same mandates for Trump rollbacks of federal Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act protections. 

Accordingly, via EO#63, Gov. Murphy has undermined and weakened and likely derailed stricter and more protective pending legislation.

Fifth, Gov. Murphy echoes Christie’s slogan about “regulatory burden” and mandates the “least burdensome” approach. This makes it harder for DEP to adopt new rules and easier for industry to challenge them:

State entities should identify and use the best, most innovative, and least burdensome tools and approaches to achieve their regulatory goals.

Sixth, the Gov. directs “partnerships” with the public and the regulated community. This misconceives of DEP’s regulatory role – just look at the Boeing disaster for where “partnerships” lead:

State entities should engage with affected communities, and provide opportunities for various groups to work in partnership with the State in crafting solutions.

Seventh, Gov. Murphy mouths the platitude of “Stakeholder” involvement, without specific restrictions such as balance, diversity, representativeness, ethics, scientific integrity and prohibitions on conflicts of interest.

This is a HUGE omission and failure given the Christie “Stakeholder” approach (and back door regulatory lobbying via the Science Advisory Board), which were dominated by industry representatives who engaged in self dealing in ways that were riddled with conflicts of interest:

The means selected should be tailored to enable the State entity to accomplish its regulatory goals. Where a proposed rule is new, or makes significant and/or expansive changes to existing rules, the benefit from extensive stakeholder outreach will be greater.

Ask DEP about how this “stakeholder outreach” worked out in their recent bear hunt secrecy proposal. Notably, the Order conveniently becomes effective on June 1, 2019, after the date of that proposal.

Eighth, Gov. Murphy leaves to the very end an endorsement of the extremely controversial, scientifically unjustified, legally suspect, and unethical practices of balancing private industry costs and public benefits.

When assessing the impacts of a rule pursuant to N.J.A.C. 1:30–5.1, including the economic impacts and the social impacts, State entities shall include a comparison of the proposed benefit to the public with the anticipated burden to the public.

Again, not only is such an approach not authorized in legislation, such a biased “principle” makes it harder for DEP to adopt new rules and easier for industry to challenge them.

Ninth, Gov. Murphy pays lip service to environmental justice.

The EJ provisions of the Order are not mandatory, but voluntary.

Worse, there are no criteria or standards or remedies included to allow implementation and enforcement of this purely voluntary, vague, and aspirational “principle”:

State entities should give due consideration to “Environmental Justice,” meaning that in conceiving and fashioning proposed regulations, State entities should identify and address, as appropriate and practicable, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of the program, policy, or activity on minority and low-income populations

Just like the Trump rollback legislation, “should” in the EO is voluntary while “shall” in the bill is mandatory.

Tenth, Gov. Murphy invents an entirely new “principle” – one that has long been sought by business and industry who complain of over-regulation by DEP.

The principle is “cumulative impact”.

But the “cumulative impact” has nothing to do with the cumulate environmental and public health impacts, a concept that is in current law but not enforced (e.g. CAFRA Section 10, Highlands Act, CWA TMDL, et al) and long sought by environmental groups. For example, here is the TSCA standard:

The health and environmental effects for which standards for the development of test data may be prescribed include carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, teratogenesis, behavioral disorders, cumulative or synergistic effects, and any other effect which may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. The characteristics of chemical substances and mixtures for which such standards may be prescribed include persistence, acute toxicity, subacute toxicity, chornic toxicity, and any other characteristic which may present such a risk.

The Order has nothing to do with the cumulative impact risks of multiple toxic pollutants and multiple exposure pathways.

The cumulative impact DEP must consider is the cumulative impact of REGULATIONS on business, not the cumulative impacts of development or pollution on people’s health!

State entities should take into account the cumulative impact of their regulations. Each State entity should determine how best to identify and evaluate such impacts in the context of its particular work.

Eleventh, Gov. Murphy echoes Gov. Christie’s EO#2s anti-regulatory slogan about the need to minimize “regulatory burden”

To carry out the goals set forth in Section 2, State entities should consider how best to foster innovation in the economy and to minimize regulatory burdens, which may include but is not limited to:

Finally, Gov. Murphy misconstrues DEP’s role as assisting regulated industry and undermines traditional DEP regulatory enforcement policy by stressing the need for “compliance assistance”.

This revives and borders on the controversial, failed, and discredited policy known as self disclosure immunity:

When possible and appropriate, State entities should provide education about the rules and means of compliance, and should establish channels to enable members of the affected and regulated communities to make compliance inquiries without increasing their exposure to enforcement. A State entity’s response to regulatory noncompliance should be proportional to the circumstances

Given these major flaws, my conclusion is that Gov.  Murphy’s EO#63 is as bad or worse than the Christie EO’s it rescinded.

[Update – oops, I missed this one on page 8

It creates an affirmative requirement to consider “alternatives to direct regulation”. This can only discourage and erect additional barriers to necessary regulation.

Just ask Boeing about that, e.g. self-certification and outsourcing are alternatives to direct regulation!

Considering practicable and beneficial alternatives to direct regulation, through means such as targeted incentives encouraging desired activity, to the extent permitted by law.

And this one, which benefits the regulated community and not the public regarding assistance in enforcing complex DEP regulations. This says NOTHING about providing this same information to the PUBLIC!

To the extent permitted by law and to the extent practicable and beneficial, State entities should work together to eliminate conflicting rules and coordinate efforts into a unified response, which could include agreeing on one State entity to serve as lead agency so that regulated entities and applicants can receive timely, consistent, and informed answers to inquiries.

[Update: 8/18/19 – Gov. Murphy’s Executive Order incorporates several radical right wing policy recommendations from ALEC’s model “administrative procedures act”, including mandates that regulations:

  • shall not impose unnecessary burdens on the economy;
  • agencies should assess all costs and benefits of available alternatives,
  • qualitative assess measures of costs and benefits that are difficult to quantify
  • assure that opportunity exists for early participation and comment
  • compliance costs, paperwork and other burdens are minimized

In addition, NJ law already authorizes the legislature to veto agency regulations, another key ALEC policy to bock regulations.  ~~~ end update]

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