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Murphy DEP Flat Out Lying About Failure To Include A Public Hearing On Major Rollback Of Toxic Site Cleanup Standards

April 8th, 2020 No comments

DEP “Postpones” a non-existent public hearing

DEP caught trying to stealth a major rollback while public diverted by COVID

Yesterday, I posted a brief overview of flaws in DEP’s proposed rollback of toxic site cleanup standards.

I also immediately submitted a formal comment to DEP demanding that the proposal be withdrawn. I made this demand because DEP not only proposed this major rollback during a Gubernatorial declared public health emergency, but DEP also failed to include a legally required public hearing.

So, I was shocked to read an email from DEP providing a public notice that DEP was extending the public comment period and a “postponement of public hearing on proposal”:


Take notice that the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is extending the comment period for the proposed new rules, amendments, and repeals at N.J.A.C. 7:26D, Remediation Standards, and postponing the public hearing. The remediation standards apply to contaminated sites throughout the State. […]

The Department is also postponing the public hearing on the proposal, which was originally scheduled for May 11, 2020.

Say what?

How can DEP “postpone” a public hearing that never existed?

There was no May 11, 2020 public hearing included in the original proposal.

They are flat out lying.

Here are the facts. Here is the language from the DEP proposal. Note that not only was there no public hearing scheduled, DEP never even made a commitment to hold a public hearing. They only “anticipated” a hearing, but then said they might not hold one:

The Department anticipates holding a public hearing on the proposal. The date and time of the hearing will depend on circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 public health emergency. If the Department holds a hearing, the public comment period will be extended until after the hearing.

Further information on a public hearing, if one is held, will be posted on the Department’s website at at least 15 days prior to the date of the hearing. Notice will also be sent to those who have subscribed to the Department’srulemaking listserv. To subscribe, go to

DEP got caught and called out for trying to stealth a major regulatory rollback during a public health emergency.

The new public notice today is merely a CYA move and it is in response to my comment, where I blasted them (see also update #3 on yesterday’ post):

** Electronic Rulemaking Comment **

Submisison Date (sic): 04/06/2020 18:53:08

First Name: Bill

Last Name: Wolfe

Affiliation: citizen

Dear DEP:

As you know, Gov. Murphy has declared a statewide public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As you also know, the NJ Administrative Procedures Act requires that a public hearing be held on a major regulatory policy proposal.

It is totally inappropriate and unlawful for DEP to propose a major regulatory change during such a declared emergency, which the DEP itself admits makes it impossible for the public to participate, as required by the NJ Administrative Procedures Act.

The DEP admits this by failure to include a public hearing (“if” a public hearing is held).

This proposal was not subject to the calendar requirements of the NJ APA. That compounds the need for a public hearing on the proposal, as the public was blindsided.

Given the declared emergency, the APA calendar issue, and the lack of a public hearing, the proposal must be withdrawn immediately via public notice in the NJ Register.

I reserve my rights to submit additional comments on the proposal.

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Murphy DEP Proposes Huge New Loopholes In Toxic Site Cleanup Standards

April 6th, 2020 No comments

Wrong Time To Weaken Public Health Protections

DEP fails to even commit to holding a public hearing

Proposal must be withdrawn until COVID emergency is over

[Technical updates provided below]

I know I said I was done with NJ and public health standards, but I’m still on various DEP regulatory list serves and after just now reading this, I couldn’t resist.

The Murphy DEP just proposed new rules that would, among other things, expand an existing loophole and create entire new categories of loopholes in toxic site cleanup standards.

Here is the language in the DEP summary of the proposal which attempts to explain these loopholes:

Both the existing and proposed rules also allow the person responsible for conducting the remediation to request an alternative remediation standard for a specific area of concern.   The DEP proposes to expand the availability of interim remediation standards to soil leachate, ground water, and indoor air (there is no authority to use interim remediation standards for surface water).

I) “Alternatives” let polluters control “cleanups”, further reduce corporate costs, & increase risks to public health and the environment

“Alternative remedial standards” (ARS) are essentially a mechanism to provide relief, or a waiver, from current strict standards, on a site specific basis. They allow the hired guns (AKA “LSRP’s, or “mercenaries”) for polluters to come in to DEP, meet off the record secretly with DEP staff, and request that they cleanup a site under weaker standards. Use of ARS greatly reduces cleanup costs and likely increases risks to human health and the environment.

DEP is proposing the “expand” the current ARS:

  • Expansion of the existing alternative remediation standards process at N.J.A.C. 7:26D-7 to include soil and soil leachate for the migration to ground water exposure pathway and indoor air; (see p.4)

Given that NJ DEP’s cleanup program was privatized, the effected public and impacted community have virtually no knowledge of or ability to participate in these “alternative” cleanups. It would be as if you could ask the cop to give you a break from a 55 mph speed limit because there were no cars on the road so it was OK to speed.

DEP is proposing to expand site specific ARS despite the fact that DEP finally acknowledged that uniform statewide standards are more enforceable than site specific standards:

Replacement of the development of site-specific soil remediation standards for the impact to ground water exposure pathway with codified soil and soil leachate remediation standards for the migration to ground water exposure pathway, which a stronger basis for the Department to enforce the regulated community’s compliance with promulgated remediation standards, as compared to existing screening levels that need to be established as site-specific standards for contaminated sites. (p. 4)

And there is a reason why there are “no interim remediation standards for surface water” – such an egregious loophole proposed by a State would violate the federal Clean Water Act. Even the Trump EPA would never let a State get away with that – and neither should NJ environmental groups, media, and legislators.

II) Current cleanup standards are weakened

In addition, the proposal eliminates current cleanup standards for some chemicals and rolls back existing standards for some chemicals. These are huge red flags:

  • Deletion of remediation standards for existing chemicals and addition of remediation standards for new chemicals based upon routine detection, routine analysis, and available toxicity information;

  • Use of updated toxicity factors, exposure assumptions, and chemical and physical factors, resulting in some numerical changes to the existing remediation standards;

The DEP summary failed to list, name, or quantify the number of chemicals for which standards are rolled back and compare then to the chemicals for which DEP proposed stricter standards, so I assume the net effect is negative. This will take detailed review of the proposal.

III) Unknown number of former cleanup plans must be re-opened and strengthened

In addition, to their credit, DEP claims to lower (i.e. make more stringent) some current cleanup standards by more than an “order of magnitude” (10X). Under current toxic site cleanup law, this kind of “order of magnitude” change triggers reconsideration of the currently approved cleanup plans that were based on the prior weaker standard. Those cleanup plans are presumptively no longer protective of human health and the environment because current science means that they were based on a standard at least 10 TIMES too lax.

But the DEP summary does not list the number, name and/or location of sites where the current cleanup plans must be re-opened due to the order of magnitude changes. So, impacted communities will have no way of knowing or holding DEP and polluters accountable for a protective cleanup.

DEP also fails to mention any health risks associated with sites at which the weaker standards were used. DEP merely mentions a “fiscal impact” statement.

IV) Indoor air – vapor intrusion standards weakened

The proposal also would weaken controversial “vapor intrusion” standards, which were weakened by the Christie DEP and already are not protective.

To their credit, DEP finally admitted what we long have argued: that their long reliance on vapor intrusion “screening levels” are not enforceable regulatory standards:

  • Addition of indoor air remediation standards for the vapor intrusion pathway, codified to establish a basis for enforceability as promulgated standards, instead of screening levels, which are not legally enforceable;

So for all these years, DEP has been implementing a totally voluntary vapor intrusion program!

V) Ecological standards & cleanup priorities ignored

Amazingly, DEP twice admitted that screening levels are not enforceable. Yet, incredibly, they continue to rely on unenforceable “ecological screening criteria”.

In addition, the proposal ignores the need to promulgate enforceable standards for the ecological impacts, for natural resource damages, for the “remedial priority system”  (RPS). RPS are the trigger to DEP assumption of oversight & control over high risk sites.

Does anyone remember this promise on RPS? On October 26, 2006, DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson kicked off the legislative reform (cum privatization) hearings with this testimony:

The DEP is taking steps internally to help prevent residents of the State of New Jersey from exposure to contamination from regulated sites. The most important thing we are doing is developing a new ranking system to prioritize sites so that we focus our resources on the worst cases; those that present the greatest risks to public health and the environment. 

VI) Climate Change Ignored

Finally, following a longtime pattern of neglect, the proposal ignored energy and climate impacts associated with the discharge of toxic chemicals and the cleanup of toxic sites. Climate impacts include toxic sites that are inundated by flood waters, storm surge, and rising sea levels. Climate impacts include sites that are related to alternative energy (wind and solar). Climate impacts include energy consumption and GHG emissions caused by cleanup operations. Polluters must be held responsible for these impacts.

Here is a link to the proposal, which appears in today’s (April 6, 2020) NJ Register.

Now is not the time to be proposing any policy or regulatory changes, obviously because it is not possible for the public to effectively participate in reviewing or opposing them.

VII) Public shut out due to COVID public health emergency

There should be a moratorium of on all DEP permitting and regulatory actions until the COVID crisis is over.

WTF is DEP Commissioner McCabe doing? Check this out – “IF” the DEP holds a public hearing:

The Department anticipates holding a public hearing on the proposal. The date and time of the hearing will depend on circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 public health emergency. If the Department holds a hearing, the public comment period will be extended until after the hearing.

Further information on a public hearing, if one is held, will be posted on the

Department’s website at at least 15 days prior to the dateof the hearing.

Hello! Pubic hearings on major rules – which were exempted from the rule making calendar and therefore blindsided the public – are mandatory.

[Update #1 – The DEP admits that, due to a loophole in cleanup law regarding “natural background”, that the actual soil standard for arsenic is almost 40 TIMES higher than what it should be if it were a health based standard:

The Department established a Statewide soil standard for arsenic of 19 mg/kg because the health-based criterion (0.5 mg/kg) was typically lower than the naturally occurring concentrations. (p. 54)

Obviously, the “natural background” provision of cleanup law contradicts the health based standard in cleanup law. The DEP should not have interpreted the law as they did. Or they should have gone back to the legislature and requested an amendment to fix the conflict.

So, when the rules were updated, did DEP try to narrow or revise this conflict?

No, they made it even WORSE by proposing another loophole:

While the Department is proposing a Statewide soil remediation standard for arsenic, the Department recognizes that there is a wide variation in background concentrations of arsenic that exists across the State. Therefore, in those instances where the person responsible for conducting the remediation believes that the naturally occurring level of arsenic at a site is greater than 19 mg/kg, the person responsible for conducting the remediation can conduct a site-specific background determination as part of the remediation.  (p. 55)

Note that DEP failed to require that, in locations where the natural background concentration is LOWER that the 19 mg/kg statewide standard, that the stricter standard be use.

Instead, DEP only provided relief from the 19 mg/kg standard where local conditions were HIGHER than the statewide standard.

That is total bullshit with no science or public health or even legal justification.

[Update #2 – DEP is proposing, under the new “alternative remedial standards” loophole, to allow lax cleanup and more toxic pollution to be left in the most environmentally sensitive lands!

In fact, the proposal uses the word “ecological” just once – amazingly to weaken protections for ecologically sensitive lands – here is just one the places where weaker “alternative cleanup standards” can be applied: (see p. 170)

Infrequent access areas, such as ecological preservation and conservation areas.

Passive recreational land use, such as land and trails used for walking, cycling, and hunting;

DEP justifies this outrage because these lands have lower exposure potential, i.e. less people.

Total bullshit.

[Update #3 – I just submitted this comment to DEP demanding that the proposal be withdrawn. I urge readers to do the same:

Dear DEP:

As you know, Gov. Murphy has declared a statewide public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As you also know, the NJ Administrative Procedures Act requires that a public hearing be held on a major regulatory policy proposal.

It is totally inappropriate and unlawful for DEP to propose a major regulator change during such a declared emergency, which the DEP itself admits makes it impossible for the public to participate, as required by the NJ Administrative Procedures Act.

The DEP admits this by failure to include a public hearing (“if” a public hearing is held).

This proposal was not subject to the calendar requirements of the NJ APA. That compounds the need for a public hearing on the proposal, as the public was blindsided.

Given the declared emergency, the APA calendar issue, and the lack of a public hearing, the proposal must be withdrawn immediately via public notice in the NJ Register.

I reserve my rights to submit additional comments on the proposal.

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I’m Done With The Fraud That Pretends To Protect The Public From Toxic Chemicals

April 1st, 2020 No comments

From Science to Regulation, The System Is Broken

The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together. ~~~ “Eichmann in Jerusalem”, Hannah Arendt (1963)

[Update below]

I sent the following message to a national group of scientists, lawyers, activists, and other so called experts that work on the science and regulation of toxic chemicals.

The straw that broke the camel’s back was Rich Denison’s (EDF) weak technocratic commentary opposing a Trump EPA scientific peer review of the health effects of the toxic chemical  TCE.

Dear Lenny and my fellow TCE and Vapor Intrusion listserve members:

As you may know, I began my academic study and professional career related to the science and regulation of hazardous chemicals back in 1975, with undergraduate studies that included basic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and the biochemistry of mechanisms of carcinogenesis (Google William Batin (deceased), a microbiologist and my mentor).

This undergraduate work was extended at Cornell graduate school, where among other things, I explored Administrative Law and learned from post-doctorate toxicologist and Cornell Law School experts on a range of science, law and governing/regulatory issues (Google Sheila Jasanoff and Neil Orloff (deceased)).

I then attempted to apply this learning at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) in 1985, where I began my career as a supervisor of the development of NJ’s RCRA “Correction Action” program.

Given this background, it is extremely distressing to witness my professional peers – who CLEARLY KNOW BETTER – continue to mindlessly legitimize a disgracefully broken and corrupted system, while seemingly caring about little more than their own professional careers or organizational or institutional interests.

In prior emails, I’ve attempted in good faith to engage these issues and urge others to consider what they are doing. Those appeals were greeted by silence.

It is therefore with deep regret that I must not only implore my colleagues to stop this corrupt behavior, but to request that you terminate my participation in all listserves  you operate (TCE, Vapor Intrusion et al).

Bill Wolfe

[Update: 4/6/20 – Thinking it was obvious, I had no time or inclination to lay out my reasons for my disgust with my former “colleagues”. For those who don’t get it, Ralph Nader summarizes it here – while this gross corruption is going on, just think of all the resources, expertise, time, and grassroots activism of well meaning people that are being wasted by Gig Green groups on “in the room” activities (i.e. peer review, stakeholder meetings, public comments on proposed rules, etc) negotiating foolish and destructive corrupt “compromises”:

Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) henchmen are racing to weaken, revoke, or not enforce environmental safeguards for the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat. Certain scientifically condemned pesticides, for example, are in your food, but Trump and his EPA lackeys don’t care. These cruel minions are also taking advantage of the coronavirus crisis by signaling to polluters they can open up emission pipes and that the EPA will look the other way. Trump’s EPA is taking actions that mean more people will get sick and more people will die.

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Flashbacks of NJ Corruption

March 28th, 2020 No comments

Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain, or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that’s turning running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind! ~~~ Windmills of Your Mind (1968)

Solitude in the southwestern mountains allows the mind to wander.

Coupled with the quarantine and constant inescapable news reports of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mind wanders into some bleak terrain.

Yesterday, I flashed back to the political foundations of today’s Trumpers.

martinJust this morning, I flashed back again to the bad old corrupt NJ days.

Today’s flashback was caused by the NJ Sierra Club’s press release that criticized former Christie DEP Commissioner Bob Martin for joining former NJ Gov. Christie’s consulting firm.

In word searching Wolfenotes for some of the more egregious examples of Martin’s corruption, I immediately came across these two, just 2 among many:

Like Gov. Christie, Bob Martin is an example of a career bathed in Corruption.

Ironically, Martin was personally involved in the Bridgegate scandal that brought Gov. Christie down.

Before joining NJ DEP, Martin spent his private sector career at the consulting firm Accenture, as a vulture capitalist engaged in privatizing and selling off government assets in UK.

Accenture was spun off as result of the Enron scandal.

All that then started me down the corruption rabbit hole, were I came across stuff like this:

1. “Sustainable lies” – The Tale of Walmart and “Eco-Goats” – you can’t make this shit up:


2. The US Air Force needs “clear skies” to conduct pilot training.

So they burn forests to prevent fires, whose smoke reduces their ability to train.

The Pinelands Commisssion OK’s that, while NJ conservation group take money from the military to provide cover for these destructive projects, which increase carbon emissions while at the same time reduce the ability of forest to sequester (store) carbon.


3. Dupont Dictates NJ DEP’s Chemical Risk Screening Regulatory Methods 

The NJ DEP appointed a Dupont corporate hack to serve on their Science Advisory Board (SAB).

The DEP then accepted a SAB Report recommendation to use a Dupont chemical risk screening method for regulatory purposes. For that story, see:

Of course, NONE of this was reported by the NJ press corps or was the target of criticism by NJ environmental groups.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of corruption in NJ that is accepted as business as usual.

I have documented scores of examples of similar corruption.

It’s why I had to get the hell out of that sewer to preserve what’s left of my sanity.

The windmills of your mind, indeed!

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Putting A Face On The Ignorance And Hate That Brought Us Real Death Panels

March 27th, 2020 No comments

A Look At The Faces Of Hate And Ignorance – Tea Partiers Become Trumpers

these "ladies" had literature that claimed  “Obama is a Nazi” in their hands

these “ladies” had literature that claimed “Obama is a Nazi” in their hands

[Update – 6/13/20 – more evidence confirms my thesis: (Counterpunch):

Many of the same extreme right operatives who created the “Tea Party” are behind the anti-science and anti-intellectual spectacles opposing measures designed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. And with much the same agenda. (read the whole thing).

~~~ end update]

[Update – 4/17/20NY Times reports on outrageously irresponsible Trump Tweets makes same connection we did:

Echoed across the internet and on cable television by conservative pundits and ultraright conspiracy theorists, his tweets were a remarkable example of a president egging on demonstrators and helping to stoke an angry fervor that in its anti-government rhetoric was eerily reminiscent of the birth of the Tea Party movement a decade ago.

[Update – 4/15/20 – If you think I exaggerate about “Death Panels”, read this horrific account by a doctor. ~~~ end update]

As the exploding number of cases of COVID-19 outstrips the capacity of the private for profit US healthcare system, hospitals are now rationing health care to COVID-19 patients, e.g. see this Washington Post story:

Some have likened such rationing to the “death panels” that Tea Party protesters and Republicans claimed would result from Obamacare.

These same people, ideologies, ignorance, and political organizations have blocked Medicare For All and effective government pandemic preparation planning and regulation of the private for profit US healthcare system – including hospitals – that could have contained and mitigated the number and extent of cases and deaths we are now suffering.

Jeffrey St. Clair:

Alice Dreger, bioethicist and author of Galileo’s Middle Finger: “If you need a wake-up call, here it is: My husband was on a large conference call of American med school deans last night. One asked about legal coverage for pulling people off ventilators to give to others more likely to survive. i.e., not being charged with murder. Here we are.”

These people have blood on their hands. Their ideology and politics have proven deadly.

So, to put a face on this ignorance and hatred, we thought we’d repost photos from a September 7, 2009 post about a “Town Hell” by Tea Party Protesters at Congressman Holt’s district constituent meeting in Middletown NJ on August 26, 2009.

Take a good look at these people. Look at the hate on their faces. And don’t forget.



"Obamacare May Kill My Daughter"

“Obamacare May Kill My Daughter”

This hatred was expressed on the SAME DAY Senator Ted Kennedy died.

This hatred was expressed on the SAME DAY Senator Ted Kennedy died.

I'm almost certain that these hate filled hecklers are now Trump supporters.

I’m almost certain that these hate filled hecklers are now Trump supporters.

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