Home > Uncategorized > Legislators Urged To Close Loopholes In NJ Environmental Justice Law That Were Exposed By DEP’s Approval Of PVSC Newark Fossil Power Plant

Legislators Urged To Close Loopholes In NJ Environmental Justice Law That Were Exposed By DEP’s Approval Of PVSC Newark Fossil Power Plant

“This goes against – 100% – the grain of the intent of the bill.” ~~~ Senator Ruiz, Senate Majority Leader

Senator Ruiz - Source: NJ Sotlight screenshot

Senator Ruiz – Source: NJ Spotlight screenshot

NJ Legislators are shocked – just shocked! – that the highly touted “historic” environmental justice law is riddled with loopholes, large enough to drive a new fossil gas power plant in Newark through! (watch NJ Spotlight coverage).

And this goes for the prime co-sponsor of the law, Senior Ruiz, the Senate Majority leader.

So, given the strength of their publicly broadcast outrage over DEP’s approval of an “environmental justice review” – falsely purported to be “required” by the EJ law – of a proposed new fossil gas power plant in Newark, I thought I’d seek their support for legislation to close those loopholes.

See the letter to Senator Ruiz and Senate Leadership below. If Senator Ruiz, as Senate Majority leader, were to back legislative amendments, a bill might have a chance of passage. Democrats hold a majority in both houses and the Governorship.

I am not holding my breath for a reply or for support from the NJ environmental justice “leaders” who supported the flawed loophole riddled environmental justice law and declared victory for justice.

Or critical coverage by the NJ press corps, who have cheerled and misled the public about this law.

From: Bill WOLFE <b>

To: “senruiz@njleg.org” <senruiz@njleg.org>

Cc: senbsmith <SenBSmith@njleg.org>, sengreenstein <sengreenstein@njleg.org>, “sengill@njleg.org” <sengill@njleg.org>, “senmckeon@njleg.org” <senmckeon@njleg.org>, “ferencem@njspotlightnews.org” <ferencem@njspotlightnews.org>, “jonhurdle@gmail.com” <jonhurdle@gmail.com>, “shawn.latourette@dep.nj.gov” <shawn.latourette@dep.nj.gov>, “senscutari@njleg.org” <senscutari@njleg.org>

Date: 08/02/2024 7:42 AM EDT

Subject: Bill to close EJ law loopholes

Dear Senator Ruiz:

I am writing to request that you sponsor legislation to close loopholes in the environmental justice law. I am copying friendly members of the Senate Environment Committee and Senate leadership to urge their support as well.

I noted your comments broadcast by NJ Spotlight news on 7/25/24 regarding your criticism of the DEP’s approval of an environmental justice review of the proposed PVSC fossil power plant in Newark. You said:

“This goes against – 100% – the grain of the intent of the bill.”

As prime co-sponsor of that bill, perhaps the lack of application of the law to this facility was an oversight. As you know, the proposed facility was planned long before the drafting and consideration of the bill by the Legislature, so that was a considerable oversight indeed. And this is not the only loophole.

I would be glad to work with you and OLS staff in drafting the necessary amendments to assure that the law actually achieves its stated intent.

Additionally, for your information, I filed an ethics charge (see below) in order to get clarity on these issues. Misleading statements by government officials frustrate an informed citizenry, which is necessary for democracy.

Had the public known of these loopholes at the time the bill was under consideration, perhaps public pressure would have been brought to bear and we would have had a better bill.

I look forward to your timely and favorable reply.

Bill Wolfe

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