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Fuck Jill Stein’s Campaign Manager

The Green Party Stifles Dissent and Criticism, Just Like Democrats Do

I registered for a Zoom webinar with Jill Stein and Prof. Jeff Sachs tonight.

After 25 minutes of a wonderful adult discussion, I posted a comment on the chat to praise that conversation and say that this is what democracy looks like.

I then submitted another positive chat comment to say “Imagine Jill as President with Sachs as Secretary of State”.

After Sachs signed off, the next conversation was with Stein’s campaign manager.

He launched into a technical ballot access and fundraising campaign monologue.

He then asked for donations of $3,300 (my monthly income).

In response, I submitted a comment to question that strategy and suggest that they ask for $10 donations and focus on Biden’s crackdown on campus protests.

Keep in mind that this was a private internal Green party event.

Within 10 seconds, I was removed. Terminated.

And I am registered as a Green and contributed money.

Fuck these people.

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