Trumpers Discover Ecology, Toxicology, Public Health, and Scientific Integrity

Twisted Views Serve as Cover For Project 2025 Dismantling

Blame Government, Regulatory Capture, And Conflicts Of Interest For Neoliberal Corporate Greed

Tucker Carlson Interview And RFK, Jr.’s Endorsement Expose The Cynical Strategy

Trumpers are now posing as advocates for a myriad of left/progressive issues, from feminism to organic food to ecology to opposition to corporate greed

There’s been a stunning reinvention. Let me explain.

I thought I understood the strategic and rhetorical game that Trumpers were playing, in seeking to hijack the climate crisis and environmental policies and bring them into the culture wars and conspiracy theories.

Examples of that game were obvious: e.g. blame the World Economic Forum and hypocritical jet set elites like George Soros and Al Gore for trying to ban your (insert: car, SUV, truck, lawn mower, steak, gas stove, etc) under the guise of the climate emergency.

Or accuse Bill Gates or governments of seeking to confiscate private farmland to control the world food supply under the guise of reducing nutrient pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The strategy was an indirect one: i.e. the culture war or conspiracy theory was advanced as the primary theme, while the specific substantive issue (climate, energy, pollution, etc) was used as a subordinate illustration of the particular lead culture war issue (elites, corruption, conspiracy, etc).

There was no attempt to engage the substance or advocate in behalf of the particular issue used as the example.

But I was wrong – that strategy recently has changed dramatically and the Trumpers are now frontally engaging the substance of the issue and seeking to hijack what have historically been left/progressive issues.

Trumpers are now posing as advocates for left/progressive analyses of a myriad of issues, from feminism to organic food to corporate greed.

Watch how that’s done by Tucker Carlson:

Notice how the issues are framed and analyzed. Note the solutions suggested.

Virtually every issue is grounded in a right wing conservative ideology, e.g.

  • the role of women in the home (to have babies, stay at home, and cook food)
  • the role of government (to get out of the way, not to regulate and tax corporations)
  • the role of free markets (to eliminate corrupt governments and promote public health and economic well being)
  • the role of science (to expose and dismantle corrupt and captured government scientists and regulators)

These views just happen to be a perfect justification for the corporate deregulatory policy agenda of Project 2025.

And this is not a coincidence.


Problem: FDA is funded by big pharma fees (75% of their budget). This funding creates conflicts of interest.

Solution: Eliminate that source of funding. With gridlock in Congress incapable of shifting funding to Legislative appropriations, that would “starve the beast” and advance Project 2025’s “dismantle the administrative state” policy.

Problem: Big Pharma is allowed to advertise drugs and stoke demand for drugs.

Solution: Ban advertising, which would just so happen to eliminate 50% of media revenues, attack “fake news” “enemy of the people”, and further cripple the media’s ability to expose corruption and the effects of Project 2025.

Problem: FDA, CDC, EPA, and other government agencies’ scientific advisory panels are dominated by industry scientists. The scientific research budgets of these agencies support corporate funded scientists and universities with conflicts of interests.

Solution: Ban scientists with conflicts of interest from serving on scientific review panels. Ban government funding of scientific research at universities with conflicts of interest. The just happens to create gridlock in any government regulatory initiative (which depends on this science), while attacking the elite university, again advancing the Project 2025 agenda.

Problem: Our food is contaminated with toxic pesticides that are poisoning us. Government programs, like food stamps, provide incentives to the food industry to market these toxic foods.

Solution: Ban government funding of food production support and social programs that provide incentives to the food industry to produce these toxic pesticide laden foods. This just so happens to coincide with the austerity and family values agenda of Project 2025.

Problem: Government food and drug safety regulations and dietary guidelines are scientifically flawed and were developed by Big Pharma and the food industry, who have captured and corrupted government. They promote and subsidize toxic processed food and dangerous and expensive drugs that merely treat chronic disease caused by toxic processed food.

Solution: Eliminate the flawed regulations and replace them with consumer choice and promotion of organic agriculture and good old fashioned home cooking and family meals. This agenda is twofer: it just so happens to justify Project 2025 deregulation and attack on government, while it also advances the “new feminism” and “family values” social agenda of stay at home moms who cook wholesome food from scratch.

There are many, many more examples I could cite from the works of RFK Jr and exposed in that Tucker Carlson interview.

The Tucker interview mentioned several specific Executive Orders that have “already been drafted” for the incoming Trump administration. Again, this is expressly part of the Project 2025 plan.

The Tucker interview even let the ideological cat out of the bag: that Stanford educated surgeon turned organic foodie alternative medicine man let it slip that her youthful family meals – with her Harvard Business School corporate lobbyist brother – included dinnertime conversations of topics such as “philosophy” and the ideas of Ayn Rand. Right.

Oh, and this woman, who denounces corruption in government and the health care industry, just so happens to be an entrepreneur who owns a business that sells a blood sugar monitoring device to women seeking to avoid IVF treatments merely by shifting their diet.

Harvard MBA and former corporate lobbyist Brother also is some kind of entrepreneur running a business related to his brand new “public interest” advocacy views.

You really can’t make this shit up.

[End Note: A stunning example was when our Stanford Surgeon turned organic foodie feminist claimed that German organic chemistry research that produced the Nazi gas (she didn’t mention the concentration camps) was directly related to the chemistry of pesticides that poison our food supply for the purposes of expanding production and lowering food prices (while blaming the Nazi’s for toxic agricultural chemicals, she didn’t mention the Green Revolution and role of western governments, industry, and institutions).

This claim prompted Tucker to accuse the Nazi’s of killing Christians (he didn’t mention the Holocaust or jews, or socialists, gays, et al). Tucker then went on to accuse the Nazi’s of developing nuclear weapons (he didn’t mention the US nuclear development program and actual use of nukes in Japan, twice).

See how this twisted game is played?

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