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Apology To Readers

My Post Exaggerated The Urgency Of The Sullivan County Incinerator Project

Late yesterday afternoon, based only on an email action alert from the Catskill Mountainkeeper, I posted a piece urging government officials and activists to oppose “construction” of a new garbage incinerator in Sullivan County.

That was misleading and I apologize for that. I was lazy and didn’t do my homework. I have deleted the post.

Unfortunately, I relied exclusively on Catskill Mountainkeeper’s action alert. So I posted up their info without reviewing it myself. I rarely do this, but Mountainkeeper has proven a very reliable source of activism.

This morning, I read the documents from Sullivan County – the Sullivan County Solid Waste Plan does not site and approve construction of a new garbage incinerator. Instead, it calls for a “feasibility study” of garbage incineration as a solid waste management option.

I am glad that Mountainkeeper and other activists are opposing this project early on, but I felt that my post misled readers by creating a false sense of urgency, so I deleted it.

There is likely several years of “feasibility study” and “planning” before any actual facility would be sited and financed and permitted.

I think Mountainkeeper was premature and misled people in how they conveyed that action alert – my email from Mountainkeeper came with two large red STOP signs : “STOP the Sullivan County Incinerator” with a warning that little time was left in the public comment period. That’s just inaccurate.

Apparently, you can’t rely on even good environmental groups.

My apologies.

My credibility is crucial and something I take very seriously. It won’t happen again.

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