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Trump Campaign Tries To Walk Away From Project 2025

Don’t Believe It – They Are Lying Again

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For once, the Democrats and media actually made aggressively framed substantive policy arguments to expose the radical right wing Christian Nationalist agenda of the Trump people.

But they left out most of the pro-corporate and anti-environmental agenda, including an insane plan to maximize fossil production, abandon all climate programs and politicize science.

They were just beginning to focus and get the word out to the American people.

The political outrage of the American public when they started to learn about what was in Project 2025 forced the Trump campaign to backpedal (and wait until people and the media find out about the ideas driving ideology and politics of JD Vance)

Read Project 2025 https://project2025.org/policy/ There are 30 chapters, almost all of which were written by people appointed by or connected to Trump. Trump Executive Orders, regulations, and policies are cited hundreds of times. There is a video of Trump congratulating Heritage for their work on the project.

The next shoe to drop in exposing the radical anti-democratic and expressly pro Dictator ideas of the Trump/Vance ticket are the financial and ideological links to Peter Thiel, Curtis Yarvin, & the “Dark Enlightenment”. Google them!

Don’t believe them. They lie. See:

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