Home > Uncategorized > Philadelphia Police Crush University Of Pennsylvania Pro-Palestinian Peaceful Protest Encampment

Philadelphia Police Crush University Of Pennsylvania Pro-Palestinian Peaceful Protest Encampment

Wanton Violation Of US Constitutional Free Speech & Assembly Rights

Cowardly University Leaders Crush Dissent With Violent Police State Tactics

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I was just about to revisit the Penn encampment today to check on the status, but learned that Philadelphia police crushed it yesterday morning.

Another disgusting display of raw corrupt power.

Another cowardly and corrupt President at the University of Pennsylvania, as he either ordered or tolerated the Philadelphia police to crush a peaceful Pro-Palestinian encampment yesterday:

I visited the campus several times and observed a totally peaceful protest that was in no way obstructing the day to day operations of the University or harassing or threatening anyone.

I spoke with Philly police supervisors on scene to compliment them on their restraint. They told me that had no interest in cracking down, so the orders came from above.

I can’t believe how openly US officials crush dissent and wantonly violate Constitutionally protect rights of free speech, assembly, and redress of grievance. These are core democratic rights.

Academic freedom no longer exists.

Disgusting police state tactics.

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