
Archive for May, 2024

Philadelphia Police Crush University Of Pennsylvania Pro-Palestinian Peaceful Protest Encampment

May 11th, 2024 No comments

Wanton Violation Of US Constitutional Free Speech & Assembly Rights

Cowardly University Leaders Crush Dissent With Violent Police State Tactics

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I was just about to revisit the Penn encampment today to check on the status, but learned that Philadelphia police crushed it yesterday morning.

Another disgusting display of raw corrupt power.

Another cowardly and corrupt President at the University of Pennsylvania, as he either ordered or tolerated the Philadelphia police to crush a peaceful Pro-Palestinian encampment yesterday:

I visited the campus several times and observed a totally peaceful protest that was in no way obstructing the day to day operations of the University or harassing or threatening anyone.

I spoke with Philly police supervisors on scene to compliment them on their restraint. They told me that had no interest in cracking down, so the orders came from above.

I can’t believe how openly US officials crush dissent and wantonly violate Constitutionally protect rights of free speech, assembly, and redress of grievance. These are core democratic rights.

Academic freedom no longer exists.

Disgusting police state tactics.

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Murphy DEP Coastal Flooding Rules Are (In)Zane

May 11th, 2024 No comments

Current Laws Provide a “Right To Rebuild” Storm Damaged Property In Same Location

DEP Ignores The Need For A New Policy Of “Strategic Retreat”

Tilting At Windmills On The Jersey Shore

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The Murphy DEP’s coastal flooding – climate adaptation rule proposal contains a glaring omission regarding a long avoided policy and plan for “strategic retreat” from the coast and a massive loophole regarding reconstruction of storm damaged property.

This is why NJ is one of the worst States in the Nation for filing repeat flood damage claims.

The DEP proposal quietly discloses some of these massive loopholes under the term “Zane amendment”. At page 25 we find this “InZane” elephant in the room:

Clarifying that structures subject to the Zane exemption must exist at the time of application to qualify for the “repair, replacement, renovation or reconstruction of the preexisting structure” in the rule. A Zane exemption is a limited exemption available under the Waterfront Development Act, N.J.S.A. 12:5-1 to -11, which allows waterfront structures (e.g., docks, wharfs, piers, bulkheads, buildings) that legally existed prior to January 1, 1981 to be rebuilt, repaired, renovated, or reconstructed provided such actions do not increase the size of the waterfront structure and the structure is used for residential, docking, or servicing of vessels.

Similar insane loopholes and exemptions are found in other critical laws, including the Flood Hazard Act, the Waterfront Development Act, and CAFRA, see:

But instead of developing a policy and plan for “strategic retreat”, the DEP is locked into a policy of  Severe Repetitive Flood Loss Mitigation Strategy.

Real reforms will require legislation to repeal current exemptions and close loopholes.

I wrote to legislators to put them on notice – with a copy to “environmental leaders”.

Yes, I know I’m just tilting at Windmills at the NJ Shore:

———- Original Message ———-

From: Bill WOLFE <b>

To: senbsmith <>, sengreenstein <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>

Cc: “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, Mark Lohbauer <>, “” <>, Anjuli Ramos <>, “Taylor McFarland, NJ Sierra Club” <>, domalley <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, Julia Somers <>, “Tittel, Jeff” <>, Jason Howell <>, Jaclyn Rhoads <>, MJ King <>

Date: 05/11/2024 7:12 AM EDT

Subject: Repeal Exemptions – “Right to rebuild” after storm event

Dear Legislator:

The DEP just announced proposal of regulations to address risks of sea level rise and extreme weather flooding to NJ’s coastal and waterfront development  zone,

In reviewing that proposal, I again noted numerous loopholes and exemptions in current NJ laws – including the Flood Hazard Act, CAFRA, and the Waterfront Development Act – regarding rebuilding or reconstruction of existing structures damaged or destroyed by storm events. Some call these exemptions an affirmative “right to rebuild”.

DEP has an inventory of some of those exemptions here:

In light of current and projected risks due to climate change, it is time to reconsider and repeal those exemptions and replace them with a new policy, strategy, and plan for strategic or “managed retreat”. This would include planning for the relocation of displaced residents and restoration of natural resources.

DEP has even mapped an “inundation zone”. Why should redevelopment occur in such a location?

NJ residents can no longer afford – economically and psychologically – to repeat the failed land use and development patterns of the past.

We must do better.

Current laws do not provide an adequate basis for DEP to effectively plan for and regulate the coastal zone and inland flood risks due to extreme weather and climate change. As they say: “Adapt or die”.

We look forward to your timely and favorable response.

Bill Wolfe

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Emerging Story: Murphy DEP Seeks To Protect Investors From Climate Risk

May 10th, 2024 No comments

For the First Time Ever, DEP Cites Moody’s

It Is Not DEP’s Job To Protect Wall Street

Today, the Murphy DEP announced an upcoming July proposal of the long delayed climate adaptation regulations dubbed REAL.

The DEP provided a courtesy draft of the comprehensive massive rule proposal.

I am reviewing the proposal now, but felt obliged, after I pulled my jaw up from my desk, to get out an early word on the proposal.

This is astonishing. For the first time ever, DEP is explicitly asserting a regulatory objective of protecting financial investors from financial risks of climate change.

That is a radical departure from DEP’s statutory and historic mission.

Need I state the obvious: DEP is NOT the Department of Banking and Insurance. It is not DEP’s job to protect Wall Street investors.

Specifically, the proposal states:

Given this significant financial exposure and the reality that investment in resilience leads to savings in recovery and an increasing awareness of and desire to avoid unmitigated climate risks among investors …

These findings display that past methodologies, and current standards for assessing and managing flood risk, may not capture all areas at risk of flooding and/or may not accurately reflect the severity of flood risk in known flood-prone areas in the wake of a changing climate.  …

This proposed rulemaking will help those making decisions regarding investments in at risk areas have the necessary information to adequately factor that risk into decisions on where they may want their family to reside, where development should occur, and the types of development that are most appropriate in a particular area.” (p.17)

With respect to the second paragraph above, which admits that DEP’s standards are not sufficiently protective, we criticized the July 2023 inland flood rules as “obsolete” because they were based on the 100 year storm eventas are the proposed new REAL rules, see:

Full view forthcoming.

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Murphy DEP Corporate Revolving Door Swinging Wildly

May 9th, 2024 No comments

Murphy DEP Deputy Commissioner Returns To Corporate Lobbying Firm

Will NJ Ethics Laws On Post Employment Restrictions Be Enforced?

In another egregious example of revolving door abuse, Murphy DEP’s Deputy Commissioner Sean Moriarty recently left the DEP to return to the corporate lobbying group Archer Public Affairs.

Moriarty serves as Director, Strategic Regulatory Affairs.

After more than a decade of public service, I have returned to the Archer family as a member of Archer Public Affairs. …

In my new role as a strategic advisor and consultant, I hope to bring my broad experience, insight and understanding of complex government systems and policymaker mindsets to help clients meet their goals in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

By his own words, obviously, that position involves regulatory policy work Moriarty was involved in at NJ DEP.

NJ ethics laws establish what are known as “post employment restrictions” on high level government policymaking officials who leave their state jobs for more lucrative work in the private sector: (Ethics Commission):

This memorandum presents a comprehensive overview of the State Ethics Commission’s decisions, policies and guidelines concerning the post-employment provisions of the Conflicts Law.

N.J.S.A. 52:13D-17 provides:

No State officer or employee or special State officer or employee,  subsequent to the termination of his office or employment in any State agency, shall represent, appear for, negotiate on behalf of, or provide information not generally available to members of the public or services to, or agree to represent, appear for, negotiate on behalf of, or provide information not generally available to members of the public or services

But Mr. Moriarty flouted these restrictions, right out of the box: (Archer Public Affairs)

Sean Moriarty, Archer Public Affair’s Director, will serve as the moderator for the panel discussion at the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey’s 2024 Energy & Environmental Outlook Forum. The Forum will feature the region’s leaders in the energy and utility industries, as well as high-level policymakers from the NJBPU and NJDEP. The half-day event will provide the latest news and information from the state, as well as the critical investments and new opportunities energy companies are pursuing across South Jersey.

I referred this abuse to the State Ethics Commission for investigation and appropriate enforcement.

This is another disgusting example of unethical abuse of the public interest by the corporate dominated Murphy DEP.

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My Robin Chicks Fledged Today

May 8th, 2024 No comments

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One of the bright moments in these dark genocidal times was a mother robin’s construction of a nest on the ledge above my front door window.

For weeks, I watched with fascination as she built the nest, which I could observe from my living room couch. Amazing to see the construction materials she used.

I was crushed, when after a week or so, she seemed to have abandoned those efforts.

But a few days later she returned, apparently to lay eggs and sit on the nest constantly.

Sure enough, weeks later 4 chicks were hatched.

I watched mesmerized by the female robin’s constant feeding of 4 hungry chicks.

As they grew, I noticed that the nest was not well constructed like the standard bowl shaped nest. It was deformed on one side and built more like a flat pancake that was tilted towards dumping the chicks onto the sidewalk.

I mentioned that to a wonderful new neighbor, and she suggested a fix. Minutes later, she and her visiting father arrived and drilled a support board across the ledge to protect the chicks from falling out of the nest. How good is that?

This morning, I noticed unusual frantic activity in the nest. Chicks were flapping their wings, strutting, and leaving the nest to walk along the window ledge.

Late this afternoon, as I sat outside for an afternoon beer, a chick dropped down almost my shoulder and landed on my planter box. The chick attempted to fly but couldn’t get airborne. It then hopped to the sidewalk and across the street.

We later went for a walk with Charlie. When I returned, another chick was perched on my chair and rapidly hopped off as we approached.

I looked at the nest and all 4 chicks were gone. Mom was screeching and flying around frantically.

I had an empty feeling – kind of like the feeling I had when my own 2 kids left the nest and set out on their own paths.

Joni Mitchell’s Circle game came to mind.

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