A Fleeting Moment of Beauty and Truth

[Update below]

During the Women’s March on DC last Saturday, as the protesters converged into an ocean at the corner of 14th and Constitution, I managed to make eye contact with this beautiful woman – her loving gaze penetrated my soul:


That’s a highly cropped version of what I saw:

_DSC1464 (1)

This is a haunting vision I can’t seem to shake, especially as Trump and his hate driven evangelical Christian fascist supporters attack Muslims and other immigrants.

This woman sums up my thinking in these dark days – we are so sorry:


So for those, like me, who are in some funk of shock and feeling in despair, listen to Naomi Klein for a path forward.

[Update – 1/30/17 – for a deep analysis of our crisis and how to avoid literally going insane, read Chris Hedges’ superb column (particularly the application of Arendt’s work):

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