Christie BPU Ignores Public Demands To Respond to Climate Crisis & Accelerate Transition To Renewable Energy

Gov. Christie: “his entire career reeks” (The New Republic) (Note: I did not shoot this photo – apologies to the photographer, but I can’t recall when I copied it)
What I am saying is that it’s not a crisis. The climate’s been changing forever … I just don’t buy that. I just don’t buy the fact that it’s a ‘crisis,’ I just don’t.” ~~~ Gov. Christie (12/1/15)
During the summer, the Christie Board of Public Utilities (BPU) held public hearings to solicit public comments on how to update the 2011 Christie Energy Master Plan (EMP): (BPU explains)
In developing this update, BPU held three public hearings: August 11, 2015 in Newark; August 13, 2015 in Trenton; and August 17, 2015 in Galloway. In addition, written comments were received by BPU over a 30-day period ending August 24, 2015. A total of 82 individuals offered comments at the public hearings. In addition, 1093 written comments were received and reviewed. The written comments were posted to BPU’s website and can be found at In preparing this update, BPU considered all of the comments offered on all relevant topics in the public hearings and submitted in writing.
The BPU released a Draft Updated EMP.
On November 20, 2015, BPU issued a self congratulatory press release and provided only a 14 day public comment period on the Draft Energy Master Plan Update,. The comment period expires today (December 4, 2015).
(See the NJ Spotlight story on the EMP release)
In Updating the EMP, the BPU virtually ignored virtually all of the public comments, the large majority of which emphasized the climate crisis and urgent need to accelerate and expand energy efficiency and transition to renewable energy programs.
While the Christie corporate lobbyist Energy Team ignored public demands, they did find time to listen and respond to the fossil energy industry and file a lawsuit against the Obama EPA Clean Power Plan, see:
The Governor himself felt the need to announce his own special brand of climate denial – perfectly timed for the Paris negotiations – while out on the campaign trail:
“What I am saying is that it’s not a crisis. The climate’s been changing forever … I just don’t buy that. I just don’t buy the fact that it’s a ‘crisis,’ I just don’t.”
So, I am not recommending that people spend a lot of time reviewing the Draft Plan and preparing written comments on it. The Christie administration is basically hopelessly corrupt on climate and energy issues.
But I do suggest that folks should let their friends, press, legislators, and BPU know how you feel about their failure to seriously consider and respond to public demands on climate, efficiency, and renewable energy.
I actually could not find where to send comments to at BPU on the Update, so will assume that comments can be submitted to the same place that BPU website suggested for the 2011 Plan:
Written public comments regarding the 2011 Energy Master Plan Update must be submitted by close of business on Monday, August 24, 2015.
To submit comments via email, send comments to:
To submit comments via the US Postal Service, mail comments to:
EMP Update Board Secretary PO Box 44 S. Clinton Ave Trenton, NJ 08625