Another Self Serving Farce, Brought To You By the Corporate Green Crowd
Who Is Hamsphire Real Estate?

May Day 2012 – NY City
The original caption read: “Protester either reading or channeling David Harvey’s newest book “Rebel Cities” – I am reading that now!”
You won’t see any protesters or signs about any occupation of “public space” or strong assertion of “rights” to the city in the upcoming corporate farce: “PARKing Day” in Morristown NJ on September 18:
MORRISTOWN – Grow It Green Morristown will be turning a parking space into a park for a day to draw attention to the need for open space and to raise money to make improvements to the Early Street Community Garden.
No, these folks mind their manners and ask for permission – and even pay the parking meter! (see The Manual that they actually call a “Manifesto”!)
5b. Talking to Authorities
Research and understand the laws governing your city’s parking spaces. Authority figures are usually concerned with safety, so be prepared to share your plans to keep people out of harm‘s way. We recommend appealing to law enforcement’s sense of civic pride rather than antagonizing them. Remember, you are not protesting—you’re using your public space to improve the quality of life for people! You may want to designate one member of you team to interface with the authorities. Be sure this designee does their research and is prepared to speak with confidence and respect.
This Morristown event is no real grassroots event that seeks to make change in land use laws or policies, transform private property to public space, or promote social justice.
It’s a fundraiser folks – another transfer of wealth to the wealthy.
[* Grow it Green is one of the few groups that is working on local food, which is a critical issue. So, it is with reluctance that I criticize. But they are being used by the corporate crowd. Someone said it much better than I: “Hate the sin, love the sinner“.]
Another co-optation of a progressive concept and another “green stunt” fraud on the public by the same corrupt self dealing elite green crowd:
Donations to the campaign have come from Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist, Sustainable Jersey, F.M. Kirby Foundation, Kings Food Markets, HSBC Bank, Conservation Resources, Gran Fondo NJ, The Hampshire Real Estate Companies and others. ~~~ (Daily Record 9/6/15)
Those “donors” sound familiar, no?
Readers know all about Sustainable NJ, but perhaps folks are unaware of the links between Hampshire Real Estate and Chris Daggett of the Dodge Foundation (or that Daggett, using his power at Dodge, has silenced critics of Gov. Christie and defunded grassroots groups, including the only ones working on toxic site cleanups and “brown fields” issues. What a coincidence that that just so happens to benefit his corporate relationships.)
PPG — which did over $30 billion in business last year — says the designated redeveloper, a company that includes former Gov. Jim Florio and former DEP Commissioner Chris Daggett, has agreed to much of the work the city is asking for. ~~~ (NJTV 2/10/15)
So, what is the company that NJTV couldn’t name that Daggett and Florio are working with? Hampshire!
“Community members met last week to discuss the 900 Garfield Ave. property that has been the subject of recent media attention. The 13-acre property, which is owned by a partnership of former Gov. James Florio, former state environmental head Christopher Daggett and a third partner, the Hampshire Redevelopment Company, has been the subject of media scrutiny over how the property was acquired by the partnership and how much contamination is on the land.” ~~~ (Hudson reporter, 4/19/04)
My sense is that readers also don’t know that Hampshire Real Estate is involved in another scandal linked to Governor Christie’s Office today:
“Emails obtained by The Press of Atlantic City show Saatkamp frequently sought the advice and assistance of Jon Hanson, an adviser to Gov. Chris Christie, chairman of the Governor’s Advisory Commission on New Jersey Gaming, Sports and Entertainment (often called the Hanson Commission), and chairman of the Hampshire Companies in Morristown.” ~~~ (Press of Atlantic City, 9/6/15)
And we thought that Mike Catania disbanded Conservation Resources – are they still a paper corporation designed to mask contributions, like dark money?
It is fraud’s like this that make me sick and explain why I no longer consider myself an “environmentalist” – the corporate conservation crowd has bought and co-opted all they ever stood for.
[End Note: and you want real historical irony?
At one point, Jim Florio told it like it is – see this 1988 story where he criticizes Daggett, his current partner.
It was about the RCRA program that I was deeply involved in at the time:
[Note: Here is a link to the GAO Report on illegal hazardous waste disposal in NJ that Florio cited.]
DEP’s Nominee’s Record Challenged
TRENTON — Gov. Kean’s nominee as the state’s next environmental chief came under criticism yesterday from U.S. Rep. James J. Florio (D., N.J.), who questioned his performance as a federal regulator. …
The criticism came as Florio released a report he had requested from the General Accounting Office that finds that New Jersey and the federal government are doing an inadequate job of cracking down on hazardous-waste handlers that violate the law. …
At a news conference in Trenton, Florio said the report “should be a source of inquiry” when the state Senate holds confirmation hearings on Kean’s nomination of Daggett to head the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
Though Florio put much of the blame for lax enforcement on the state agency, he said Daggett should be held responsible for not stepping in when the state faltered.
Both Daggett and Florio are now working with those same “hazardous-waste handlers that violate the law.” – like PPG.
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