Belmar Boardwalk Rebuilding Just the First of Many Sandy Photo Op’s

Gov. Chris Christie, joined by Belmar Mayor Matthew Doherty, center, pulls a lever on a pile driver to push the first pile into the ground. (source: KEVIN R. WEXLER / STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER). Source: Bergen Record
[Update: 1/15/13 – Charlie Stile of Bergen Record nails exactly what we argue: Christie’s videos blurring the boundaries of official and political – end]
Governor Christie didn’t wait for the dust to settle on his State of the State self- promotion yesterday, before heading out to the shore to kick off his re-election campaign at the rebuilding of the Belmar Boardwalk.
The Democrats must just love this photo! Chris Christie – the hard hat labor champion of the working man and construction unions! Hahaahahaaha!
Suck on that Steve Sweeney!
And there’s a whole lot more where that came from, as billions of taxpayer bailout dollars flow in block grants into Governor Christie’s NJ Rebuild Czar’s Office, no strings attached.
We can look forward to a spring, summer, and fall of Christie doing tons of shore ribbon cutting events.
Nice job fellas! You just keep up that bi-partisan “working for the greater good of NJ” bullshit.
And if I read a press release from some environmental group declaring victory because the original plans to build with tropical rainforest hardwood ipe were abandoned, I surely will throw up. Talk about missing the forest for the trees …