OWS March on DC - Rahway, NJ (11/10/11)
It’s funny how stuff goes down sometimes (and I just finished “The Road” (1907) by Jack London).
I ventured out after lunch today, in hopes of finding the OWS DC March, which I figured would be somewhere near New Brunswick.
It took about 12 miles travel up Rt. 27, but I finally located them in Rahway.
As if by magic or serendipity, I met them and their police escort directly across the street from the “Roosevelt School” (as in FDR and New Deal, for you youngsters out there). Boooya!

Roosevelt School, Rahway, NJ
I again offered support, but I think the protesters think I’m a cop.
Anyway, after walking with them for a 1/2 mile or so, I went back to the car and moseyed on down the road (Rt. 27) towards New Brunswick, when I came across a hot dog stand.
I stopped for a dog, and the  owner, Betsy, and I struck up a conversation – she gave my puppy a hot dog treat!
I told Betsy that OWS March would pass by in a half hour or so – she got excited, said she supported OWS and wanted to help.
But she quickly became bummed because she realized that she had to leave early to get to a concert in NYC.
But, to hell with the concert – she ended up staying, waiting, and treating the marchers to some hot dogs and vegetable soup! So, if you’re in the area, drop by and visit Betsy! (just north of the intersection of Rt 27 and Oak tree Road in Iselin).

OWS folks enjoy dogs and soup, courtesy of Betsy!
I suspect that lots of random acts of kindness will be practiced along the OWS March Road to DC.
Tomorrow, the March hits Trenton – be there and support these brave and committed activists!