- Green Acres funded improvements at Baldpate Mountain, Hopewell (Mercer Co.)

Governor Christie and DEP Commissioner Bob Martin have claimed that we can’t afford investments in urban parks and Trenton’s historical legacy, including, among many others, Capital State Park, Petty’s Run, and Trenton Barracks.
(and Martin talks a good game of private sector management skills, cultural change, setting strategic priorities and focusing on “core mission”).
As DEP owned buildings, roads, and infrastructure crumble, a huge unfunded backlog in deferred routine maintenance grows at State Parks, State lands, and historical sites.
Yet, during today’s hike at Baldpate Mountain, I almost expected to see champagne sipping flappers emerge onto DEP’s Green Acres funded patio improvements – check it out:
- patio improvements at “visitors center”

Calling Jay Gatsby: will patio be used for elite private parties, weddings, etc?
How can we afford patio improvements at Baldpate when we can’t afford urban parks,Trenton’s history, or deferred maintenance at State Parks?
And even if these other statewide needs didn’t exist, how could  we afford patio improvements when outbuildings are literally falling down at Baldpate? Check it out:
And in just my tiny neck of the woods, the places I love to play in were closed today, due to delays in repairs resulting from Hurricane Irene – way back on August 27.
The D&R Canal Park was still closed due a washout of a section of the Canal, as was Bulls Island State park – but the patio improvements were funded and going like gangbusters
(and I wonder which work will be completed first? Will the patio open before the State Parks?):
- D&R Canal Park – closed (10/16/11)
- Bulls Island – closed. Those uniformed professionals are Parks employees – that’s your “CSR” – “Customer Service representative” on the right.
Memo to Bob Martin:
Regardless of availability of funds and warped sense of priorities, your “customer service” philosophy has gone too far.
When I go to Walmart and buy some plastic crap I don’t need, I am a customer there.
But when I walk, bike, camp, fish, or hike in a NJ State Park, I am a citizen visitor, or Park user, not a “customer”.
Got that?
So tell your new Parks “customer reps” that they are public servants and park managers.
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