[Update below]
[Scroll down for photos of NJ “Town Hell”]
From the manufacturers of the 1950’s communist witch hunts, the 1960’s Nixon “Southern Strategy”, and more recently “intelligent design”, global warming deniers, Swiftboat Vets, Teabaggers, Birthers, Town Hellers, and know nothing parents opposed to President Obama’s “socialist indoctrination” of their children, comes a new McCarthyite and racist witch hunt against “green commie ecoterrorists“.
From the classic “The Paranoid Style in America Politics“ (1964), “The Power of Nightmares” (2004), to “In America, Crazy is a Preexisting Condition” (2009) – we’ve come a long way baby!

Van Jones, Obama advisor (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
The most recent manifestation of crazy paranoia is the orchestrated right wing and Glenn Beck/Fox media attack that forced the resignation of Obama advisor Van Jones. Jones, a black community, labor, civil rights, and environmental activist, was the real deal, a true grassroots progressive.
But, putting expediency above principle, Obama caved in to a concerted right wing smear campaign and threw Jones under the bus. See: Taking the Movement Out of the Obama White House
For those who think it can’t happen here in liberal blue state New Jersey, check out the below NJ photo’s and consider this paranoid rant August 11, 2009 press release by the NJ Outdoor Alliance
DHS Reveals NJ Based Groups Provide Cover for Ecoterrorists
Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 at 6:13 pm
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
Belmar, NJ -(AmmoLand.com)- NJOA E Action Alert – members continue to ask that we keep them apprised of the animal extremism in New Jersey, since the movement targets fishing, hunting, trapping and conservation practices.Yesterday I was forwarded an unclassified “For Official Use Only” document. It is apparently from The Department of Homeland Security alleging national groups (that also have operations in NJ), and a local New Jersey group, are providing cover for “ecoterrorists” I have read similar reporting from two premiere civil rights organizations; Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center.
Contents from the document follow:
The term “ecological terrorists, or ecoterrorists,” refers to those individuals who independently and/or in concert with others engage in acts of violence and employ tactics commonly associated with terrorism to further their sociopolitical agenda aimed at animal and/or environmental protection.
From a security standpoint, the activities of the ecoterrorist movement are significant for several reasons and should be of interest to domestic security and law enforcement officials. First, Ecoterrorists have perpetrated more illegal acts commonly associated with terrorism on U.S. soil than any other known group, including al-Qaeda and radical Islamic militants.
In addition, various groups that constitute the ecoterrorist movement [Animal Liberation Front aka “ALF”] are also believed to interact, to one degree or another, with mainstream environmental and animal-rights organizations and/or individuals. Although none of the mainstream organizations officially endorses or participates in the illegal and violent activities championed by ecomilitants, some prominent members of mainstream groups are known to sympathize with the ecoterrorist movement.
Mainstream organizations with known or possible links to ecoterrorism include the following:
- Greens
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
- The Sierra Club
- National Wildlife Federation
- Audubon Society
- Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
- Friends of the Earth
- Greenpeace
- Earth First!
- Coalition to Save the Preserve (CSP)
- Environmental Task Force
- The Frogs
- In Defense of Animals
- New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
- Fund for Animals
[this is the End of the NJOA alert]
Here is the national context:
Here are photos from a Tea Party “Town Hell”at Congressman Holt district constituent meeting in Middletown NJ:

Middletown, NJ – Congressman Holt’s Town Hell (all photos taken on 8/25/09)

Middletown, NJ

Middletown, NJ

Middletown NJ – on the same the day Ted Kennedy died.

The “ladies” are holding LaRuche “Obama is a Nazi” literature
[Update: 3/2/17: this is the last straw – I take back the praise of “veal pen” Van Jones below:
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Dear Mr. Wolfe
I have noted your posting of an alert that I sent out from the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance. I’d like to comment.
Firstly, the alert is the body of a Department of Homeland Security document. My only commentary alerts the reader to the origin of the document.
Secondly, someone has edited the original alert. My alert is not the one posted on wolfenotes. There were no pictures or any association with President Obama or his healthcare plan. There was no association with the death of Ted Kennedy.
I have included the balance of the original alert for authenticity:
Among the [above] organizations, PETA… the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, and certain individuals within the HSUS are known or suspected of having financial ties to individuals and groups associated with ecoterrorism. In addition to financial ties to ecomilitancy, both HSUS and PETA, or at least individuals within those organizations, have an established record of supporting individuals and/or groups commonly associated with ecoterrorism.
The current crop of ALF spokespersons, who now call themselves “press officers,” includes a New Jersey activist named Angi Metler, whom PETA News once described as a “PETA spokesperson.” Another self-appointed ALF “press officer” is Dr. Jerry Vlasak. In 2003, while acting as a spokesperson for the PETA-affiliated Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), Vlasak openly endorsed the murder of doctors who use animals in their medical research. “For 5 lives, 10 lives, 15 human lives,” he told an animal-rights convention, “we could save a million, 2 million, 10 million non-human lives.”
Ecomilitants target primarily those entities and individuals who, in their view, directly engage in exploiting animals and desecrating the environment. As such, the most frequent targets of ecoterrorist groups such as ELF and ALF are:
1. Commercial enterprises and/or individuals engaged in housing and urban development
2. Commercial enterprises and/or individuals involved in the logging industry
3. Sport utility vehicle (SUV) dealerships
4. Commercial enterprises and/or individuals involved in the production, sale, and distribution
5. of animal products (leather and fur producers, sellers, and distributors; restaurants; and meat, poultry and fish producers)
6. Animal research facilities and personnel
7. Commercial enterprises and universities involved in genetic engineering
8. Animal farms and nurseries
9. Hunting clubs and associations
10. Animal service facilities and personnel (animal shelters and veterinary clinics) engaged in animal vivisection procedures
The entire report is available on various internet sites. One link is below:
Finally, I would be glad to provide wolfenotes.com with a list of terrorist acts, arrests, examples of intimidation, harassment, guilty verdicts and list the associated costs of vandalism and arson by some of the organizations listed, if you are interested. I can assure you that these are the true “green scare” that all NJ citizens have to fear, certainly not my words, which merely point out the contents of the DHS document and the actions of others.
It seems to me that the public good would be best be served by investigating the claims made by the DHS document and holding people accountable for acts of terrorism and intimidation. Some of the listed groups are national in scope and not relevant to New Jersey.
Anthony P Mauro, Sr
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
The members of the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance invite your readers to visit our website:
Below is our mission statement
Mission Statement
The mission of New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is to serve as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to environmental stewardship. We will champion the intrinsic value of natural resource conservation – including fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders and policy makers. We will support legislation, and those sponsoring legislation, that provides lasting ecological and social enrichment through sustainable use of the earth’s resources.
Thank you
Anthony P. Mauro, Sr
New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
Thank you Mr. Mauro – as I noted, your press release is a paranoid rant that is essentially an attack on many NJ environmental groups in terms of implying that they support or are “ecoterrorists:.
I never said your press release included the Obama health care event photo’s.
As I wrote, I was just making the point that there are crazy paranoid people involved in NJ politics. NJOA included.
I suspedt thaty you are commenting here now in response to the fact that I just sent you press release to NJ Audubon and other conservation groups. I don’t know how those groups can work in a coalition with a group like NJOA that calls them ecoterrorists.
Mr. Wolfe
Firstly, I make no claim that any of those groups engage in ecoterrorism. The Department of Homeland Security makes all claims – and it claims that the groups provide cover for ecoterrorists. My statement simply announces the Department of Homeland Security’s list. But, this is obvious from everything that is posted including my alert, which was truncated in your blog.
It seems that the act of terrorism – or in this case those organizations identified by the U.S. government as providing cover to those who commit ecoterrorist acts – would be the concern. For some reason the emphasis with wolfenotes is that NJOA is at issue for posting a public document. If the information contained in the DHS release seems radical then it is the U.S. government that should be the subject of your blog.
With respect to comment about NJ Audubon, NJ Audubon is not on the DHS list. My understanding is that it is a separate entity from Audubon Society. Personally, any dealings I have had with NJ Audubon have shown it to be exceptional in both its mission and professionalism. If you feel the compliment is pandering I can assure you it is not, NJ Audubon is not a member of the NJOA coalition.
However, I would hope that your press release acts to alert organizations to their responsibility to be good corporate citizens in addition to environmental stewards.
Thank you for the opportunity to clarify the circumstances.
Anthony P. Mauro Sr
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