Is additional car dependent public access worth the destruction?

Back in January, while hiking on Baldpate Mountain (Hopewell Township, Mercer County) I was shocked to come across a new access road and parking lot blasted through forest – an experience that prompted me to write this post (with pictures):
Pave paradise: Put up a parking lot
Today I returned to the scene of the crime for some followup photos – scroll through and see the good, the bad and the ugly along my hike:

Bill: This may all be due to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Even if no one in a wheel chair ever wants to go there, they have to be able to if they want.
Bill: I am a wilderness advocate, but I think these improvements may be worthwhile. The buildings and grounds at this park have become so deteriorated that it may have become (& perhaps still is) an invitation to vandalism & vagrancy. In addition, insufficient parking access can lead to people parking wherever they can maneuver their SUV’s — over plants & vegetation, etc. So in this case I do feel the improvemnts are a good idea. Even though my “secret” park may no longer be a secret.
Bill: While leaving the park today I noticed the sign! You even have a picture of it at the top of your post.
BaldPLATE!! Nice.
Bill: While leaving the park today I noticed the sign! You even have a picture of it at the top of your post.
BaldPLATE!! Nice.
I hadn’t noticed that!
And I thought I had terrible spelling!
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