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NJ Fish & Game Funding Solution

April 22nd, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

Although the overall State and DEP budget climate is dire, New Jersey has a brief window of opportunity to significantly increase federal funding for the Division of Fish and Wildlife. By implementing a saltwater fishing license in advance of a federal mandate to do so, NJ fisheries managers will not only keep revenues in state for use in fisheries management, but also benefit from increased funding from the Wallop-Breaux Fund. If NJ does not act soon, however, a federal license will be implemented for NJ anglers, with all of the revenue going to Washington.
Many experts and news sources agree – we are hopeful that tomorrow’s Senate Budget Committee hearing on DEP budget can examine this funding alternative:
[Gil] Ewing [Chairman of NJ Marine Fisheries Council] noted the federal government is talking about a fee of $35, and the money would go into the general treasury and not be used for fishery programs. If the state enacts its own license, the money stays in New Jersey just for fishery programs.” (see: http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/186/story/139036.html
“The new requirement stems from the 2006 reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, which governs fishing in federal waters. Registration would be free of charge until 2011, when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will start charging a fee that could range from $15 to $25, said NOAA fisheries biologist Gordon Colvin.
States can exempt their anglers from the federal registry requirement by setting up their own program and submitting the data – names, addresses, and telephone numbers – directly to NOAA.” (see: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-lifish0418,0,272671.story
“Under the Wallop-Breaux amendments to the Sport Fish Restoration Act, about a half-billion dollars are doled out to the states each year. Sixty percent of each state’s share is based on the number of licensed anglers, 40 on land and water area. (No state can get more than five percent or less than one percent of available funds.) Under this program states can apply for up to 75 percent federal reimbursement on fisheries projects. So, by refusing to pay for a license, which would cost them roughly what they pay for three or four flies lost to bluefish in a morning, they are ensuring that all taxes they pay on fishing equipment and gasoline benefit everyone but themselves. They are getting nothing back in terms of enhanced enforcement, habitat protection or management; instead they are investing in such projects as Kansas catfish studies.” (see: http://www.flyrodreel.com/Blogs/Ted-Williams/May-2006/Do-We-Need-Saltwater-Licenses/
“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, is urging states to institute their own licenses and work out deals to honor those from other states. The message is that states can keep the money if they do so, but will lose it if NOAA puts a license in place.
NOAA just wants information. For 28 years, fish managers have relied on surveys of anglers, the Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Surveys, or MRFSS, but there are big gaps of information and it is constantly under attack from fishing groups. Fish managers need more information than they did in 1980, and MRFSS was not designed to provide it.” (see: http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/186/story/139036.html
Delaware recently created a saltwater license and other neighboring states are seriously considering one:
“States from Florida through Virginia have had saltwater licenses for years, and Delaware just instituted one. There are none from New Jersey through Maine, although Connecticut is close to putting one into place with language allowing reciprocal arrangements with Rhode Island and New York.” (see: http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/186/story/139036.html
“At a state Assembly hearing in Farmingdale yesterday on complying with the law, New York environmental Commissioner Pete Grannis said his agency is leaning toward a more sweeping state licensing program. It could encompass fishing in state waters and include more species.
“We believe that a state license would be a win-win for New York State,” [DEC Commissioner Pete] Grannis said.
The commissioner said New York’s two other options for federal compliance – having state fishermen register directly with the federal government, or setting up the state program that mirrors the federal provisions – would not provide a “complete picture” of New York recreational fishing.” (see:http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-lifish0418,0,272671.story

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