We have been following the progress of the “Regional Green House Gas Initiative” (RGGI) legislation. See:
Global warming bill hijacked
December 18, 2007
Today, the controversial bill passed both houses of the Legislature and goes to Governor Corzine for consideration.
We trust that the Governor will heed the advice of business and environmental groups and major NJ news and editorial coverage before taking action on the bill:
Bergen Record:
Plan to reduce greenhouse gas called a sellout
Friday, January 4, 2008A parade of business groups, consumer advocates and environmentalists panned New Jersey’s plan to crack down on greenhouse gas emissions Thursday, criticizing it as too weak, too expensive or too generous to power companies.
This bill is clearly a compromise,” Lisa Jackson, the state environmental commissioner, told legislators.
Wait for next session to vote on carbon plan
Monday, January 7, 2008Trenton shouldn’t rush to approve a plan favored by utilities that would increase the price of electricity.
Rarely do business, consumer and environmental interest groups all come together on legislative proposals. Yet they have in New Jersey to oppose a plan backed by Gov. Jon Corzine to have regular auctions for utilities to pay for how much polluting carbon dioxide they would be allowed to emit into the air. The bill passed through committees in the state Senate and Assembly Thursday and is to be voted on by the full Senate and Assembly today.
Bergen Record:
Pollution measure needs cleaning up
Sunday, January 6, 2008In its inimitable way, the New Jersey Legislature has taken another sensible idea and produced nonsensical policy. Legislation that would make the state part of a regional initiative combating global warming has become, incredibly enough, a thing reviled by most environmentalists, as well as by many of their traditional opponents in industry.
…the regional initiative’s pollution caps are so modest that they might not force any additional reductions in emissions in New Jersey. Given that and the litany of worries about this bill, it should not be rushed through the Legislature in the final hours of the session.And if it is, Governor Corzine should not sign it.
Star Ledger:
Too many flaws in greenhouse gas bill
Sunday, December 30, 2007The proposed RGGI law being rushed through Trenton’s lame-duck legislative session reflects a miserable New Jersey political tradition. Every special interest imaginable has reached in to grab a share of the money or other benefits.
Gov. Jon Corzine’s administration is anxious to pass an RGGI bill so New Jersey can show its commitment to the regional consortium. But the cur rent bill carries too much bag gage.
http://www.nj.com/opinion/ledger/editorials/index.ssf?/base/news-2/119899292169600.xml&coll=1Emissions proposal misses point
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
STAFF WRITERA much-heralded plan to curb global warming emissions may do little for the environment: The caps it puts on greenhouse gases are already higher than what New Jersey pumps out.
One environmental activist says the public has been misled about what politicians say is a historic plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions.“These guys in Trenton are just blowing smoke,” said Bill Wolfe, director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a watchdog group. “They’re getting credit for doing something for the environment when really they’re not doing anything.”
http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXkzJmZnYmVsN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk3MjM4MDM0JnlyaXJ5N2Y3MTdmN3ZxZWVFRXl5Mg==Clean-air plan aids polluters
Bergen Record
NJ – Dec 21, 2007asked Jeff Tittel, director of the state Sierra Club. “This bill is not about the environment anymore; it’s about lobbying and special interests. …
As they used to say: “The whole world is watching”
Let’s look at the other side of the coin. For every scientist who says Global Warming is a threat, there is a scientist who says the opposite. Read for yourself:
Dear ValdezA:
What you say is absolutely false. There is a universal consensus among scientists that global warming is real and a threat.
The source you site has zero scientific credibility – Readers should not be fooled.
Let folks check it out and decide for themselves:
Dear ValdezA:
What you say is absolutely false. There is a universal consensus among scientists that global warming is real and a threat.
The source you site has zero scientific credibility – Readers should not be fooled.
Let folks check it out and decide for themselves:
ValdezA, you need to wake up & smell the coffee. This is 2008 — not 1965. Even our Luddite president agrees global warming is now an issue.
Once again, pressure & money from utilities and from business interests are causing our elected officials to sell NJ citizens down the river. I have already called my legislators, and we all should. This opportunity is too important to let slip by.
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